Magical objects

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Magical objects

Magical objects

If you could own any magical object (from your imagination or a book) what would it be? I would have a book that had a new story every time I opened it. (Ella Enchanted)

submitted by Coco, age 11, tel aviv
(September 21, 2009 - 2:15 pm)

Well, yeah. That's why I said computers. ;D

submitted by Mary W., age 11.79, NJ
(October 7, 2009 - 5:59 pm)

Hmmm, probably a black egg (from Juniper) so whenever I was in a dangerous situation I could break it and help would come. Or a timeturner (Harry Potter) Or Felix Felixis, or invisibility cloak. There are so many I would want to have.

submitted by Hannah P., age 13, GA.
(October 10, 2009 - 10:46 am)

Yeah, I guess an invisibility cloak would be pretty cool to have.

submitted by Brynne
(October 10, 2009 - 7:29 pm)

YoureadJuniperIreadJuniperWiseChildtoohaveyoureadthatbutIcantbelieveyoureadJuniper!!!!! Sorry. Books make me gocrazylikethisandIcantstopnonononononono......... *takes a deeeeeep breath*

submitted by Mango, reading Juniper
(October 11, 2009 - 4:11 pm)

I'm guessing you like those books too! I love them too!!! I don't usually say this but it's as good as Harry Potter! I created a post on Cricket Readers Recommended about Juniper and Wise Child. I want to go to the library and get Colman. Have you read Colman yet?

submitted by Hannah P., age 13, GA.
(October 12, 2009 - 12:07 pm)