So, um, did

Chatterbox: Inkwell

So, um, did

So, um, did this a while back with When January Calls... The idea being, I write a story, completely on Chatter, zero outlining, zero forethought, etc. etc. and see how far it goes. You, meanwhile, give me feedback. Um, a title may or may not be forth coming... I dunno what I'm going to be writing about...

Should be fun, eh?

Warning: I'm listening to Silly Songs With Larry right now. THIS IS GOING TO BE WEIRD, kay?


Graceful sounding piano music flowed through the great hall. A skinny lady in a long, glittery dress swayed in front of the grand piano with a mic, singing some great love song that had been written nearly a century before.

Kip perched on the window sill, his beady eyes taking in the carpet of high-class people in the hall below. He stretched his wings, shifted his weight from one scaly leg to another, and tilted his head from one side to another. The large hawk, normally conspicuous and an object of admiration for the people below, went unnoticed in the dim light of twilight.

The song ended, and another one began, equally sugary and just a tad bit higher in pitch. Kip shifted on the stone sill once again, and hoped that the Call would come soon. He disliked most humans, as a matter of principle, and he especially disliked their upper-class social functions.

Give him a nice field and some scared mice, any day.

The Call came at last, as if sensing his discomfort. The tightness in the back of his skull was a welcome relief, and Kip flipped happily off of the window sill and soared into the dusky light. His great, brown wings spread to their full span and he glided away from the large palace on a warm draft of wind.


Kay slouched evilly in her throne... er, armchair. Morgan slouched lazily in her own armchair across the room.

Well, technically, Morgan mused, they were both slouching in exactly the same way. But then, Kay was a Necromancer- and heaven forbid she didn't do something evilly.

Between the two sisters, a scared pageboy knelt on the floor, sweat pouring down his face.

"Boy," Kay said evilly, "This floor is not sufficiently shiny. I can't see my evil countenance reflecting out of every uncovered surface." She glared at him ferociously- and evilly, of course.

Morgan snorted and crossed her ankles in a subconscious remembrance of her former days as one of the Princesses of the Realm. "He's the one who brought our dinner, Kay. And the trays were sufficiently shiny. The one you want to punish is probably quaking in his boots in the servant tower."

"Ah," Kay said, frowning. "Go get him, boy."

"Yes'm," the pageboy muttered, and dashed out of the room at top speed.

Morgan sighed, scrutinizing her sister. Necromancy had always kind of freaked her out. Besides the ever present "evil" tacked onto everything, its practitioners invariably developed sunken eyes, hollow cheeks, short tempers, and bizarrely long fingernails. Great way to lose weight, Necromancy.

But then, so was Technomancy, and as an added bonus she got to play with sparky metal things.

"Something is troubling you, Morgan dear," Kay said with an evil smile.

Morgan sighed again. "Tone down the evilness, will you? It gives me hives."

"Fine," Kay frowned at her in a sisterly way rather than an evil one. "But you're avoiding the question."

"Oh, just worried about Kip."

Kay snorted. "That old 'bot? He's been shot out of the sky by the High Overlord of the Realm's best Mages without even a dent to show for it. He'll be fi- Oh, there he is now, see?"

Kip had, indeed, just soared in through the open window to rest on the back of Morgan's armchair.

"Kip!" she said happily. "You have the information?"

The mechanical hawk clicked his beak in affirmation.

"That's my sweetie," Morgan cooed. "Be a dear and download it into the database for me?"

Kip clicked his beak again and leapt back into the air. He soared majestically out of the room.

"Revolting," Kay commented airily, "the way you croon over that hawk like it's a baby or something. Ah, Ribs!" An oversized cat skeleton had prowled out from the shadows. She leapt lightly into Kay's lap. Kay scratched absently at the base of Ribs' skull with her overlong fingernails. "Been ridding the castle of rats again?"

Ribs managed to purr despite her complete absence of vocal chords.

"That's my clever skele-kitty," Kay purred in turn, stroking the skeleton's spinal chord.

"Kettle," Morgan coughed. "Pot. Black..."

Kay glared evilly at her sister. Morgan ignored this and yawned.


Thoughts? Feedback? Hate?

submitted by TNÖ, age 16, Deep Space
(August 13, 2009 - 11:08 pm)

That was really good! I like the idea for having a mechanical hawk deliver messages, and a "skele-kitty." The cat (made out of skeletons?) seemed particularly evil to me, a perfect pet for Kay. My favorite sentence out of it was 'A great way to lose weight, Necromancy.' And I didn't think it was weird at all- the idea was very original as far as I can tell. :)

submitted by Ema, age 11, NY
(August 14, 2009 - 8:49 am)

Hmm, this went to the back for some reason. Ah, well. To bring it back to the top! TNO, I'm on the same time as you! Hi!

submitted by Ema, age 11, NY
(August 14, 2009 - 8:55 am)


submitted by TNÖ, age 16, Deep Space
(August 14, 2009 - 11:03 am)

Before I even read the story, cheers for Silly Songs with Larry. My brother got me Songs from the Sock Drawer for Christmas and hasn't been able to shut it up yet. :D Ok. I'll read it now. Wow, that's brilliant. Like, seriously brilliant. Like, I don't even have any evil criticism - *cough* I mean nice, friendly critiques, of course. Good story. Very good. I like the mix between midieval feel (pages and such like) and sci-fi technology. Again, brilliant. In a bizarre way that my mom and brother's sense of humor has me tuned for. :D Thank goodness there is no charge for awesomeness. (KFP)



submitted by Emily H. :), age 13, Sparks, NV
(August 14, 2009 - 1:48 pm)

I like the story. I also like Larry.


Wheeeeeeeere is my hairbrush? Oh, Wheeeeeeeere is my haibrush?...

submitted by B
(August 14, 2009 - 3:07 pm)

It was slightly strange, but that's good. I agree with Emily that the medeival/technology and fantasy/sci-fi combination was cool, and worked quite well. It was also rather funny, mainly because of Kay. :)

submitted by Mary W., age 11.66, NJ
(August 14, 2009 - 4:05 pm)

Lol. I love Larry. I also like his schoolhouse polkas, if you've heard those.



submitted by Emily H. :), age 13, Sparks, NV
(August 14, 2009 - 7:16 pm)

@Emily: Magiscience is win. That is all.

"He stayed at the drive-thru till sunrise/He may have dozed off once or twice/When he spotted a billboard for Denny's/Bacon and eggs for half price!/How could he resist such an offer?/He really needed something to munch!/Cheeseburger please don't get angry/He'll eat and be back here for lunch..."


Mort was in a foul mood. This might have had something to do with the fact that he was currently knee-deep in muddy water and covered in disturbingly slimy green muck. It might also have had something to do with being laughed at by a jolly-looking innkeeper and his burly friends..

He began to wade towards the dry- well, at least less wet- ground on the other side of the ditch, attempting to clear some of the slime from his cheeks and succeeding only in smearing it around some. Mort snorted and sloshed up from the muddy water onto a stretch of watery mud. He promptly sank to his ankles.

Mort raked a hand through his long hair, which had the effect of dribbling more green slime down his back.

Ye gods, he could tell when he wasn't wanted. They didn't have to throw him in the ditch.

The innkeeper's laughter pounded in his head. Mort scowled over his shoulder at the round-bellied man and the thugs who had thrown Mort into the ditch. At the risk of sounding like a self-important prat, he muttered, "If you knew who my father was..." before he turned and marched away with as much dignity as he could manage with a piece of weed hanging from one ear.

Son of a king- albeit an illegitimate one- and he got run out of town and thrown into a ditch. Maybe he should start introducing himself as du Slomen...

Mort shook his head, half in exasperation with himself and half in an attempt to shake the muck out of his hair. It didn't work.

Ah, well. He was nothing if not resourceful.

Mort turned towards Hawksperch and started walking. Maybe he'd be able to set up with a locksmith or something.

submitted by TNÖ, age 16, Deep Space
(August 14, 2009 - 3:50 pm)

Once again, my feeble attempts at writing are no match for yours TNO. I especially like Kay who has to do things evily. *said Adina with an evil smile*. Genius. I wonder who you stole it from. *is joking*

submitted by Adina the Evil, age 1997, Mostly in fanta
(August 14, 2009 - 10:54 pm)

Lol. Now you've got me on YouTube watching Larry videos.



submitted by Emily H. :), age 13, Sparks, NV
(August 15, 2009 - 5:47 pm)

*bows* I bow to you, Oh Genius of Writing and Blending Many Ideas Such as Magic, Technology, and EVIL! *bows again* Wow! That"s a mouthful! Lol! Skele-cat. GENIUS! Also, favorite line. Definitely: "Great way to lose weight, Necromancy" Lol!!!! Bye for now, Oh Genius of Writing and Blending Many Ideas Such as Magic, Technology, and EVIL!!!! *bows as she walks out* (lol!)

submitted by Emma O., age 12, OR
(August 17, 2009 - 6:57 pm)

You now officially have a fan base, TNO (umlaut). ;)

submitted by Mary W., age 11.68, NJ
(August 18, 2009 - 7:35 am)