CB Abducted Solo Write

Chatterbox: Inkwell

CB Abducted Solo Write

CB Abducted Solo Write


You wake up in the middle of nowhere with your hands and legs tied up and a gag over your mouth.  You are with a bunch of other people whom you don't remember, but are somehow familiar to you.  In the distance, you see the outline of a person, walking away toward the horizon.  You'd cry out to them, but you're gagged.  Under your hands is a knife.  You use it to cut your bindings as best you can to find that the only thing besides you and your peers is a large backpack and a note.  It says:

Hello!  You must be the first one awake.  I have some things for you to do. First, you need to find the hollow place.  Then, you must spot the new sky.  Finally, you must take yourself and one more to the resting point.  There, you will be saved, but only if you know who to trust.

You look at the rest of the people you're with, and as another person starts moving, you help them out.



1. There are no AEs or CAPTCHAs unless I ask for them

2. Please no more than 8 people

3. Please try to be detailed when you write your charrie sheet.  (by detailed, I mean what you're wearing, jewelry you may have, and basically everything else.)

4. People that aren't completely human are allowed.


Additional info!

-Trust level is basically how easily you trust people

-Everyone has one thing, and ONE THING ONLY under their hands when they wake up

-The first person to wake up is the first person to join

-AEs and CAPTCHAs may or may not be an important role, that's why I'm going to ask at some intervals for them 

-My name will not be the same each time, I will be typing gibberish every time I add to the story or address everyone. 


Charrie Sheet!

CB Name:






Trust level (on a scale of 1-10):



Have fun! 

submitted by auetrbv84yvbguret498, age 1103568743, aeiuytvbnpoawnrmqcuynbtr7
(January 18, 2018 - 11:54 pm)


submitted by Aspen
(January 19, 2018 - 12:40 pm)

I reserve a spot!

submitted by Vyolette
(January 19, 2018 - 2:44 pm)

Reserving a spot please! (Unless all spots are already taken.)

submitted by Joan B. of Arc, age 15, Camelot
(January 19, 2018 - 3:26 pm)

Oh, sounds cool ^ ^

CB Name: Nighthawk [Nickname's Night]

Age: 14

Appearance: Very short curly brown hair-usually with a gray beanie, gray eyes, usually wears a doctor who hoodie, some nerdy tee-shirt, black leggings, and black combat boots as well as a small backpack. jean shorts over my leggings and whenever i have my hoodie off, they're overalls

Gender/Pronouns: they/them [she/her if necessary]

Personality: ehhhh i'm bad at this. awkward, determined, usually fairly quiet, observant.

Tool: I'm not totally sure what you mean, so let me know if i have to change this. Dagger that can grow to the size of a sword. 

Trust level (on a scale of 1-10): 3

Other: Not that I can think of. Let me know if i need to add/change anything 

submitted by Nighthawk, age -14, Wonderland
(January 19, 2018 - 4:08 pm)

CB name: Aspen

Age: Oh, lemme exaggerate by about 5 months and say 13

Appearance:  Wavy, dirty-blonde hair about 8 inches past my shoulders with the last 3 inches or so dyed pure silver, greenish blue eyes, wearing dark jeans, a black shirt and an open black jacket that's just dull black, not leather or shiny looking

Gender/pronouns: female; she, her

Personality: Introverted, fairly quiet but can be more outgoing with friends, Myers-Briggs personality is INFP, loyal to friends, a pushover about small things but more stubborn about important issues, if I think I might have said something even slightly insensitive to somebody even though they probably never paid it any thought, I worry and agonize over it afterwards that I might have made them unhappy or something; Hogwarts house is Gryffindor; Ilvermorny house is Pukwidgie; observant, kind of awkward at times. Actually kind of a lot of times... Heheh...

Tool: Well, since you said the first person wakes up with a knife and I reserved first, I'll go with that.

Trust level: Eh... 3 1/2 or 3.

Other: n/a 



submitted by Aspen
(January 19, 2018 - 10:07 pm)

Here's mine!

CB Name: Vyolette (said as Vee-o-LET, sometimes goes by Vy (Vee))

Age: 13

Appearance: Bright green eyes, coppery hair that has layers and side bangs that is about 4 inches below shoulder length. Tall, is about 5'8". I have pale skin this time of year, and I usually wear a purple high-low top, with washed out mid-calf length capris and lace-up hiking boots. I am also wearing stud earrings in the shape of musical notes, and a purple digital watch (not to be mistaken with one of those "Fitbits") on my right wrist.

Gender/Pronouns: Female/She, her.

Personality: Shy and quietly observant upon our first encounter, though if this is with CBers I know, then I guess that that is unescisarry info. I can be serious when I want to be, and have been told that I have a "brilliant poker-face". I don't usually vent my emotions with other people around, but many people laugh at my reactions of anger, disgust or surprise. I don't say much, but when I do, I make it count. I'm definatly introverted, so I need some time to "recharge" after being with people for most of the day. I am also known to be sarcastic, and when the time is right, I love to dig through my database of jokes stored in my memory and make people laugh. Not afraid of being in danger if it's for the right cause, and to my surprise, when I am in an argument with someone, I usualy win. Every time. 

Tool: A silver elastic band that cannot be broken, and that can be stretched to an enormous size. I wear it around my wrist, use it to sometimes hold up my hair, among other things. 

Trust level (on a scale of 1-10): Maybe a 4.9?

Other: I can't wait for this to start!! 

submitted by Vyolette
(January 19, 2018 - 6:59 pm)

CB Name: Brookeira

Age: 15

Appearance: Short black hair, green eyes, paleish pink skin. Wears short sleeved blue shirts and shorts. Carrie a knife in a green sheath.

Gender/Pronouns: Female, she/her

Personality: Smart, a bit hostile to strangers but very protective of friends when she has them. Fiercely loyal. Loves to be free and will fight her captors. 

Tool: Has a small flint with which to start fires.

Trust level (on a scale of 1-10): For strangers? -5/10. For friends? 10/10. Takes a while to warm up to people.


submitted by Brookeira
(January 19, 2018 - 11:12 pm)


I forgot to add some clarification on what exactly the "tool" is.  Each CBer will have a tool underneath their hands when they wake, and that will be the thing that they use in the Solo Write.  Sorry about that, I thought I put something there about additional info. 

submitted by a;kehtnvop834ey5npau, age 0196923749, duirhap;cnhfiuleaeghvnpci
(January 20, 2018 - 9:27 pm)

But so then does my "Tool" (Sliver elastic band) still count as a tool, or are you talking about like hammers and screwdrivers? I can change my tool into something else more "Tool-like" if that would better help you with your story.

submitted by Vyolette
(January 21, 2018 - 8:58 am)

@Vyolette - Your tool is pretty cool, I like how unique it is.  I'll keep it, challenges are always interesting!

submitted by iertvn95y8 @Vyolette, age 2759084732, hahnviuresgnilsrhgkmerhjn
(January 21, 2018 - 6:09 pm)

Name: Kyoto

Age: 215 (looks youthful)

Appearance: Loosely curly black hair (shoulder blade length), fair skin, few freckles on face, dark brown almond eyes that are slightly rounded, smaller mouth and nose. Average height and slim but athletic. Blue grey knit sweater that’s a bit oversize, black leggings with holes in the knees, and probably pale, light brown desert boots  

Gender: Female

Personality: Funny, mishchevious, sarcastic, compassionate. Smart and creative, and curious, as well as being open to new things and adventure. Slightly cynical at times, and prefers to observe first than talk. 

Tool: Compass

Trust level: 0/10...okay, fine, 1/10 (just trying to go with the scale. The scale for me depends on the person. If my gut feeling says don’t trust, I won’t. But my friends, I usually put my trust in, depending on who it is.)

Other: None for now  

submitted by Kyoto
(January 21, 2018 - 9:15 am)

I reserve a spot!

submitted by LilyPad
(January 21, 2018 - 5:19 pm)

CB Name: Danie

Age: 14

Appearance: Incredibly messy dirty Blond hair cut into a pretty short uneven bob (Though not short enough to be a pixie cut). Average in height (5 foot 3), and a bit chubby. Brown eyes with slight shadows under them, I wear large square blue glasses that are probably covered in spots since I keep forgetting to clean them. I like to wear comfortable clothing, like sweatshirts and loose jeans. If I wear sneakers the laces are usually untied. I have a sea blue wristwatch on my left wrist. 

Gender: Female

Personality: I always have trouble with this since I really don't think people can be distinguished by specific personality traits. Either way, I'm an INFP. Despite my natural leaning towards negativity due to my teenage behaviors, I try my best to be optimistic. I'm a pretty friendly person, and I like to talk to people though it can be tiring. I believe anyone is a good person, even if they seem bad. I'm also pretty stubborn and have strong opinions, and sometimes I can stick with my opinion too much even though it's obvious that I'm wrong. I'm nerdy and guess pretty smart when it comes to tech, but I have horrible common sense and I'm stupidly clumsy. I'm also incredibly sensitive, and I cry a bit too much. I care a lot about what people think of me, and I'm very subconscious about looks, grades, hobbies, etc. 

Tool: Hm... Lets be a bit creative here. Tennis Racket.

Trust Level: 9/10. I don't like to consider a bad person bad, because everyone has their reasons. 

submitted by Danie
(January 21, 2018 - 5:44 pm)

Actually, sorry, I just realised I'm a bit too busy for this RP to join, but it looks great. Ignore me!!

submitted by LilyPad
(January 21, 2018 - 7:36 pm)


I'm so surprised at how much attention this has gotten, and I'm sorry to say we have reached our limit.  I have counted, and there are exactly 8 people who have joined.  I will list them here:



Joan B. (reserved)




Lilypad (reserved)


Spots are now officially closed.  Lilypad and Joan B, can you please post your sheets as soon as you can so we can begin?  Thank you! 

submitted by ayt3n948yntpsoeitm4y, age 1985709234, auivkhcsjcrnlkbgunievlgru
(January 21, 2018 - 8:22 pm)