Apartment Complex RP:

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Apartment Complex RP:

Apartment Complex RP:

Or something like that.

Welcome to Sunny Condos! Are you sure you want to move in? Because I'm not. In fact, you should probably go and spend your money elsewhere and go move into an actual house.

Oh well, you're here anyway. You can move into one of these condos, but be warned, this is a very loud complex. We are run by the somewhat irresponsible Pooki P, grandmaster of art, music, and making dishes with noodles. Our rent is super low, so that's a plus. You may bring your AE or Captcha, or even your OC along with you! CBers can dine in the dining hall and feast off of slightly overcooked dishes, with rice as the main staple.

Please fill out this form and you will be escorted to your new home!



What you're bringing:

Tolorance for loud music:



Number of spirits you're bringing:

Oh wait, are you a spirit? Reply yes or no:

Please not that Sunny Condos Inc. is not responsible for exorcisms performed on your new home, inexplicable goat stampedes, and loss of sanity. Demons are not allowed in the vicinity. Do you agree to these terms? Reply yes or no: 

Thank you, we hope you survive your stay.

(In case you couldn't tell, this is a very silly RP. I don't have a complete story in mind for this, so I'm hoping we can create something. And if not, I hope we can get a good laugh out of this! In fact, if you want to turn this into a very weird ski lodge, just let me know) 

submitted by Pooki P, age -30, not where you live
(June 27, 2018 - 1:32 pm)

Whoops. Forgot to mention that we have ten condos available. Spots in RP available while supplies last.

submitted by Pooki P, whoops
(June 27, 2018 - 6:27 pm)

Pooki's popping in topping.

submitted by Top
(June 27, 2018 - 6:36 pm)

UName: Darkking

Companions: Mor, (I think I might have killed Aizy and Zona because they attempted to kidnap me and I kinda attacked blindly and escaped), Salem(Spirit), Will(Ghost), and Harlequin(Another Spirit)

What you’re bringing: Furniture, friends, a portal to a separate dimension, the usual. 

Tolorance for loud music: Very high, I tend to blast music in my headphones and when I watch Critical Role(Thursday night at 7:00 sharp, sometimes Goes till midnight but mostly just for 4 hours.) I tend to yell whenever Matt says “How do you want to do this?” Or whenever any of the characters says “Natural 20” or “Critical Role” also I will scream a lot when Laura Bayley and Travis William return because THEY JUST HAD A CHILD AND IT WAS BIRTHED AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH! I will scream whenever Ashley Johnson returns as well because she is one of the Mighty Nien and always will be not,after how long she is gone.

Occupation: King

Superpowers: King of darkness, illusions, touch of death so I wear gloves over my hands.

Number of spirits you’re bringing: Ummmm about 3; Salem, Will, and Harlequin.

Oh wait, ar you a spirit? Reply yes or no: I am kinda a ghost but not really, I died once, am the ruler of some spirits, and sometimes have bat wings, does that count?

Please note that Sunny Condos Inc. is not responsible for exorcisms preformed on your home, inexplicable goat stampedes, and loss of sanity. Demons are not allowed in the vicinity. Do you agree to these terms? Reply yes or no: Yes? I guess? But not to the no demons part, not all demons are bad!(I’m not a demon I swear *sweats*) I have no sanity that’s why I’m up all night on thrusdays, fine with exorcisms as long as they ask first if not then death to them, and goats are cute. Sooooo yeah.

Mor is playing uno with Salem, Will, and Harlequin. She says “uinu” ohhh damn she called it and now everyone else is panicing. Will says “wvyi” whyy? You played your cards wrong that’s why.

submitted by Darkking, age Who knows?, A dimension.
(June 29, 2018 - 1:42 pm)

Name: "The Writer, that's it. I don't like ekenames thank you."

Companions: "Well let's see here.... Which protagonists should I bring... Eagna's a must... The other three are busy so I guess only him, though my sister will most likely tag along."

What are you bringing?: "Well my Annals and Tabella are a must, any and I believe this is in the Middle realm correct? So clothes are a must but other then that....nothing really ."

Tolerance for loud music: "Keep it down... I don't like noise pollution."

Occupation: "I'm one of the many deities of time."

Superpowers: "Immortally and I cause time.... That's it."

Number of sports: "None, I don't take care of life"

Are you a spirit? "No, I don't think a deity counts."

Please not that Sunny Condos Inc. is not responsible for exorcisms performed on your new home, inexplicable goat stampedes, and loss of sanity. Demons are not allowed in the vicinity. Do you agree to these terms? Reply yes or no: "Yes as long as I have the means to prevent this."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

(Admits fix font please) 

submitted by The Writer, age Eons
(June 29, 2018 - 3:54 pm)

Name: Agent Winter

Companions: Sam, my AE (normal human except with wings) and Viri, my CAPTCHA (a wolf, also winged) 

What you're bringing: Clothes, ukulele, a beat-up skateboard, my Brazillian jiu-jitsu gi, a fluffy ball-shaped wolf pillow, earbuds, and my laptop. All of this except the uke and skateboard will be carried in a ripped-up black backpack, so I guess you could count the backpack as luggage, too. 

Tolerance for loud music: Very high. I tend to blast Imagine Dragons and Marvel movies (sometimes at the same time) at top volume until someone yells at me. (Though when someone yells at me, I just ignore them, usually.)

Occupation: Does busking count?

Superpowers: Controlling snow and communicating with wolves. 

Number of spirits you're bringing: Uhhh... I've lost count of how many live in my backpack, so I can't say for sure.  

Are you a spirit?: Maybe. I defend myself so well I'm not sure.  

Please note that Sunny Condos Inc. is not responsible for exorcisms performed on your home, inexplicable goat stampedes, and loss of sanity. Demons are not allowed in the vicinity. Do you agree to these terms? Reply yes or no: Do demons in songs count? If no, then I agree to the terms. :)

Viri says hugt. Hugged? You want to be hugged? Aw, that's adorbs.  


submitted by Agent Winter, Classified
(June 29, 2018 - 5:24 pm)

Welp, I guess I’ll send my OC here. They need a break from all the things going on in their book! For this, they will write in bold italics, but they are not an AE.

Name: Benji

Companions: Can I bring Me- No. it is hard to manage two characters and I will not do it. Maybe I will add her later. I think they mean pets, anyway. 

What you’re bringing: I don’t have anything?  

Tolarance for loud music: Not really into it, but I don’t mind. You’ve got to be fine with it when you live with Lila and Nicole. 

Occupation: I am freaking nine. I don’t have one.

Superpowers: Let’s see here... flight, superstrength, invisibility- Ben, saying you have superpowers doesn’t give you any. He doesn’t have superpowers. Well, he’s in a wheelchair ooh, I get a wheelchair? Finally. It is a bit awkward having to either use crutches or ride around in Melanie’s little pink wagon. but that’s more of a handicap.

Number of spirits you are bringing: Um, no idea? I don’t think I’m bringing any.

Oh wait, are you a spirit? Reply yes or no: N-what the heck is a spirit? It’s all you will be if you KEEP ON INTERRUPTING ME! Jeez...

submitted by Blue Moon and OC, age 11/9, Here
(June 29, 2018 - 4:53 pm)

Oh yeah, and we agree to these terms. Right, Benji? R-right. Goat stampedes?

submitted by Blue Moon, age 11/9, Here
(June 29, 2018 - 7:11 pm)

I think the RP will start once the spots are filled, or at least until three weeks from today has passed.

Also, since I kinda wanna RP myself, I'll fill out my own bio. Don't worry, I won't take up a spot for you guys.

Name: Pooki P

Companions: Hibiki Starlight and the great and mighty Banba.

What you're bringing: friends, food, cooking supplies, my goats, and of course my computer.

Tolorance for loud music: That's not loud enough. It can always be louder.

Occupation: Grandmaster of this all >:)

Superpowers: Cooking, art, flying, and the famously sought out ability to turn overcooked french toast into a swarm of winged alligators in one touch of my left pinkie toe

Number of spirits your bringing: Zero.

Oh wait, are you a spirit?: Who knows...

Please note that Sunny Condos inc. is not responsible for any exorcisms performed on your new home, inexplicable goat stampedes, and loss of sanity. Do you agree to these terms?: Yes. I lost my sanity a long time ago.


submitted by Pooki P, age -30, Sunny Condos Office
(June 29, 2018 - 5:29 pm)

Name: Neko

Companions: Maki Tenebris and Kiki Tevya, my AEs along with Silver and Eleanor who are the main characters in my book. 

What you're bringing:Clothes, a computer, headphones, notebook, drawing supplies...and of course my katana, which channels all my magical Mary-Sue powers.

Tolorance for loud music:Depends on what the music is. If it’s anything I like, then I’m fine. Actually, then it’s probably due to me blasting stuff on my headphones. Otherwise...I’ll still blast stuff on my headphones to drown it out.

Occupation:Hmm...well I consider myself an aspiring author/poet/singer-songwriter. Currently, I am simply the immortal queen of an alternate dimension.

Superpowers:My katana channels energy from the dimension I rule, letting me summon rainbow anythings. I can also turn into a cat, and I have cat-like senses and reflexes.

Number of spirits you're bringing:Oh...I’m...actually not very sure. They kinda come and go at my will, so I’ll keep it to 10 in the room at the most. No idea how many really are there.

Oh wait, are you a spirit? Reply yes or no:I’m like...half-spirit? It’s complicated. Let's go with no.

Please not that Sunny Condos Inc. is not responsible for exorcisms performed on your new home, inexplicable goat stampedes, and loss of sanity. Demons are not allowed in the vicinity. Do you agree to these terms? Reply yes or no: Umm...Kiki can kinda turn into a demon...

I won't do it!

Yes then.  

submitted by Neko and friends
(June 29, 2018 - 5:44 pm)

Wait! I forgot to say I'm bringing Everstorm, my CAPTCHA too.

submitted by Everstorm and Neko
(June 29, 2018 - 5:45 pm)

five more spots left!

submitted by Pooki P, age -30, Sunny Condos Office
(June 29, 2018 - 6:54 pm)

Name: Quirker

Companions: Alex, Maia, Willow, and The Cat.

What you're bringing: Furniture. Unless there's already furniture there. But, we're also bringing potted plants (a lot of them), three laptops, books, and other necessities (because I can't think of anything else).

Tolorance for loud music: Well, I don't mind it.

Occupation: Student, I guess? But it's currently summer vacation...

Superpowers: I have the not-so-amazing power of... Procrastination! 

Number of spirits you're bringing: One. The Cat is coming. That sounded really ominous, but The Cat's just a cat that has been following us around for a while now and it occasionally turns invisible. But we're counting it as a spirit. But we don't know what it is. Yeah. 

Oh wait, are you a spirit? Reply yes or no: Well, I don't think I am. So I'm just gonna say no.

Please not that Sunny Condos Inc. is not responsible for exorcisms performed on your new home, inexplicable goat stampedes, and loss of sanity. Demons are not allowed in the vicinity. Do you agree to these terms? Reply yes or no: Yes. 

submitted by Quirker, age 14
(June 29, 2018 - 11:03 pm)

four spots left!

submitted by Pooki P, age -30, Sunny Condos Office
(June 30, 2018 - 7:12 pm)

Name: Rainbow Gal, but for this, you can call me, um, Austen (not my real name).

Companions: Rainbow Dog. Because she's CUTE.

What you're bringing: Portable library full of unlimited books, portable grocery store full of my favorite foods, my computer w/ charger, my phone w/ charger, my headset w/ charger, my drawing tablet, clothes/toiletries/etc.

Tolorance for loud music: Eh. If I'm bored, I'll listen to it. Sometimes I blast music to block out the world. But, if I'm doing something, I'll get VERY mad.

Occupation: Book editor (my dream job XD) and comic hobbyist

Superpowers: Teleportation

Number of spirits you're bringing: Um, none? 

Oh wait, are you a spirit? Reply yes or no: Nope, definitely not.

Please not that Sunny Condos Inc. is not responsible for exorcisms performed on your new home, inexplicable goat stampedes, and loss of sanity. Demons are not allowed in the vicinity. Do you agree to these terms? Reply yes or no: Yes. 

submitted by Rainbow Gal, age PrideMonth, LGBTQ+ Community
(June 30, 2018 - 8:47 pm)

Hey, @Pooki, how about we turn this into a ski lodge? 

submitted by Agent Winter, Classified
(July 1, 2018 - 10:33 am)