Character Adoption Thread

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Character Adoption Thread

Character Adoption Thread!

Dearest, darling, welcome one and all, to the home for lost souls: a character adoption thread. We all have ideas for characters we’d like to see happen, but unfortunately too few stories to shove ‘em in. You know what they say. . . Too many characters, too little time. So here, we aim to create a bit of refuge in the midst of all these RPs. The premise is simple: 


If you are simply bursting with ideas, create a character. If you need a new villain or something, come and adopt one. 


The rules are simpler: 


 1. Any character created must be your own and no one else’s 

 2. Any character is allowed; anyone is welcome here. In fact, we encourage diversity. If you want an LGBTQ+ character, go ahead and make your character. 

3. If you would like to adopt someone else’s character, please let them know. Simply post underneath their sheet and inform them of your plans for their little fledgeling.

4. All characters must have this bare minimum. Feel free to add any embellishments. 







Eye Color: 

Hair Color:

Hair Length:

Hair Texture:

Facial Markings: 





Default Expression: 



MBTI Type:

Hogwarts House: 




Have fun!!


We wish your characters the best in their new journey.  Please direct and inquires or complaints to either myself or St. Owl. 

submitted by September & St. Owl
(June 17, 2018 - 3:46 pm)

Name: Esme ( Ez-MAY) 


Gender: Girl 

Height: 5" 0" 

Weight: 82 lbs. 

Eye Color: Purple 

Hair Color: Brown with a silver streak 

Hair Length: LOOOOOONG 

Hair Texture: Smooth and Strait 

Facial Markings: A freckle by her nose, deep red lips 

Personality: Imagine the nicest person ever. That's Esme 

Stregnths: Amazing artist and writer 

Weaknesses: So brave she puts herself in a lot of danger 

Default Expression: Small smile 

Likes: Art, Writing, Reading, Math, History, Exploring,  

Dislikes: Sports 

Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw 

Background: Grew up as a normal person, with a mom and dad, a younger sister too.   

submitted by Caramel Star, age 11, Island of Youth
(June 17, 2018 - 4:27 pm)

Name: Aine Walsh 

Age: 17  

Gender: Female 

Height: 5' 9" 

Weight: 146 lbs 

Eye Color: Hazel 

Hair Color: Ginger blonde 

Hair Length: Falls to collarbone 

Hair Texture: Fine texture, but becomes matted and greasy if left for too long w/out washing 

Facial Markings: freckles, mole under the corner of her left eye, also has acne, but it's mostly around her forehead 

Personality: Aine is quiet, polite, and generally prefers keeping to herself. She dislikes socializing with other people her age, but doesn't mind talking to adults. Aine has few opinions that she vocalizes, and prefers to be neutral when it comes to politics or disagreements between friends. She has 3 or 4 close friends with whom she hangs out with frequently. If she's not with them, she's probably alone. 

Introvert/Ambivert/Extrovert: Introvert 

Strengths: Planning, commitment, self-advocate, motivated 

Weaknesses: Compromising, waiting, listening 

Default Expression: Analyzing/Judging 

Likes: Dogs, computers, running, drawing, math, science, theatre (backstage, of course), rain, countrysides 

Dislikes: English, swimming, reptiles, painting, hot weather, cities 


Hogwarts House: Slytherin 

Other: Likes girls 

submitted by September
(June 18, 2018 - 5:39 pm)

Name: Dylan VanRouge

Age: 24

Gender: Male 

Height: 5' 5"

Weight: 190 lbs

Eye Color: Very dark brown

Hair Color: Dirty Blond

Hair Length: Long-ish, wavy

Hair Texture: Pretty thick

Facial Markings: A tattoo below hise ear of an elephant 

Personality: Quirky, loud and eccentric, but dark and brooding at the same time. Odd, a bit loose in the head. Gets annoyed when people don't understand what he's talking about, but speaks rather cryptically. Is quite the attention seeker. Enigmatic in a number of ways.

Introvert/Ambivert/Extrovert: Extrovert.

Strengths: Thrives under pressure and with many people. Thinks in ways most people don't able to make connections aother people probably wouldn't.

Weaknesses: Easily irritated, can't easily explain his lines of thinking, loves attention, would rather lead than be led.

Default Expression: Well, sinse he's the lead singer of a punk-rock band, I would think it would be some kind of singing/yelling expression. Other than that, a look of morbid amusement

Likes: Attention, podcasts, louder music, performing, and narratives with plot twists.  

Dislikes: Tedium, slow moments, having to explain himself, being alone, and politics.


Hogwarts House: He would probably invent his own house and chill there. He'd call it Lupinus

Background: His parents divorced when he was at a young age, and he was raised by his dad. His dad worked often, so Dylan immersed himself in his father's novel collections and his own complex universes. He wasn't a brilliant student, feeling like his skills may be better used elsewhere. It was during the long hours his father was working he discovered punk-rock through the radio. He joined a group of guys at his high school who were looking for vocals for their band Stone the Poet. They slowly grew in local popularity, scoring an opening act for a quite popular band called Phos4. This is when Stone the Poet got really popular. That's where Dylan works today, producing music with his band and working on his own novel.

Other: He's got a strange affiliation for getting people stirred up. He also has a flair for the dramatic.

submitted by General Waffleson
(June 19, 2018 - 11:51 am)

Do you two know each other in real life?

submitted by Alizarine
(June 19, 2018 - 12:25 pm)

Virtually, yes, in real life, no. Owly and I communicate via a different chat site. 

submitted by September
(June 23, 2018 - 8:09 pm)
submitted by top
(June 24, 2018 - 2:03 pm)
submitted by What's MBTI type?
(June 24, 2018 - 4:21 pm)

MBTI stands for Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. It's a measurement of a personality. There are a ton of MBTI tests you can take for yourself or with your character in mind to discover your MBTI type. It always comes in a four-letter group - the first letter is always either an I or an E, I for Introverted and E for Extroverted. The second letter is either an S or an N, S for Sensing and N for for Intuition. The third is either a T or an F, T for Thinking and F for Feeling. The last is either a P or a J, P for Percieving and J for Judging. I strongly recommend taking a test, though! They're really fun, pretty quick, and will usually give you some extra information about your type as well!

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(June 24, 2018 - 9:06 pm)

That's crazy! I know a person named Esme irl who has basically those characteristics.

submitted by Kitten
(June 26, 2018 - 12:32 pm)

Small world. 

submitted by September
(June 28, 2018 - 6:16 pm)

Oh jeez September, this sounds so dorky, I snorted out loud when I saw that post. Who here likes any Rick Riordan books? Dream says ofig. Either she said " Oh fig " or somethin else... DREAM?! GET YOUR REAR OVER HERE! 

submitted by Secret
(July 18, 2018 - 3:14 pm)