Hi, everyone! I

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Hi, everyone! I

Hi, everyone! I guess I'm what you would call a newbie, though I've been reading on the CB for about a year. I've never actually posted anything before, besides a thread containing my story on the third page that has the dreaded '...' for a title (Comments/criticism welcome and encouraged!). I decided that I should start posting and actually be an official CBer or whatever. So here I am! I probably should have introduced myself earlier, but I have social anxiety, especially over the internet.

Anyway, I guess I should say a little about myself. I love to read, my favorite books are the Hunger Games trilogy and The Giver quartet. I have an ADORABLE puppy and an EXTRA FUZZY bunny. I'm friends (In person) with a CBer who isn't around anymore, her name was Alisa Quickshadow, maybe some of you saw her around? And I love to write. I finished typing my first novel at the end of January and now I'm editing it! (That's the same novel that's in my '...' thread.) My personal goal: Finish my final draft in the next four months (I like to give myself hard-to-reach goals).

So... that's really all I can think of right now. Oh! Actually, as you can see, I am currently calling myself ...  but I'm changing that right after I post this to Esile. So, yay! I finally introduced myself! 

submitted by ..., age ..., ...
(February 20, 2019 - 9:42 am)

Hello, Esile! I love that name, it's so pretty! I kept up with your novel for a little while, and it was really good! I'm Leeli, homeschooled Christian nerd, writer, artist, dreamer, hibernophile, and more. Some of my current fandoms include LotR/The Hobbit, LoZ, and Newsies, to name a few. I love animals and nature and having adventures, and I have a dog, a bird, a fish, two cats, a sheep, and four chickens at the moment. I've finished one novel and started many others (I think I'm currently working on about five writing projects...). It's great to meet you, and welcome to the CB! I recommend you check out the Ultimate Guide if you haven't already, it's pretty helpful if you have any questions (someone will probably link it in another post). See ya around!

submitted by Leeli
(February 20, 2019 - 11:45 am)
submitted by a top of faith, catalyst
(February 20, 2019 - 3:04 pm)

Hello, Leeli! I'm glad to finally have actually officially met you. I have actually already read the Ultimate Guide, but thank you for reminding me because I should probably read it again. Also, that's awesome that you've finished a novel! It took me five years and I'm still technically editing it. I don't think my writing will ever be as good as some of the writing I see on the CB, but I'm gonna keep trying! Also, thank you for reading my novel, it was really nice just to know that someone besides me and my in-person friends was reading it. I hope I see you 'round!

Ps. Thanks about my name! I spent forever trying to think of it... hehe. 

submitted by Esile, age ..., ...
(February 21, 2019 - 11:14 pm)

Yes! Esile is a very pretty name! I am waaay more of a new CBer than you! I really liked your ... thread and I would love if it was continued !!! Wow, it should be published...

submitted by Aquamarine , age XI, In the Clouds
(February 20, 2019 - 3:28 pm)

Wow, thanks about my ... thread! I don't really think it's that good, but it would be awesome if it could be published! 

submitted by Esile, age ..., ...
(February 21, 2019 - 11:17 pm)

Welcome to the CB, Esile! Here is the Ultimate Guide to the CB:


If you have any more questions, feel free to ask! 

submitted by Kitten, Pondering
(February 20, 2019 - 7:11 pm)

Thanks for the link, Kitten! I've actually read the guide before (as mentioned in a previous reply) but I wouldn't mind rereading it to refresh my memory (as also mentioned in a previous reply). :)

submitted by Esile, age ..., ...
(February 21, 2019 - 11:18 pm)

Hi Esile! I'm Codesmith, a Star Wars obsessed CBr! So glad you finally introduced yourself! I've been floating on and off the Chatterbox since 2016ish but didn't start being more active until this past fall. I'm mostly on the Inkwell. Hope to see you around!

submitted by Codesmith , age 16, In a computer
(February 21, 2019 - 10:50 am)

Hi, Codesmith! My little sister is Star Wars obsessed, too. She says her wedding will be Star Wars themed! I'll also probably be on the Inkwell mostly. See you around!

submitted by Esile, age ..., ...
(February 22, 2019 - 9:14 am)

Welcome Esile! (That’s so gorgeous I love that name)

I’m Kestrel and, like you, I adore reading, and am in the process of coauthoring a book.  The CB is a super fun place, as you’ve already seen. If you have any questions or confusion, there are plenty of us around to ask, so feel free!

Also, I totally get the social anxiety thing, because I have it really bad in real life. Writing stuff on the internet (for some odd reason) has helped me learn how to deal with it sooo much so I don’t get it quite as bad anymore as I used to.


submitted by Kestrel, Returning to reality
(February 22, 2019 - 9:23 am)

Ooh, coauthoring. I've always wondered what that's like. Is it fun? Also, I'm so glad someone gets the anxiety thing. I'm sorry you have it too. It's pretty miserable and limiting. Hopefully writing on the internet will help me, too. I'm glad it helped you! 

submitted by Esile, age ..., ...
(February 22, 2019 - 1:36 pm)