Minecraft RP.

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Minecraft RP.

Minecraft RP.





When version 1.19 came out, new mobs were added.

In the plains, Kokas lived. They disguise themselves as flowers. When you come near them they attack you. 

In Forests, there were Wyrels, which were similar to wolves, but they were much faster and stronger.

In Jungles, there were Chalors. They are always born looking like parrots, but then they can shapeshift into any mob they kill.

In Mountains lived Terrainians. They were tall like endermen, but they were gray, green, and/or white. Their eyes can be green or blue.

In Deserts, a new type of skeleton spawned. They were called Yaokis. They would kill mobs and turn them into zombie or skeletons.

In Taiga, Miraums were living. They will attack anyone who attacks them. They only eat sheep.

In Snowy Tundra, only Rogue Snowmen lived. It was so cold, that even the lava froze.

In Swamp, there were the Swamp Kittens. They were like Kitties, except that they were green or turquiose. They make very good pets.

In Savanah, Giant Spiders live.

In Badlands, Badland Creepers live. Their explosions reach up to fifty blocks. They look like their surroundings.

In Mushroom, everything is Mushroomified. Mobs become mindless.

In the Nether, Fires exsist. They live next to lava. They behave like magma cubes, but they are made purely out of fire.

In villages, Plalligers live. They look similar to villagers, but they can move their arms and don't have big noses. They are also more intelligent and have hair.


A letter arrives in a ender chest. It reads: You are one of the five chosen to be on a quest to The End. You must travel to the Border, a place in legends. You must face every danger there is. You will find a list of new crafting recipes. We hope you come on this adventure. If you do, you will get a reward.

It's signed: Steve and Alex

If you come on this adventure, you must stay until the end. If you don't, you will be replaced! 


Ok! That hopefully explained what is going on in the world. After my charcter, there are four slots left. You can reserve 1 spot. Your reservation will be held for one week. Now for:


Charrie Sheet


Race (Plalliger, Terrainian, Chalor, or Player):



Reasons why you are on this quest: 




My Character:



Charrie Sheet

Name: Emerald

Race (Plalliger, Terrainian, Chalor, or Player): Chalor

Appearence/form: Plalliger

Backstory: I was born in the jungle. I was raised as a parrot. When I left the jungle, I collected different forms.

Reasons why you are on this quest: I decided to come because a) there was a reward, and b) I love adventure.

Pets: A swamp Kitten named Lily.

Other: I have the most diamonds ever. 


If you join, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! My CAPTCHA says: Bowox. *Bows* *Hugs those who join* I am assuming thats what it wanted me to do!

submitted by Pancake, age No clue, River Lake
(October 22, 2021 - 2:04 pm)

There is only one spot left! Can't someone take it already? Also, Hana says {Afkaf} She probably means you go afk after... something.

submitted by Pancake, age No clue, River Lake
(October 27, 2021 - 6:26 am)


Name: farie 

Race (Plalliger, Terrainian, Chalor, or Player): chalor

Appearence/form: mostly takes the form of a terrarainian

Backstory: sister to nightshade, also went savage with night. was thrown out of the forest when night left. 

Reasons why you are on this quest: accompanying her sister. 

Pets: wyrevel named wyvie


submitted by minxeline
(October 27, 2021 - 7:40 pm)


submitted by Pancake, age No clue, River Lake
(October 28, 2021 - 7:07 am)

By "Wyrevel", did you mean "wyrel"? If you don't, please explain what it is.

submitted by @Minxeline, age Notice, From:Pancake
(October 28, 2021 - 4:58 pm)

hello pancake, i meant wyrevel. it's a subspecies of wyrel invented by tmw (who is obsessed with this so far..haha.) 

it's basically a wyrel but pure white, glossy coat, and fiery red eyes.  

submitted by minxeline@pancake
(October 28, 2021 - 9:10 pm)

Thank you!

submitted by @Minxeline, age Reply, From:Pancake
(October 29, 2021 - 6:07 am)


I flip over the letter and see an address. It reads: The Fortess of Lava. I believe everyone knows that the Fortess of Lava is directly above a huge lava ocean. I need to prepare. I make a list of what I need:



*My Netherite Sword (Named Death)





*Ender Pearls




I think that will be all I need. Wait Armor! Okay. Now what are these new recipes? I think.


*Diathermond Sword



*Wystical Powder


*Extreme Crafting Table


Wow! I decide to switch out my sword for a Diathermond sword. I need to make a forge first... I go around trading until I have everything I need to make all of these. To make the Diathermond sword, I have to melt diamond and netherite together. For the tracker, you have to add a totem of undying and extra redstone to a compass. For the stacker, you make a chest then surround it with wood. For the Wystical Powder, I need suspicious stew, an end crystal, and an ender pearl. For the charmer, I take a piece of armor, add cake, and then wear it. I tried wearing around some random villagers and they gave me free stuff. WOW! The extreme crafting table was crafted by making a crafting table and then surrounding it with wood.

I then set out to the Fortess of Lava.


Alright! Here is how the recipes work! Please come up with 5-9 recipes. If you don't know what some of the stuff is, like ender pearls, check out the minecraft wiki. You can use up to 2 of the recipes I came up with. Thank you! You can now start RPing! 

submitted by Pancake, age No clue, River Lake
(October 29, 2021 - 6:29 am)

//minxeline here, i shalt be posting for tmw because they're busy as heck (writing up a lore doc for someone and is getting paid $5 for it :000)


Nightshade and I are setting out on a journey. It says to go to the Nether, and a ton of new recipes. I sigh. I read the recipes over again: I need to make Mysticii, whatever that is. And so I look down: Two ender pearls, a blaze rod, and a ingot of netherite. I pull out the ingredients from my chest, creating the strange powder it forms. 

And then the next item on the list. Fireproof buckets. Easy. I pull out some blaze rods and a bucket, turning the rods into powder and sprinkling it over the bucket. Next up, Wystical Powder. I create quite a bit of that, as me and Night've created a way to get Crystals really easily. 

Next is a strange item. Xirrisl, it says. It needs End Crystals, an Elytra, and part of a Wyrel's fur. I open my chest and pick out some of Wyvern's fur, before adding it into End Crystals and Elytra. 

Xirrisl, check. 

I create a mental list of what I need as I navigate the underground base, to the storage room. Potions, Weapons, Armour, Buckets..Hm, Maps, some Wood and Stone...Ender Pearls would be useful...Water, definitely...Food, and a Shield. Oh, and the other things. Definitely a book of recipes for herbs as well. And...you know, candles and stuff. 

When I arrive, Nightshade is already there. 

Nightshade \\ 

I've made a sort of Iris Powder, a powder from iris flowers, which allows you to create dazzling shots of light. I've created Poppy Powder, Sleeping Powder basically. 

I've packed all the things, Potions, Weapons, Armour, Buckets, Maps, Wood, Stone, EnderPearls, Water, Food, and a Shield. For me and Farie both. For Farie, I've packed her medicinial things and candles.They're in bundles, and she also has a spyglass. For me...a lot of defence and offence things. 

I hand Farie her bag wordlessly, as we exchange the things we've created. 

It's time to set off to the Fortress of Lava. We run through our Nether Portal, ending up on a floating ledge which has a bridge to the Fortress of Lava. We run across it, ending up directly on the floating island of Igni, where the Fortress of Lava is. 

//OOC: NIGHTSHADE: Helmet is Hades' Helm, Chestplate is Cacti, Boots are Gaeia, and Pants are Tartarus. Sword is Niightmare, Pickaxe is Efficiency, Bow is Artemis, Backup Bow is Infinity, Crossbow is Rocket, Hoe is Demeter, Fishing Rod is Poseidon, Trident is Pronghorn, Axe is Gleam, Shovel is Breeze, and Shield is DEFENCE LINEEE. Nightshade generally has most of the potions and offensive attacks. She uses a rocket for her crossbow. She has all the useful enchantments on each and every one of her items *including her backup ones and her backup backup ones; and they're all at least level 5. She may seem overpowered but she's just crazy cautious. She's overpowered physically but mentally she's very..uh, the opposite. 

//OOC: FARIE: All her armour is just labeled "mynx". Her weapons are labeled "Mynx's ___".  She's mostly the one to tend to injuries. She has a lot of medicinial herbs and special recipes (which i will share later on). She also has a ton of bundles and spyglasses. She also has a ton of candles <3 

//OOC: GENERAL So where they get the End Crystals is from...bedrock level. Yes, they found out a way to get to bedrock level and beyond.  

submitted by mystic+minx
(October 29, 2021 - 11:41 pm)
submitted by Topoftheday
(October 30, 2021 - 2:38 pm)
submitted by I'mDroppingOut:(, -tsuki
(November 6, 2021 - 2:52 pm)

Please delete this thread.


Hi Pancake. If I delete this entire post, other CBer's writing will also be deleted. If you need a specific comment deleted please reply to it. Otherwise, I will leave this thread for users to reference. - Admin

submitted by @admin, age Notice, From:Pancake
(November 11, 2021 - 8:11 am)