
Chatterbox: Inkwell




Welcome, my fellow Chatterboxers!

If you are familiar with the AEs Masquerade, this is a SI of sorts, but instead of constantly guessing the identities of those around you, you socialize with those around you, asking questions and trying to discover their identity slowly without being discovered yourself.

Interactions between CBers can be in either basic or roleplay format--it's up to the CBer to decide and do what they are comfortable with.

Let us know what type of mask you are wearing, and please enjoy yourself!

submitted by A Masked CBette
(March 12, 2019 - 5:26 pm)

*woopsies I meant the shadowed guy I didn't read that right sorry 

submitted by Maskified Menace
(March 20, 2019 - 7:51 am)

Voice system: "SOOOORrrrYYY I'm late!" <state: tipsy although hasn't touched a single drink>

Visual input: Masqueraders looking at my direction in a strange manner

Visual input of self through mirror at right: a plain white mask with two red dots where the eye holes are hidden. Red hair is in a bob, stops above the shoulders. White shirt and black suit with a checkered skirt.

Action: Join the party, begin by taking an apple juice box. 

Input: I move towards the apple juice box, but I suddenly realise I don't have a mouth opening, so I put the juice box down and stand there awkwardly. 

submitted by Jaquen H.
(March 19, 2019 - 10:12 pm)

I hear the name Soren be said and turn away from the Ocelot to see the Dreamer remove their mask and make themselves known as the very person I thought I was questioning! I then turn back to the Ocelot and smile slightly, "It turns out I was incorrect, if you wish you may take a guess at me, but be careful, I have many disguises on tonight*."

*assuming that through Chatterbox magic this all happens in one long night

submitted by A Porcelain Actor, Italy, @Ocelot Mask
(March 20, 2019 - 10:58 am)

"Hmmm, Does your name have two parts?" I question, going through a list in my mind.

submitted by Ocelot Mask
(March 26, 2019 - 2:00 pm)

"My name does not begin with an S or contain two parts, might yours begin with a J?" I say with a smile as a few names go through my mind.

submitted by A Porcelain Actor, Italy
(March 27, 2019 - 10:34 am)

"Yes, I do have alter egos," I say to Soren. "Were you hoping this would give you a clue? I don't think I've done anything to reveal myself yet."

At this lull in the conversation, someone in a knee-lenth emerald dress and a Mardi Gras mask comes up to us--the Maskified Menace. They flash us a menacing grin. "Pardon me, CBers of questionable gender," they say, "but as for the Fabulous--whoops, I mean Shadowed, here--does your name also have two parts?"

"No, it doesn't. But does yours?" I say.

I do love flipping people's questions around. Why ask one if you don't want to be asked it yourself? I happen to have a vague idea of who the Menace is.

submitted by Shadowed
(March 20, 2019 - 11:34 am)

Hmm, it apperars Shadowed is getting after Menace. 

AEs, one-part name starting with L or R, participating in the Poetry Contest.

I have a good feeling of who Shadowed is, but I wait politely for Menace and Shadowed to finish their conversation. 

submitted by The Fabulous Dreamer, /Soren
(March 20, 2019 - 5:23 pm)

I dust off my dress, trying not to show I'm nervous. 

"Why yes, it does. And following Soren's question, how many Alter Egos do you have? 

submitted by Maskified Menace
(March 20, 2019 - 6:48 pm)

I fold my hands behind my back. "I have three."

I am feeling quite on-edge, here--I feel as if I'm tipping on the verge of being unmasked and ah, that would be so frustrating. But I suppose I have already unmasked one person. Perhaps that was inconsiderate of me. 

"Maskified Menace," I say tersely, "does your name begin with an E?"

And then I turn away to compose myself, I see A Watcher enter. I narrow my masked eyes at them but see no clues as to who they are. And then I realize that I have only been guessing people for this entire ball--and now, perhaps this is why I am close to being unmasked, because I am virtually stuck in a corner and a cycle of guessing. I have not yet talked to other people at this masquerade, nor have I had refreshments.

"Please excuse me for a moment," I say to Soren and the Maskified Menace, breaking away from them and heading towards the refreshments table. Ah, fresh air. That's what I needed to calm myself. I teeter over in my glass high heels and pick up a glass of punch, and then I cross back through the room to where I was, brushing past other people as I do. 

Luckily, my mask only covers the upper half of my face; I am able to eat and drink at my will. I go back to Soren and the Maskified Menace, feeling quite calmed at this point, and say "Hello again." I sip my drink. 

submitted by Shadowed
(March 21, 2019 - 11:45 am)

"Yes," I answer, gritting my teeth. "I have a feeling you know who I might be, I would say you are correct, but I have not heard your guess yet. Might you be Leeli or Leafpool?"

(Oh my CAPTCHA that shadowed definetly knows the name of just said PubG oh my) 

submitted by Maskified Menace
(March 22, 2019 - 7:52 am)

Ah, an alias for an alias that has a mind of its own, how marvelous. I do not apologize for being late, as one can never be late to a CBer party. With a smile hidden to the world, I realize that my identity may remain hidden for the rest of the 'night'.

submitted by A watcher
(March 20, 2019 - 1:50 pm)

I smile wryly. "Yes indeed." Setting my drink down on the floor, I reach up behind my head and untie my mask, revealing my face. "I'm Leafpool." Oh well. That's too bad. I can still guess people though--it's not like I'm going to leave in shame. 

"And are you Ella Starburst?" I ask, flinging my mask away--somewhere into the middle of the room, and I think it unfortunately hits someone, but why not be dramatic?--I pick up my drink and sweep my free hand through my wavy brown hair.  

submitted by Shadowed Leafpool, age Ah well, it wasn't going to last
(March 22, 2019 - 10:53 am)

I grin and take off my Mardi gras mask.

"might I ask how you were to find out, Leafpool?"

I look at him smirking, silently very angry that I was discovered so soon. 

submitted by Ella Starburst
(March 22, 2019 - 4:17 pm)

Oh, I was telling by your style of speech. Okay, a little bit by lack of capitalization. And the way you were acting. Some people just sound the same wherever they go. *Grins apologetically* 

*I'm a girl 

submitted by Shadowed Leafpool, age Ah well, it wasn't going to last
(March 23, 2019 - 10:37 am)

*ok sorry I misgendered you* 

submitted by Ella Starburst
(April 5, 2019 - 8:16 am)