Hunger Games Fanfic/Solo

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Hunger Games Fanfic/Solo

Hunger Games Fanfic/Solo Write!!!

I'm a CBer going under an anon name, and I'm doing a Hunger Games Fanfic/Solo Write, so I need charries! I'll be accepting 24 main characters (2 from each district), who will participate in the Hunger Games, and a couple of side characters. The forms are below (astericks explained at the bottom). 

Main Character Form~



Age (between 12 and 18): 





Skills (please, no magic): 

Pro-Capitol, or Against?:  



*In the books, most of the names are plant- or nature-related. You do not have to give your character a plant-based name, but it would go along with the books better. 

**Please chose one of the 12 districts. All the districts have main exports, which may help you develop your charrie. 

District 1: Luxury items, such as jewlery

District 2: Stone/weapons

District 3: Technology

District 4: Fishing

District 5: Electricity/Power

District 6: Transportation/Vehicles

District 7: Lumber

District 8: Textiles/Clothes

District 9: Grain

District 10: Livestock

District 11: Crops

District 12: Coal 

***In the books, one girl and one boy were selected from each district. I'm open to non-binary characters, but please put their biological gender (the one they were born with).

****Be sure to include the Reaping in their backstory, and whether they were chosen, or if they volenteered to take someone's place.


Side Character Form~


District (or Capitol, if they live in the Capitol):  





Are they related to any of the main characters?: 

Pro-Capitol or Against?:




submitted by The Head Gamemaker
(May 3, 2021 - 8:04 am)

This looks very fun!


Main character(s)~

Name: Birch Tulsi

District: 11

Age: 16

Gender/Pronouns: Nonbinary, they/them. Born as a male.

Appearance: Looks to be a lot more older than their own age. Naturally has ash blonde hair with light olive green eyes. Their hair is always messy. Usually wearing some sort of cardigan.

Personality: Outgoing but quiet. Very resourceful and knows about every flower and plant in existence.

Backstory: They were simply chosen. They're truely the oldest, being a full two minutes older than Brair. They live simply with their parents and their siblings. They learned how to distinguish flowers and plants from being edible and safe from being poisonous while in their younger years.

Skills: Very knowledgeable about plants and flowers, of which are edible or not. Very quick-witted.

Pro-Capitol or Against?: Very against it.

Other: Nothing!


Name: Briar Tulsi

District: 11

Age: 16

Gender/Pronouns: Female, she/her.

Appearance: Decently long, natural ash blonde hair. Her hair is always kept in a ponytail no matter what. Her eyes are also a soft olive green. Usually found in knee-length skirts, but will be found in regular shorts.

Personality: Very responsible and dependable. Extremely loyal. Very quiet and not outspoken.

Backstory: She had randomly volunteered for a random person in her district. Her motto is, "Always stick together", so she decided to work with Birch.

Skills: Very knowledgeable about the weather and time of day. She can simply look up at the sky and tell the time. She can also surprisingly successfully climb trees.

Pro-Capitol or Against?: Against.

Other: Nothing!


Side character~ 

Name: Basil Tulsi

District: 11 (If that's acceptable. He's the younger brother of both Brair and Birch.)

Age: 10 (would this be acceptable? Sense he's not really in the games- I can bump it up to 12 if you want, though!)

Gender/Pronouns: Male, he/him.

Appearance: Quite short, which is very obvious. He has decently long ash blonde hair with very long bangs that cover his soft olive green eyes. Always seen in some sort of oversized t-shirt.

Personality: Very outgoing and quite loud. He's very tired all the time and will most likely sleep through anything. Loves playing in the leaves.

Are they related to any of the main characters?: Yes! He is the younger brother!

Pro-Captitol or Against?: Being taught by his older siblings, he's against the capitol.

Other: Nothing, but thank you for your time and reading this! I'm excited to see how this goes!

submitted by Hollyshock, You'll Never Know
(May 4, 2021 - 3:37 pm)

Thank you Hollyshock! I love these characters!

submitted by The Head Gamemaker
(May 4, 2021 - 5:28 pm)

Ack, I just noticed I messed up on the name! I don't usually proofread whatever I'm writing, so.. Anyways, the mistake was that "Brair" was actually supposed to be spelled "Briar". Sorry for the mistake! (I should probably start proofreading before posting.) 

Yes, proofreading is always a good idea. But I just fixed it for you.


submitted by Hollyshock, Fixing mistakes.
(May 8, 2021 - 8:14 pm)

Name: Amaroq Tessa Larch (she goes by Tess)

District: 8

Age (between 12 and 18): 14

Gender/Pronouns: Female, she/her

Appearance: She has tan skin with freckles across her face. Her hands are scarred from pricking herself with a needle. Her face is heart-shaped, and she has eyes that change like the sea. Her chin-length hair is wavy and chocolate brown. She usually wears leggings, and a tunic. She is 5' 2" and pretty slim, but not skinny.

Personality: Fiercely loyal to her family and few friends, Tess is quite tired of everyday life. She's usually quiet, but she's sharp. She carefully calculates every move, and is quite cautious. However, she is very emotional, and if someone she cares about is in danger, she will stop at nothing to save them.

Backstory: Tess grew up in a family of 7, with 3 older sisters and one younger brother. Her oldest sister, Rose, became a Hunger Games stylist in the Capitol. She is closest with her younger brother, Juni (short for Juniper), and her orange tabby, Stella. She volunteered for her older sister, Maggie (short for Magnolia), who is sixteen, but small and only good at sewing (Sorry Maggie, but it's the truth. You wouldn't survive a day.).

Skills : She can make things really well, like shelter and clothes. She is also decent at first aid. She can configure deadly traps, and with a knife, she is unstoppable. Nobody would care about the girl from District 8, so she might just have the element of surprise behind her.

Pro-Capitol, or Against?:  Against, though she wouldn't rise up against it if it meant hurting Rose.


Side Character

Name: Rose Marie Larch

District (or Capitol, if they live in the Capitol):  Capitol

Age:  19

Gender/Pronouns:  Female, she/her

Appearance: Long, flowing hair, similar to her sister's. She has blue eyes and fair-ish skin. She is tall and thin, and usually wears a house dress, though she could probably afford a bit more.

Personality: Kind, friendly, and generous, she works toward making enough money to bring her family to the Capitol. She shudders at the thought of her sisters or brother being reaped.

Are they related to any of the main characters?: Yes, related to Amaroq Tessa Larch.

Pro-Capitol or Against?: Ambivalent. She doesn't like what they do, but she lives there, and it's pretty comfortable.

submitted by Wolfy_Walker_7, age 12, Long Island
(May 4, 2021 - 3:58 pm)

Thanks for the characters Wolfy_Walker_7! It appears that you have accidently submitted a couple of times. In the future, if it says "Your comment has been created" as well as "Invalid CAPTCHA token," your comment has been created and do not resubmit. Your characters are very thought-through, though, and their names are very cool. 

submitted by The Head Gamemaker
(May 4, 2021 - 5:32 pm)

Oh, okay. Thanks for the heads up & sorry for the re-submit.

submitted by Wolfy_Walker_7, age 12, Long Island
(May 7, 2021 - 10:23 am)

Name*: Ivy Rosette

District**: 10

Age (between 12 and 18): 15

Gender***/Pronouns: Female 

Appearance: Long sleek, straight black hair which goes down to her waist. Green eyes. She usually wears a leather vest, a flowing white shirt and soft capris (grey). She usually wears short boots or no shoes.

Personality: Sarcastic, but also blunt. She is an extroverted-introvert. She likes being with people, but only for small amounts of time. Her favorite place to be is with her horses.

Backstory****:She was set, as a baby, on the streets. She lived there until three years ago, when she moved into what is now her family’s house. As a child she would frequently smuggle goods and steal things.That’s one reason she doesn’t get too attached to people. “They’ve left [her] before, they’ll leave [her] again. “ She took her sister’s place in the games, as her sister is only 12.

Skills (please, no magic): Night Vision, Stealth, Smuggling/Theivery and Good with Animals

Pro-Capitol, or Against?: What does this mean? 

Other: -

submitted by NiteSkiies
(May 5, 2021 - 9:49 am)

Hi NiteSkiies! Thank you for the character! To answer your question, Pro-Capitol or Against basically means whether or not your character agrees with/respects what the Capitol of Panem is doing! 

submitted by The Head Gamemaker
(May 5, 2021 - 12:28 pm)

Time to make yet another character that I'll probably forget about in a few seconds!

Name: Jade Citrine Fawn Othter, JC for short ;D (I hope it's okay that their first names aren't exactly plant-related. I thought it would fit with the District 1 vibe,,)

District: 1

Age (between 12 and 18): 17, about to turn 18 (will have their birthday in the arena)

Gender/Pronouns: JC appears female and was born that way, but they like to be a little loose and don't find labels necessary. She/they pronouns, either works fine.

Appearance: A bob of wavy ash-blonde hair with an undercut. Dark brown at the roots and has forest green tips. Pale skin (they've tried to tan it and failed) with lots of dark freckles. Grey eyes (the right one is slightly bluer) and Jade Citrine is short. They're wearing a cropped white shirt with rolled-up sleeves that they cut themselves. Baggy tan cargo pants and bare feet. Everything about them is messy and rough on purpose, because JC hates the perfect lifestyle District 1's citizens have. 

Personality: Jade Citrine is a rebel and doesn't care what people thinks about them. They hate rules and expectations, and they do their own thing. They don't have any friends and are really bad at social interactions. JC calls themself a lone wolf- an outcast, different, and shunned by society.

Backstory: JC lives with their parents and four siblings, but they hardly spend time at home. They love going to the jewel mines (It's been a while since I've read the Hunger Games, is this a thing..?) and watching the workers do their job. Their mother makes necklaces and their father has a random government job that requires him to visit the Capitol a lot. On the day of the reaping, JC was wishing they could take tesserae to have a higher chance of getting in. They want to visit the Capitol and to prove themselves in the Hunger Games. They've been training secretly every day. When their youngest sister's name was called, they immedietly volunteered- but not because of love. 

Skills (please, no magic): Jade Citrine is a good leader. They are smart and they are good at figuring out intense problems. They work best under pressure, and they have good survival skills.

Pro-Capitol, or Against?: JC is undecided. They don't like all the rules there, but they do like the creative freedom and how everyone dyes their hair and experiments.

Other: JC is strongly against romance or forming bonds. They don't trust anyone for the fear of getting stabbed in the back or getting left behind.

Sorry if there's any spelling mistakes, I don't have time to spellcheck <3

(Oh- Solum cursed again. That's my cue to leave!) 

[End Post] 

submitted by dreamiing, lost
(May 5, 2021 - 11:25 am)

Thank you, dreamiing! I think it's fine that their name isn't plant-related. It's a very cool name anyway!

submitted by The Head Gamemaker
(May 5, 2021 - 12:49 pm)


Sorry, I'm very forgetful xD

JC's hair has dark green/blue tips, not forest green. I don't know where that came from. And I forgot to say that their average weight. 

*stares at captcha for a second*



[End Post] 


submitted by dreamiing@myself, lost
(May 5, 2021 - 2:18 pm)

Name*: Sky Polita

District**: 5

Age (between 12 and 18): 12

Gender***/Pronouns: She/her

Appearance: Long, dusky brown hair in two buns on the top of her head, medium brown skin, big brown eyes.

Personality: Appears kind and innocent. Really, though, she'll do whatever it takes to win.

Backstory****: She was chosen, and before that she lived a simple and poor life in District 5.

Skills (please, no magic): She has the element of surprise because of her age. Sky also is very, very fast.

Pro-Capitol, or Against?: Against

Other: Nope!


Name*: Arctic Coalite

District**:  5

Age (between 12 and 18): 15

Gender***/Pronouns: He/him

Appearance: Dark brown eyes, messy black hair, pale skin.

Personality: Smart and not very talkative.

Backstory****: He was also chosen, and he is not happy about it. In District 5, he worked at a factory that makes electronics for the Capitol. In his spare time, he learned to code and build out of scraps, selling his works for extra cash or food.

Skills (please, no magic): He's a tech genius, and very logical

Pro-Capitol, or Against?: Against

Other: N/a

submitted by Silver Crystal, age Infinity, Milky Way
(May 5, 2021 - 1:32 pm)

Thank you, Silver!

submitted by The Head Gamemaker
(May 5, 2021 - 2:27 pm)
submitted by The Head GameTOPPER
(May 6, 2021 - 9:21 am)
submitted by The Head GameTOPPER
(May 6, 2021 - 9:22 am)