Chatterbox: Inkwell


THE DREAM SCENE! This is the room where you explain one of your dreams in vivid detail, just to have fun and let it out of your system. but please, if you comment on what someone else says, do not be rude. Okay. I'll go first.

I dreamed that a bunch of people I've never met, ages varying, and I ran away from home and took off into the sky on broomsticks by night. except mine was one of those big fat pens with faces. what are they called? Oh, yeah, Kooky Pens. I was flying on a kooky pen. and we were flying down the street, trying not to get lost, and all of a sudden, we were at my aunt's house, but it didn't look like my aunt's house, but she was there so it must've been her house. So I crawled in the window, (I'm not sure why, but is anyone sure of anything in dreams?) and she almost caught me and dragged me home (in reality shes a lot nicer),  but I jumped off her porch just in time, my pen turning into a broom as our band of runaways once again took to the sky.

Now, don't think I'm crazy, but it really was a nice dream...

submitted by Katie, age 11, Outside looking
(September 24, 2009 - 6:26 pm)

Once I had a dream that it was 3:00 in the morning. Suddenly, there was a knock at my door! A man playing guitar and some kids in PJs walked in. I watched them dance the Hokie Pokie.

Spambox says uvia. UVA? Nah, I'm not into college football.

submitted by CJ, age ??????????, Nowhere in part
(June 4, 2010 - 2:14 pm)

Cool. CJ got her wish.

@Mango/Dawnpaw: I suspect that you are the same person...


Vick says iegh. my leg? wuts w r o n g ?

submitted by NDT, age 9, NC
(June 4, 2010 - 3:24 pm)

I can control my dreams too! Like this one time, I was captured by a bunch of Aztec warriors, and they brought me to a volcano and threw me in, only, I thought, Hey, this is a dream, right? So, I can control it, right? So, I gave myself Super Air Blowing Powers and cooled down the volcano. The Aztec warriors bowed to me, which made me feel cool. Then my guinea pig appeared and fell into the volcano, and I gave myself Super Flying Powers and saved it. Then the guys kept bowing like they would never stop. They did when I made the volcano explode in their faces. (Cruel, I know. But hey, it worked.)

Another time, I was stuck in dreamland. Really. I am not lying to you. It was weird, like all my dreams ever combined. And there were other people too. They were stuck like me. They really needed to get out before daylight, or else they- and I- would be stuck forever. So, the meeting we held to come up with ideas was boring, so I got really tired, and I fell asleep, and..! Poof! I was awake in reality. Just a fact in case you get stuck too.

The CAPTCHA box says pbna. Maybe it's hungry for a pb&j. Or a pickled banana.

submitted by Mango
(June 4, 2010 - 4:22 pm)

Ah I so do that too! I have in the past been able to know I'm dreaming. At first it would almost wake me up, but with practice I got better. I am also very sure that when you dream, you can see in detail (and in color, I can't beleive that's been questioned but it has) and also hear and feel things. It's just your bad memory that distorts it and makes you unsure. Like when you wake up with a dream fresh in your mind, and you get up and try to think about it and suddenly it's totally gone, and only later in the day you look at a crayon and realize your dream was about dancing potatoes flying kites, and something to do with crayons. Sorry for rambling. Anyway. Dreams are in detail, if you have the presence of mind to notice it.

submitted by Emilie L., age WA, 14
(June 4, 2010 - 9:59 pm)

I had a dream recently where I was at Hogwarts. I was in a Potions class. Wrote an essay for Snape in the library. Hermione helped me, we worked on all the homework together. And Snape gave me an A on the essay -- needless to say, I was devastated (sp?). (At Hogwarts, the grades are Outstanding, Exceeds Expectations, Acceptable, Poor, Dreadful, and Troll.)



submitted by ZNZ
(June 4, 2010 - 4:35 pm)

@ NDT: Mango and Dawnpaw actually know each other IRL--I don't remember if they're friends or sisters--, so it would make since for them to dream about each other. It doesn't necessarily mean they're the same person. And if you look at many of their posts, you'll see that their personalities are quite different.

I've posted most of my dreams already at some point or other...

submitted by Ima
(June 6, 2010 - 10:25 am)

Re: Sometimes I dream that I can take control of my dreams. Kind of like this dream I once had.

So these witches were chasing me and cornered me in this park, and all of a sudden I was all like, "this is a dream, though," so I wanted to take control of it. But then I wished for a locket made out of chocolate. I don't know.

And once I had a dream where I was playing capture the flag in this lush green valley with a flowing waterfall, and we were playing in the river it went in to. And there was a cave between the waterfall and.... something, I don't remember, and I was talking to all these people from my school. We were wading knee-deep and I pushed someone in all the way. They... laughed, I think. Anyway, the flags were too hard to find so we all gave up and shook hands. It was a good dream.

Has anyone ever seen themselves in a dream? Like, I know sometimes you see like a reflection or a double, but have you ever just like seen your body? I don't recall having done so. Ever.

submitted by Katie
(June 6, 2010 - 6:33 pm)

I had a dream that I was in a city. There were all these posters surronding me. I think I passed a cafe...I'm pretty sure it was a city for tiny people...I think I was attached to bungee cords while somebody chased me... I'm still a little fuzzy on that one.

Spambox says pwur. You are not a kitty, Spambox.

submitted by CJ, age ????????, Nowhere in part
(June 7, 2010 - 3:40 pm)

What the heck, I and Dawnpaw are way different! She lives in Ohio and I live in NC, only I used to live in Ohio, and I met her, and we are friends, and I moved, and I get Muse, and I saw this site, and I told her via email, and...

submitted by Mango
(June 7, 2010 - 3:52 pm)

Once I had a dream that I was on this website, and one of my threads (The "Are You Highly Crazy? one) had a bunch of posts.

submitted by CJ, age ??????????, Nowhere in part
(June 8, 2010 - 6:05 am)

I think she just didn't know you knew each other, as neither of you had posted in a while, and she hadn't been to theCB back before, and hadn't seen you, so she thought it was just 2 random new CBers who just came, and then immediately dreamt of each other, which, you must admit, wouldn't make sense.

And trust me, there's more reason for suspicion now than there used to be. See, there was this girl who kept making up new characters and posting as them, without telling us that they weren't real - in short, lying. So there was much suspicion going around. It was not a good time. But I'd thought that we'd agreed not to talk about our suspicions anymore. It doesn't help anything. It just makes things worse.

But anyway, actually, I'm not sure, but I think I do see my body in dreams. Like once, I had a nightmare that I was some ancient Asian princess with an evil father who was trying to kill my sister and me (I have no idea why...),  and I specifically remember what I looked like, which was not at all like my actual appearance. I had long, shiny black hair in a bun, and big black eyes a bit like a doe's. It was very odd and unpleasant...

Recently, I had a very, very, very odd dream that I was living on this planet that was only one room. For some reason, it was called Discworld, even though it wasn't Discworld. I haven't even read Discworld! It had a brown leather sofa covered in lace, and frilly little pillows. The wall was yellow, and there was a little coffe table. No one lived there, though; everyone lived in the cafeteria next door, which was considered another planet. But then ZNZ (or someone who looked like how I envision her, anyway, a boy who looked like someone from my school, a woman who looked like an older version of ZNZ but whose personality was more like that of Bellatrix Lestrange, and this 16-year-old boy who looked just like the male version of how I envision TNO, but more normal (and evil), moved to Discworld and started making plans to move people from the cafeteria to become their slaves, so that they would technically be 'ruling' the sofa-world. They did. They tried to take me, but I wouldn't come, so the boy from my class tried to kill me (not something he would ever do IRL, of course), but I managed to escape with their slaves to this archepelago in a blue satin ocean that was basically several mini-versions of the Disc/sofa-world. How strange is that?

Embarrassing, too. I barely managed to bring myself to post it. But it was very, very odd...

submitted by Ima
(June 8, 2010 - 11:09 pm)

How do you envision me, exactly? I am now extremely curious. 

submitted by ZNZ, age 13, Out of ambit
(June 9, 2010 - 5:25 pm)

Oh yeah! I remember that there was a thread where Mango#2 posted to say that she wasn't really me. And I got REALLY angry at her because I had no idea that she was doing these things, and I made another thread to get people to believe I was the real Mango, and she stopped. Hopefully.

submitted by Mango
(June 11, 2010 - 8:50 am)

And remember Donpaw? 


Anyways...I had a Harry Potter dream last night!

I was at Hogwarts and there were people that I actually knew were enrolled in it.  I think we were in the Griffindor room(It looked different, though).  It was like all of the walls were clear and there was a massive brown contraption against one wall.

There were also probably hundreds of birds and someone said they were all males so that they would be more colorful.  There  were parrots, cocatiels(I think) and many other large and colorful birds. They got scared when someone moved or was loud.  Then a bunch of them (Covered in heavy blankets) paraded past where everyone was sitting. Then we left the room. 

We went in to an auditorium, which was a large and dark room.  There was a large amount of empty space, and about only two rows of chairs.  but then my teacher(or guide)  pointed to a row of chairs(That appeared out of nowhere)  and many people sat down(exept me).  Then I either heard (or realized)  that there were ghosts there that took all of the empty chairs and that I better sit down before the ghosts took up all of the seats.


I can't remember anything else about that dream...

submitted by Dawnpaw
(June 18, 2010 - 9:34 am)

I had the weirdest dream a few nights ago. It was like, I was reading a Discworld book. I didn't know what it was, but I don't think it was a real one. It seemed like a cross between Monstrous Regiment and Night Watch, but Rincewind kept running around, which made me think maybe it was Interesting Times. So I was reading this book, and then I was inside the book, listening to Rincewind sing a patriotic song from inside a box. 

And then I went into an apartment, I guess. My dad was there, and some other weird people. I don't know who they were, but in the dream I knew, you know? And I had to find some things. One of them was a book, I think, and one of them was a skull. The skull belonged to a Slytherin, I think. I found it in this bedroom that looked very typical Slytherin -- all green, and kind of the way the common room was described in CS, like it's beneath a lake. And there was a spell on it so I couldn't breathe properly inside it.

And then (I have no idea how this happened) I was inside this big white room with lots of chairs. I think it was some kind of waiting room. My mom and grandma where there too. I said I was bored and one of them suggested that I go over to the library. And over in one corner was a library. Kind of a puny one -- only like three bookcases. I found a book about Death, and ended up having a conversation with a photo of pterry in it. 

Is that bizarre or what?  

submitted by ZNZ
(June 25, 2010 - 12:58 pm)