Chatterbox: Inkwell
I want to write a story, but I need a good idea and a good plot and... stuff like that! I tried to write a story before. It didn't work out because I was just writing as I went! BUT I HAVE NO IDEAS! PLEASE SUGGEST IDEAS! The genres I write are fantasy, mild horror (like kinda scary, but not really), and
comedy. Pleaseee suggest ideas.
submitted by Pancake, age Open24hour, Pizza Place
(February 27, 2022 - 9:14 pm)
(February 27, 2022 - 9:14 pm)
Okie-doke, mate! I got you covered!
Wanna go with a historical-fantasy mild-horror story? I'd say that's my specialty! ... Except it's probably not, in reality. Still, I like to read it! Stands to reason I could come up with some pretty decent stuff.
Here's a really rough idea of something:
- People have been reporting strange occurrences in the rural regions of [INSERT COUNTRY NAME HERE]
- A traveller decides to see what's going on
- *chaos/adventures ensue*
Then you can choose whether they continue on, bringing with the people they meet along the way or not.
- Just when things were calming down/getting most tense, it is revealed that there is a much darker and more sinister force at play. It belies all that has happened how, and is far more dangerous than one would ever have suspected
If you're interested in this model, I'd be happy to brainstorm and bounce ideas back and forth with you! Them we could get more specific on the finer details and 'meat' of the story.
(February 27, 2022 - 11:43 pm)
(February 28, 2022 - 12:11 am)
(March 2, 2022 - 8:35 pm)
-the words maelstrom and vortex
(March 7, 2022 - 12:26 pm)
I'm new to Chatterbox, but am so excited to start commenting! (Side note: Cloud Zone, Dreamalina is part of the world I made up, called Dreamalina)
Fortunately, I love writing!
So I am so happy to help you to give you some help with a new story idea!!! I have a lot of unfinished stories, but unfortunately I just write as I go. :( But, I am PRETTY sure that you could get some inspiration from my stories!
Story #1:
Right now my top story has no title, but in my opinion, I'm good at making names up. My main character's name is Rora, and it is pronounced just the way you see it. The thing is, in my story so far, she got enchanted to be a lioness by my villain, Lady Serpens. (Side note: Rora was perfectly normal before she was enchanted)
I hope you get an idea for a story from that. Please let me know if you want any other story ideas! I will be happy to help. :)
(March 12, 2022 - 7:35 pm)
Hi Pancake and everyone else! This is my very first time posting to the Inkwell on Chatterbox and I just found out about it today. For anybody who might read this post, I know a very good way to get ideas. There is a book called Writing Magic Creating Stories that Fly by Gail Carson Levine which I read over and over again that suggests a good way to find ideas. Here are some tips from the chapters Eureka! and Stuck! And also a few comments from me:
I hope everyone who reads this will find it helpful!
P.S. I recommend to borrow the book and go through the chapters and exercises inside, because the information is excellent.
(March 12, 2022 - 9:00 pm)