Chatterbox: Inkwell



On insistence of quite a few people, I am doing this again, but there are a few changes. See rules.


Hello, welcome to 'The Author Pairs Movement.' (TAPM).

A. Q&A

B. Rules

C. Genre Options

D. Sign-up sheets



Q: What exactly is 'The Author Pairs Movement'

A: 'The Author Pairs Movement' otherwise known as the TAPM is a place where authors to come and look for an other similiar to them in level and genre and pair up with them to write a poem, song, short story, chapter story, etc.

Q: So...how are they paired up with their match?

A: Well first the TAPM managers view the forms that authors have filled out, and judging by the quality of the sample story (poem, song, etc) and the type of genre they like, the TAPM managers will pair them up with someone who is on the same level and likes the same genre.

Q: So, in the forms, do you have to give out any real information..like last name, address, email...you know, stuff you could track me down with?

A: Nope! You just have to give out your name (first name only) or your nickname, a sample story (song, poem, etc.), and likes and dislikes!



Be nice!

Follow all cricket rules!

You can have one partner per story! (Song, poem, etc)

If you and your partner don't get along, I can assign you to another one, if you have a good reason, and if their is two other partners avaliable...but even if you don't get along, please be nice!

Only 10 people will be allowed to sign up at this time, making a total of five groups. I will do this again, so don't fret if you don't get in the first time!



Story Options





Poem Options






Song Options





If it is not on the list, you may not do it.



(Please fill this out and copy and paste! Then post! ;)

Name (First name or nickname only.)

Song, Poem, or Story sample. (A short 200 words or less sample of a song, poem, or story that YOU wrote.)

Favorite genre of stories, songs, poems, etc.

submitted by GloWorm, age 12, USA
(September 28, 2009 - 3:05 pm)


Name: Mary Liz. You knew that, of course...

Preferred Genre: Fantasy or sci-fi. Story. (no poems, for the sake of my partner... ;D)

K, ths is a story I wrote for school. My teacher didn't like it. It's not *really* good, but she doesn't like it when I a) write too much or b) have overly sadistic characters. So, y'know...

Hope this isn't too long, Admin. It's meant to be a diary entry, by the way, and I named the diary Morris... so yeah. Also, if words like "infamy" seem forced, that's 'cause we had to use vocab words.

Dear Morris,

                Today my fellow Martians and I landed on the planet Earth. We have been monitoring Earth for several years now and finally decided that despite the obvious turmoil it would cause, we would simply have to blow up the planet. I am not, of course, going to state why we reached this conclusion, for if this diary were to fall into enemy hands, the information contained in it would be paramount to the schemes of those who would seek to destroy the advanced underground civilization we Martians have worked so hard to create. But it should suffice to say that our mission was to destroy the Earth. I was looking forward to it, I admit; it’s been several months since I last blew up a highly populous planet.

                Earth is a mildly unpleasant place, or at least North America is. That is where we landed our spacecraft, you see- a great misdemeanor on our part; at least if it’d been, say, somewhere in Europe, we might have been able to persuade ourselves that not the entire planet is so far gone. There’s just this huge amount of corruption. It was awful, certainly not the kind of place any self-respecting Martian space courier would consider forming an alliance with, not in a million years. The culture was materialistic and seemed to be centered mainly around the worship of such things as “Disney pop singers” and “video games.” (Whatever “Disney” is I have no idea, Morris.) We have similar music and entertainment on Mars, of course, but these Earthmen are so infatuated with the pursuit of “stuff” that they seem to, in very extreme cases, build their entire lives around things like television or “social networking.” It’s all very odd, Morris, and rather flustered my fellow space travelers and me.

                The people, for instance--- the people are very strange indeed. Some are covered with ink, and others have, strange as this may sound, little bits of metal sticking out from their ears, eyebrows, even tongues. I myself found the idea of “painting” one’s toenails the most vulgar, but the concept of “hair dye” shall also live forever in infamy in my mind.

A certain custom they have seems to be going to “concerts.” We snuck into one, and nearly had our ears blown off. Not only was it horrendously noisy, the sounds were not musical in the least. It was right about then we decided that in obliterating Earth we did its denizens a favour. “Save them from themselves,” you know.

The landscape is… it’s very… gray. Except at night, then everything lights up. Then there’s lots of bright flashy stuff, and things like that. Less seasoned astronauts might find this rather intimidating. Of course, the space crew and I were infinitely professional; we had a mission to accomplish.

Not that it was terribly hard. We merely had to press a button, and then our nuclear missile detached itself from our spacecraft. It hurtled through the remaining light-years and there was a loud bang. And I suppose also all that “millions of voices crying out in terror before being silenced forever” nonsense, as well, though to be honest I wasn’t really listening. We’d snagged an MP3 player from Earth before annihilating it and Taylor Swift actually wasn’t actually half bad.

submitted by Mary W., age 11.82, NJ
(October 11, 2009 - 12:23 pm)


    (This will not make sense if you haven't watched Pokemon movies.)

 James sat on the hillside. This was the second week after losing Cacnea to that gum leader.... Suddenly, he couldn't stand it. He ran. As fast as he could. On the hill, Jessie and Meowth were eating lunch. Startled, Meowth yelled, "James, come back! We need ya!" But James was already out of earshot. 

submitted by Mango
(October 11, 2009 - 4:07 pm)

Hello, Mango!

GloWorm, Where are you?

submitted by Dawnpaw
(October 14, 2009 - 6:11 pm)


submitted by Dawnpaw
(October 22, 2009 - 8:50 am)

GloWorm? Where are you? I'd REALLY like to start a story.

submitted by Dawnpaw
(October 28, 2009 - 7:04 pm)


submitted by Dawnpaw
(October 28, 2009 - 7:09 pm)