Voltron RPTh

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Voltron RPTh

Voltron RP

The universe was safe, thanks to the brave sacrifice of Allura, the blue paladin of Voltron. However, the stars were predicting terrible things for the universe... And they spoke true. Five years later, out of another reality, came Sarvok, dread lord of an empire known as the Stolgix, composed of three dread races: the Krix, a race of pitiless, hiveminded insectiod, the Hasoth, a humaniod race similar to the golra, but with magical abilities, and the Cilkeins, a race similar to Alteans.

They took our universe by suprise, conquering it and destroying both the Lions of Voltron and the IGF Atlas- or so it was thought. Now, two hundred years later, five rebellious cadets in the Stolgix Empire's training program have stumbled across  the Green Lion, and they shall lead the universe into a new age of peace- or die in the attempt.

So, we have five Paladin spots, as well as a small crew (2-5 people) of the new Castle of Lions, and maybe a few others.


---------------------------------------------------------C  H  A  R  R  I  E     S  H  E  E  T----------------------------------------------------------









BAYARD FORM (if Paladin):

LION (if Paladin):



________________________M   Y       C  H  A  R  R  I  E      S  H  E  E  T--------------------------------------------------


NAME:Katherine "Scratch" Ellans

AGE: 22

APPEARENCE: Black cat ears and tail, shoulder-length black hair, red Galran marking on right cheek, purple-tinged dark skin, green eyes.

PERSONALITY: TBD, probably something like Keith's?

GENDER/PRONOUNS: Female, she/her

SPECIES: Human/Galra/Felis (The Felis are a race of... Well, Nekos would be the best description...)

POWERS: Typical Paladin stuff.

BAYARD (if Paladin): Black, manifests as a katana or Ion blaster similar to Acxa's (non-bayard) one.

LION (if Paladin): Black.


submitted by Catsclaw
(April 20, 2019 - 8:26 pm)

H E C K     Y E S!

(just to be clear, the blue lion is still on Altea and the universe holds all known, so possibly they came from a different universe with better technology that allowed them to do that, and that is why the lions and the Atlas were thought to be destroyed?)

NAME: Reva 'rei' Arirzo

AGE: 20

APPEARENCE: Slightly gray skin with 4 arms, 2 legs and two horns protruding from the forhead, arching backwards.

TYPICAL CLOTHING: He wears a typical Wooden Strygi Mask, it has two eye holes with two opposing triangles one up over one eye, one under the other. He wears a blood-red cape, blacl high boots, a white button-up shirt and black pants.

PERSONALITY: Definately slow to trust, and if you loose his trust, even slower to give it back. He can be a softie though. He was born and raised as a noble, so he would naturally be assumed as proud and snooty, but is the opposite. He despises being assumed to have slaves as much other high-born Strygi. He is notorious for caring agressively about people, but can be very stubborn.


SPECIES: Strygi (humanoids sometimes with extra limbs and a rather daemonic look about them.) Spider people.

POWERS: E... extra arms? Paladin stuff.

BAYARD FORM (if Paladin): Longbow/ Arrows

LION (if Paladin): Red Lion

OTHER: All the lions are female because the don't have manes. They're mamma lions and the paladins are their very stupid, very small cubs.

submitted by TYberious Firestone, age Cosmos duh, Cosmos
(April 22, 2019 - 8:31 pm)

Velix says 'kpeh'

Yay! One of us! WAPOOOWWWW


(April 22, 2019 - 8:33 pm)
(April 24, 2019 - 1:06 pm)

This looks really cool, but it might be too much for my schedule.

I'll reserve the Green Palidan, but someone else can take that spot if no one's heard from me in a while.

BTW, is this the newer Netflix universe or the original one from the 80s?

submitted by Tafinx, the storyweaver
(April 24, 2019 - 1:53 pm)

PIDGE 2.0! :D
Hope itś the netflix one, I just finished it...

Velix says 'duud'
Yes, Dude indeed. DUDE BROOOOOOUUH


submitted by Tyberious Firestone, age Cosmos duh, Cosmos
(April 24, 2019 - 2:51 pm)

New one, I haven't watched the old one.

submitted by Catsclaw
(April 27, 2019 - 9:55 am)

I'll be able to join! I'll pot my charrie sheet soon.

Also, top! 

submitted by Tafinx, the storyweaver
(April 29, 2019 - 9:24 am)

Here it is! Now to get enough people to join so we can start.

NAME: Laxos “Windcleaver” Yago 

AGE: 15 in his own species’ years, about 23 in human years

APPEARANCE: Dark brown fur, with his wings only slightly lighter in color. Blood-red eyes. Has the mark of his clan (an orb circled and being swallowed by a snake-like creature) tattooed in black on his back.

TYPICAL CLOTHING: Not much. He wears very short shorts and a (sleeveless) Stolgix uniform top, but doesn’t wear anything else, partly out of personal preference and partly because any more would hinder flight. However, he clasps his wings around himself when not using them or his arms, giving the appearance of a cloak.

PERSONALITY: A scientist by nature, he tends to be very analytical. Is seen by many as cold and distant, but really just feels alone. Gets excited over anything new. Sometimes will put observation of new stuff above everything else.


SPECIES: Ryco, a race of bat-like people. While they appear to have large wings instead of arms, they actually have small arms that are tucked close to their chests unless needed. They are also nearly blind, unable to see color and even shapes, only general light level. Instead, they are able to use echolocation to “see” shapes around them with clarity higher than most other species’ sight can. Thus, while blindfolding them won’t do much good, taping their mouths shut will.

POWERS: Like all Ryco, he can use echolocation and can fly. Also resistant to cold because of his home climate (but doesn’t like heat). Has researched Galran Druids, maybe use it in the future?

BAYARD FORM (if Paladin): A halberd. Its head is attached to an energy rope, and can be shot out.

LION (if Paladin): Green

OTHER: He is one of the first of his people to travel off-planet, as they were unknown until recently (their planet is covered in constant blizzards that blocked scanners).

submitted by Tafinx, the storyweaver
(April 30, 2019 - 6:17 pm)

Also, top!

submitted by Tafinx, the storyweaver
(April 30, 2019 - 7:48 pm)

Name: Valakula "Val" Kyoki

Age: 20

Appearance: Quite short, only about five feet tall. She has skin the color of the night sky, complete with tiny white glowing specks rather like stars on her face, they are basically freckles. Her hair is bright red. One side of it has been shaved to a buzzcut with spiral markings in it, while the the other side is short and curly. It's basically that classic "punk" haircut. Her eyes are grey with red pupils.

Personality: She can be a little greedy and rude at times. She tends to mooch things off people. She can be sarcastic as well, but she has a soft side. She is extremely loyal. She can keep a clear mind in just about any situation, and is very determined.

Gender/Pronouns: She/Her

Species: An Anduru, a species from a very small planet that has thick clouds, so it always remains in a dusk-like state.

Powers: Typicial paladin powers. She can also see in the dark pretty well though.

Bayard: Blue, it can become a whip.

Lion: Blue.

Other: She likes the dark. Also pretty tech-savvy, not in the sense of fixing things but more in the sense of hacking things. 


submitted by Sybill, age ????, Kyngdom
(May 5, 2019 - 9:57 am)


submitted by Topinx, the storytopper
(May 6, 2019 - 9:32 am)


submitted by Need a yellow lion!, age TOP TOP , Tyberious
(May 21, 2019 - 4:01 pm)

Wait, this is still alive?

In that case, top! 

submitted by Topinx, the storytopper
(May 24, 2019 - 2:27 pm)


(May 24, 2019 - 4:04 pm)


submitted by Topinx, the storytopper
(May 28, 2019 - 7:30 pm)