Be in my

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Be in my

Be in my story!
Chapter 1
Playground Insults
“RUN! COME ON!” I screamed.
“WHY?!” He screamed back.
“WE’RE RACING!” I said as tears rushed down my cheeks.
I couldn’t tell him where we were going, he wouldn’t want to go then... But I needed him to go with me... What was I supposed to do? Let him stay... Let him... No, I wouldn’t let them take him, he didn’t know they were after him, but I did... I worked for the fiercest of fierce and they told me everything... The thing they always talked about was how they wouldn’t let Jack get to the gems and claim what was rightfully his, but I would be what saved him... They wanted Jack to fall down the hill and break his crown, but Jack isn’t a nursery rhyme, Jack will claim his crown and I will claim mine!
Corey and Jack, The leader of dawn, and the king of dusk!
The leader of day, and the king of night! We would graduate... Or at least he would... No matter what it took, I would make sure he won.
Once we reached the gems, the royal purple gem glowed ominously, and Jack slid to a stop next to me... I heard heavy footsteps thudding behind us and pushed Jack into the royal purple gem. I stared directly at the orangish red gem, and it glowed ominously as I reached out and grabbed the gem... Finally, we would both have the happy ending we deserve.
Appearance (physical features):
Appearance (clothing):
Magic (you can mix two but that’s it, and once you enter a character, you can’t enter another character):
submitted by Ripley_The_Fox, age :p
(September 5, 2020 - 8:01 pm)

I'M JOINING!!!!!!!!!

Name: Bradley

Age: 17 and a half

Personality: he can be defending, VERY talkitive, and kinda sarcastic. And also caring too.

Appearance (Physical features): He has tan skin, ice blue eyes, and brown hair that kinda looks like my crush's hair.

Appearance (clothing): He has a black t-shirt with black pants, and black combat boots.

Magic: Animals and Fire.

submitted by Emekittycon Kitten, age 12, Kitten Kingdom
(September 6, 2020 - 2:25 pm)
submitted by Top!
(September 23, 2020 - 10:50 am)