Chatterbox: Inkwell



Welcome to Fireclan! I'm your leader Lilystar. Let's go over a couple rules: 

1. Be nice 

2. Don't kill another cat without consulting him/her 

3. 2 charries max. 

4. HAVE FUN! (Duh)  

Charrie Sheet: 



Role (Kit, Apprentice, Warrior, Deputy, Medicine Cat, Queen, Elder, Rogue): 



Name: Lilystar 

Moons: 16 

Role: Leader 

Destiny: Becomes deputy then leader at 12 moons, shortly after she became a warrior.  


submitted by Lilystar, age 16 moons, FireClan
(June 29, 2018 - 5:11 pm)

Hmm, I get it! Gingerfoot because of her one white paw! ;) Love the name Gingerfoot, thanks for the idea! Maybe her future mate could be called Breezetail instead of Leopoldtail? 

submitted by Moonfrost , age Who Cares?, Mars
(July 23, 2018 - 8:42 am)

I'm a clan leader!? When did that happen? :) 

submitted by Moonfrost, age Who Cares?, Mars
(July 23, 2018 - 5:24 pm)

Oh Moonfrost. 

Dream says zpez. Zee Pez? Since when did you like pez? Since now. Shut up Ann.  

submitted by Secret
(July 24, 2018 - 12:30 pm)

Uhhh secret can Lillystar have one more kit pls? I would like to have Dreamkit be a kit instead of an aprentice she doesn't have to have Dreamkit if you don't want though or could you change one of their names at least? Sorry if I sound rude at all kind of still new to the whole thing

Name: Dreamkit

Moons: 3 Moons

Gender: female  

Apearence:almost marbled white and black furred cat with gray eyes that reflect color    

Role (Kit, Apprentice, Warrior, Deputy, Medicine Cat, Queen, Elder, Rogue): Apearence

Destiny: Wants to be a warrior and looks up to and listens to all of the warriors 

submitted by Moonlight
(July 26, 2018 - 1:17 pm)

Sure, Dreamkit and Rosekit. I like it!! Also, let's start this afternoon or tomorrow morning. Sound good? 

submitted by Lilystar
(July 27, 2018 - 6:07 am)

YAYYY!!!! THANK YOU SOOO MUCH!!! that sounds good sorry i was a little late on that heh heh eh yeah ummmmmmmm how should we start?

Kiwii my captcha says "maxm" max you? wait is your name max? "yess" Oh dear I thought I had a female captcha I guess not I still have to figure out who you are! 

submitted by Moonlight
(July 27, 2018 - 11:05 am)

Top!!!!! Don't die on me!

submitted by Top, age TopYears=2, Topping
(July 26, 2018 - 9:16 pm)

can someone plz mentor me? i learn quicklly, also when can we actually start the roleplay?

submitted by Wildpaw, age 6 moons, Fire clan camp
(July 27, 2018 - 7:53 am)

are there any other apprentices? i would like to have some friends, and maybe a future mate.

submitted by Wildpaw, age 6 moons, Fire clan camp
(July 27, 2018 - 7:56 am)

WAIT!! *Stumbles in and falls* *weakly holds charrie sheet up to Lilystar* I have a cat...

Name: Nightpaw

Moons: 8ish

Role (Kit, Apprentice, Warrior, Deputy, Medicine Cat, Queen, Elder, Rogue): Apprentice

Destiny: To be leader of FireClan, even though she is an Ivyclan apprentice. There was a prophecy about this: "Fire will take an Ivy leaf and raise it high." Nobody knows what it means yet. 

Appearance: A black she-cat with a white star on her forehead. Very beautiful.

submitted by Rogue Wildling, age Guess, Suspension
(July 27, 2018 - 1:18 pm)

Oh, and Nightpaw has grey eyes.

submitted by Rogue Wildling, age Guess, Suspension
(July 27, 2018 - 1:19 pm)

Ok, Gingerpaw's mentor is Honeyfall. Wildpaw's mentor is Rainmoon. Wildpaw's warrior name is Wildleaf. Nightpaw's warrior name is Nightfur. Posting stars tomorrow!!!!  

submitted by Lilystar
(July 28, 2018 - 3:37 pm)

Hi guys, hope it's not too late for me to join!! I love Warriors RPs. They just make me happy, partly because the first thread I ever joined/posted on was a Warriors RP. I'll make an IvyClan charrie.

But may I suggest  having a third Clan? It's just more fun when you have the more complicated relationships than come from having more than 2 Clans in the mix. Maybe it could beeee... I dunno, StormClan or something?

submitted by Aspen
(July 28, 2018 - 4:52 pm)

Aspen, fill out your sheet soon!!!! I think we will stick with two clans. 


I was walking in the forest when I caught a whiff of IvyClan. Moonstar was hunting. Quickly, I ran back to camp, catching a mouse and a crow. " Honeyfall, gather up patrols! " Honeyfall did what he was told and rounded up Gingerpaw, Wildpaw, and Rainmoon. Quietly, I walked toward Puddletail's den. " Puddletail, I think I'm having kits."  

submitted by Lilystar
(July 29, 2018 - 6:06 am)


I was lying in my den, daydreaming happily when Lilystar comes barging in. I look up in surprise and shock as she enters saying,

"Puddletail, I think I'm having kits." 

I blink and look at her.

"What?" I stammer.

"I said, I think I'm going to have kits." She snaps.

"Wait! Right now?!" I exclaim.


I have no idea if she having them now. So you can finish the meeting.

Also @Wildpaw. Gingerpaw can be your friend! She's a girl BTW.



I perk my ears up. It's time for a patrol! I leap to my paws as  Honeyfall calls me up for a patrol. I follow the patrol out into the forest. We race towards the Ivyclan border to do a patrol. I sniff here and their and look for signs of intrusion.


And.... I'm done. Sorry for the short post! Also, Puddletail is open for shipping. 

submitted by Moonfrost, age Who Cares?, Mars
(July 29, 2018 - 2:29 pm)