Ok this is

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Ok this is

Ok this is my story, it is called “Despair on Moonrise Horizon”! It is about Harry Potter mostly (yeah it is a FANFIC XD OwO!) however it might feature stuff from other things! Like Hunger Games (really good) and maybe even Pathologic!!! (That is a video game, it is very good. I like it a LOT.) 
Ok so anyways, here is chapter one! I hope you enjoy it!
Chapter One!
My name is Ruby Angst and I’m going to Hogwarts. It’s my seventh year there! (Also I am 18.) Which means I totally gotta go out with a BANG! Which is why I decided to dye my hair bright red and put on lots of eyeliner and red eyeshadow, also red lipstick! I also decided to wear bright red platform shoes and a black skirt with red accents.
So anyways I was walking up to Hogwarts when someone touched me on the shoulder. I spun around to see someone wearing a purple three-piece suit and a super-scary bird mask! 
“Um who are you?” I said. 
“Terrible things are going to happen…” they said, then completely vanished. Wow, that was really weird I thought, chills going down my spine. Oh well it is probably just someone playing a prank. I kept walking, then I saw my best friend so I started running towards her! 
“Hi!” I shouted. My best friend is named Misty Morkins and she is also eight teen! She has long wavy black hair, olive skin, and a tattoo of a pink cat on her shoulder! She is so awesome. 
“Hi Ruby!!” She shouted back. “I LOVE your hair!!”
“Thank you!!!” We got on a thestral carriage together. I could see the thestral but I don’t wanna say why, it is very personal. 
The carriage ride was super bumpy and we almost lost our bags twice. But then we finally got to the school finally. I looked up at the huge gates. They were almost like a portal to another dimension……
We got off the carriage and then went into the school. Misty and I are both Gryffindors so we went to hang out with the other gryffindor kids who all looked at me in awe. I guess my hair color change must have surprised them!! 
We sat down at the long tables in the dining hall as the new kids got assigned to their houses. For a second I swore I saw the weird bird-mask guy standing behind Dumbledore but then he was gone. Hmm, that is weird I thought. But nobody said anything so I guess my eyes must have been playing tricks on me!
That was when I noticed there was no teacher at the Defense Against the Dark Arts spot. “Misty” I said, “Who is the teacher for Defense against the dark Arts going to be?”
Misty shrugged, “Idk, maybe there just isn't one yet. We probably shouldn’t worry about it though!”
“Hmm ok.” But then two people showed up there! One was a very strong-looking man with a white three-piece suit and the other one was a very skinny pale-skinned man with a black three-piece suit, they looked very mysterious.
“These are our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teachers,” Dumbledore said. “They are Mork Fishback and Eef Nest. You can call them Professor Annus and Professor Unus though, Unus Annus is latin for one year. Which is how long they will be teaching here!!”
“We’ve never had two teachers in that position before,” Misty whispers.
“Yea,” I say. “Suuuuper weird.”
But then dinner continued and we were too busy eating to keep talking. Eventually it was time for bed so the heads of the houses led all the kids to their dorm rooms. So far today has been pretty exciting, but also a little scary! I hoped the rest of the year would also be exciting but I could do without the scary part. Then I fell asleep.
submitted by Jemma W., age 15, Littletown, Idaho
(April 24, 2021 - 6:06 pm)

Ooh cliffhanger yesss! I'm very excited to see where this goes! Nice portrayal of Jasira, by the way!

submitted by pangolin
(April 29, 2021 - 6:27 pm)
Chapter Five!!! (this is where stuff gets REALLY GOOD i promise!!)

"Yeah Harry is dead!!!!!!" Misty yelled "i don't know what happened or why or how!!"

"Let me see" I shouted super super loudly, everyone cleared out of my way like the red sea parting for moses, I stepped up to Harry.

He was on the ground so I checked his pulse. There was none.

"Yes he is dead" I decided. "Now tell me what happened"

"Well you went into the woods and then suddenly Harry went in after, but then he came back out and collapsed!!" A girl said.

"Ok wow that is weird," I said. "Someone go find Hagrid!"

Everyone went to look for Hagrid but he was nowhere to be found! In fact there were no professors anywhere!!

"What on England" Misty said. "This is too weird, this must be a dream"

I could not disagree with her. "Ok but we have to do something, if there are no professors and harry then there is no hope so we have to make hope, now come on we've got to do something" i said.

"Yes that is good," She said. "I will gather all the students and tell them what is going on"

Suddenly a boy ran up to me! "The only professors left are Unus and Annus, they are already getting all the kids, come one we have got to go inside"

"Ok sounds good" i said then i went inside.

submitted by Jemma W., age 15, Littletown, Idaho
(May 1, 2021 - 11:36 am)

Whoa Harry Potter is dead then! *gasps* This is super good, Jemma! Not only is the plot super great wth lots of unexpected turns (who would have suspected the death of The Chosen One?!), but your writing style is very engaging. Keep up the good work! 

submitted by pangolin
(May 2, 2021 - 2:24 pm)
Chapter Six!!!

It was the next morning, Unus and Annus had told everyone to stay calm and wait in their dorms for the night.

It was Sunday today so Misty and I decided we would head to Hogsmeade and go to church. Unus and Annus let us go because it was not like there was going to be classes anyway. 

So Misty and I went to church. The preacher gave a lecture about how we must be vigilant of demons. That got me thinking. What if the Bird Mask man was a kind of demon…..

So anyways after church i walked up to the preacher, he looked down at me and said "hello what may I do for you?"

"Ok well I have a question. Are there any kinds of demons that wear weird masks," I asked.

"Why yes" he said "there is, now why do you need to know that? I would not think a well-behaved girl such as yourself would need 2 know about demons but here we are."

"Well the reason why does not matter I just wondered. So lets say i were to see a man in a suit wearing a bird mask in my dreams every night, would that be a demon or some other kind of spirit," I asked.

"Well maybe. I have not heard of that kind of demon but it sounds like it could be one. I hope that you are not seeing that, that would be quite bad" the preacher said.

"Ok don't worry I am not. I was just reading an autobiography, and they said that happened to them…. how would someone get rid of it?" I said.

"Like I said I do not know if it is a demon. So i have no idea," he said.

"Hmm ok," I said. Then I walked outside to meet Misty, she looked scared.

"Misty what is going on?" I asked.

"Look at Hogwarts!" She said.

"Um why" but I did. There was a big huge storm cloud above it!!!

"Oh no!" I yelled. "We have got to help!!!"

So we began running, like really really running, and thankfully Misty and I are very very fast! But then someone grabbed my shoulder and yanked me into the woods!

It was the bird mask man!!


"What on England!" I scream but then I passed out!!!

submitted by Jemma W., age 15, Littletown, Idaho
(May 2, 2021 - 9:31 am)
((Author's Note-- You may have already guessed this, but Jemma W. is actually an alias! Feel free to try and guess my actual identity. :) Also, "Despair on Moonrise Horizon" is in no way intended to be a serious piece of literature. It's supposed to be a little silly and weird, while still telling an actual story. But if things seem a little odd, or if characters don't seem to act in-character, that's why! This is just meant to be fun, not serious. Thanks!))

Chapter seven!! (Seven is my lucky number isnt that so cool!!!!)

When I woke up I was in a bed, I did not know where I was!! There was nobody else nearby!

I stood up and looked out the window, I could see Hogwarts in the distance but above it was a huge, swirling cloud-thing that had a beacon of blue light coming from it. 

"Um hello?" I called out. Nobody replied and I became super worried!!!

"UM HELLO" I said again but now very loud!! 

The door to the room opened and I spun around to see…….

Percy Jackson?!!?


Sorry this chapter is so short but I wanted to leave it on a cliffhanger!!! Anyway thank u very very much for the shoutout in the MCU that made me very happy!!!!
submitted by Jemma W., age 15, Littletown, Idaho
(May 5, 2021 - 10:15 am)

Yay, fanfic crossover!! Harry Potter and Percy Jackson are some of my favorite books, so this is exciting. 

submitted by pangolin
(May 6, 2021 - 7:59 am)

omg jemma this stry is so so cool!!1!!11 i waz hopin you could add this rlly rlly awesome character from my favorite stry, itz called my immortal and the charactr is enoby dark'ness dementia raven way. she haz long ebony black hair w/ purple streaks and red tips, shes a vampire so shes rlly pale but her teeth are white and straight. she haz blue eyes liek limpid tears and she usually wears rlly cool cloths from hot topic (shes goff lol) so she usually wears leather and fishnets and boots, and lots of makeup.

submitted by Tara G., age 16, HGOWURTS DUH
(May 8, 2021 - 10:59 pm)
submitted by TipTopBop
(May 8, 2021 - 7:34 am)
I am so sorry for being gone!! I was very mad about something and took a break! (It was definitely not Lola ahahahahhaha) but anyways i am good now and back with another chapter!!

Chapter eight!!!!!!!

"Precy Jackson!" I shouted. "What on England"

"Oh my zues you are awake," he said "i didnt think you would be awake"

"Are you not going to explain how u exist!" I shout

"Ok well first you need to know that you have been asleep for the past ten years"

"Wait what that is not possible"

"Yes it is. I wss asked to protect u from the demons while u were alseep" percy said

"Demons?" I ask

"Yes demons. Ten years ago a portal opened up above Hogwarts, it sent demons to your world as well as all kinds of people from all sorts of dimensions." Percy explain.

"It must have been the bird-mask man!" I shout

"What bird mask man?,

"It doesn't matter… You wouldn't get it anyway…………"

submitted by NEW CHAPTER, JEMMA W
(May 13, 2021 - 10:30 am)
submitted by NEW CHAPTER
(May 14, 2021 - 7:03 am)