Floating City RP

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Floating City RP

Floating City RP (Because Inkwell is feeling rather silent currently)

The city of Jenseng isn't the type of tourist attraction that appears on local maps. That's because its floating in the air, just above the clouds.

Perhaps you're visiting for fun, a curious tourist only just stepping off one of those flying ferries at the ports. Perhaps you've been transported here by chance, and you're trying to get back to your dimension. Perhaps you have some unfinished matters you're here to take care of. Or perhaps you just live here as a citizen. Anyhow, there's no shortage of colorful characters here, and they all pass through The Lavender cafe at some point, so why not pay a visit?

In case you haven't gotten the hint yet, this is a RP about Jenseng, a floating city.  It was born out of a combined worldbuilding effort with a friend, and I thought that I might make a RP out of it because the concept seemed intresting. For the sake of simplicity, you can think of the city as Venice, but turn the rivers of water into enchanted rivers of misty clouds and swap the riverbanks for green bamboo walkways. The weather is always sunny (unless you vote otherwise in the weekly weather voting), and there are rope bridges connecting each block of the city to each other. And of course, the main method of transport is flying boats. 

Here is the character sheet, before I get too immersed in explaining things:




Appearance (Does not have to be human):


Magical powers(optional, but suggested):


Reason for being here:

Other(did I miss anything?): 

I also did eventually get around to writing a story with a cafe in Jenseng as the setting, where I tried to explore some uncommon topics  (anti-war, trauma recovery, discrimination), so that's the place I'll be starting this: a small, homely cafe to the north of the city called The Lavender cafe, run by Pharma Elen and his adopted son Lantus Hartwish. I'll be posting their forms later, when this thread comes up, and the RP will start as soon as around three to four people have joined. Or perhaps five. It depends.

(Question: How does one get enough oxygen up there? Answer: Magic.)

submitted by Ultimatium
(June 22, 2023 - 9:12 am)

Also I'd love to read the story you wrote, it sounds fascinating and could give everyone a better idea of the setting.

submitted by Blackfooted Bobcat
(June 24, 2023 - 3:41 pm)

Yes! No! Wait no, yes! I mean I'm accepting forms. You're not too late, Hawkstar or Amarillis or Blackfooted Bobcat, so feel free to fill out your charries whenever you feel like it. I should add that people can join in anytime.

This RP is turning out to be more welcomed that I expected it to be, at least in the participating leg, so again, thanks for joining everybody. Because so many people have reserved, I'll be waiting until two more (Just trying to stress this part a bit, sorry. Not trying to sound pushy or anything.) people have filled out their forms and fix the starting date three days from that time to give everyone else a window to enter theirs.

@Amarillis, no problem. Thanks for pointing things out! I didn't add shipping because I assumed it was used only in solowrites, thanks for letting me know.

@Blackfooted Bobcat, I'll consider it. The overall large plot of the story is looking upwards, It's a story about anti-war and recovery after all, but writing recovery arcs obliges me to flesh out some details with backstory and flashbacks, which (I'm quite sure) won't be getting through the regulations. Perhaps I'll share some more neutral scenes and tidbits on the 'Regular writing thread' on Pudding's Place when I have the time.

submitted by Ultimatium
(June 24, 2023 - 6:38 pm)

Here are my charries:

Name:  Elleny Rice
Pronouns:  she/her
Age:  12
Appearance (Does not have to be human):  A human; tall, with tanned pale skin, blue eyes, long brown-blond hair that is often loose, and is always wearing leggings and a red sweatshirt.
Personality:  Bubbly, outgoing, helpful, and curious (a little bit nosy).
Magical powers(optional, but suggested):  She can create light very easily, and her fingernails glow in the dark.
Strengths & Weaknesses:  She is extremely perseverant, but she's also a little bit pestery and annoying.
Reason for being here:  She lives in Jenseng

Name:  Enola Malone
Pronouns:  she/her
Age:  13, but she acts a lot older than she is.
Appearance (Does not have to be human):  A human. Has green eyes and brown hair that is long but always in a bun; is average height for her age. She has very pale skin and likes wearing long old-fashioned dresses, slightly modified so they aren't ridiculously impossible to move around in.
Personality:  Reserved, quietish, thought of as strange, and wonders things, but rarely asks questions.
Magical powers(optional, but suggested):  Blends into the background more than seems possible.
Strengths & Weaknesses:  She is very resigned to doing what has to be done and never chickens out of things, even if she wants to. However, she's kind of used to being reserved and quiet and doesn't tell people if she really, really doesn't want to do things.
Reason for being here: She is living in Jenseng for six months.
Other(did I miss anything?):  Elleny and Enola are neighbors. They do not know each other, but will meet. 

submitted by Seadragon
(June 24, 2023 - 8:16 pm)

Name: Vin {last name unknown}

Pronouns: they/them

Age: 15

Appearance (Does not have to be human): Half-kraken, half human--they have purple tentacles that extend from their waist--buzzed brown hair, bright blue eyes that almost glow, skinny and short, excepting the tentacles, obviously, which make them about the height of 5'9 when fully extended

Personality: often blunt and short in their way of talking, not friendly whatsoever, but longs for a friend, sarcastic

Magical powers (optional, but suggested): None, unless you count their tentacles

Strengths&Weaknesses: Strengths--thievery, their tentacles; Weaknesses--those warm pistachio cookies from the street vendors and pretty girls (rather unfortunately)

Reason for being here: They are homeless and have been since age six

Other(did I miss anything?): Shipping: yep, with girls and demigirls their age. Although i doubt that will happen considering theyre homeless 

submitted by ~Amarillis~, age 13 eons, Hills of Smog
(June 25, 2023 - 11:59 am)

That was fast. The starting date will now be now fixed at the 28th! The RP will start then, so to everyone who has reserved, remember to fill out your forms in time. You are free to fill them even after the RP has started, but I'm afraid you'll have to find your own way into the stream of the plot then.

submitted by Ultimatium@all, Starting date fixed!
(June 26, 2023 - 8:08 am)

Name: Lillia Farrow

Pronouns: she/her, bi

Age: 16

Appearance (Does not have to be human): Part pegasus--she has long golden hair that stops at her waist, warm brown eyes, always wears a smile, freckles, around 6 foot, and has retractable brown-gold pegasi wings 

Personality: Friendly, kind, shy, has a lovely sense of humor, bookish

Magical powers(optional, but suggested): She can fly, obviously, and is telepathic

Strengths&Weaknesses: for some reason im not feeling this section rn for her--idk why i literally cant thing of anything i havent developed her character very well so....

Reason for being here: Like Ren, she's lived here her entire life. (btw if no one wants to be Ren's best friend, then she will be bc I think they'd get along. but i would prefer someone else's character since it's a little bit annoying to have two characters who might possibly end up together)

Other(did I miss anything?): Shipping: Yep, with girls and boys her age

submitted by ~Amarillis~, age 13 eons, Hills of Smog
(June 26, 2023 - 9:44 am)

About the story: That makes sense. Frankly, if you could post the whole thing here, I'd be deeply concerned about how effective it was, especially since you're going into child soldiers. If you do post some of it, I'll probably be able to write some notes for you on both writing and the subject matter, so if you're interested in that let me know.  

On which note, I'm hoping it's okay for my character to have been involved in the war. I actually happen to know a lot and be very passionate about things like child/forced labor, so this is deeply interesting to me. I'll probably be posting vis charrie sheet in a bit. You (and the admins) will be able to look it over and decide whether it's good. I just wanted to make sure you didn't want this to be, like, a super light thing.

submitted by Blackfooted Bobcat
(June 27, 2023 - 1:17 pm)

Aaaaaaaand I need to post this in two installments *facepalm*

Name: Koge. Vis last name, Moriyama, feels far too personal to share.

Pronouns: ve/vis/vim/vis/vimself. Ask if you need help using them. Ve’s usually okay with being called a boy or sir or other masculine terms and considers vimself masculine, but not male. 

Age: 16? 

Appearance: Short, wiry, somewhat muscled. Vis curly hair is somewhere between black and red-brown, and worn in a side part hairstyle with a long fringe. Vis skin is medium-light brown. Ve likes sweaters, but otherwise wears whatever is practical. This always includes beat-up but quality boots ve got from the army and vis army backpack, which ve doesn’t have enough stuff to fill.  Vis eyes are dark brown. Vis legs are slightly bent at the knees, even more slightly at the ankles, and vis toes point up, making walking painful; vis other joints often hurt. Ve uses a rollator most of the time, but often uses a wheelchair when places offer it. Ve has a distinctive gait, partially because ve can’t bend vis knees too much. Japanese (we just won’t pay attention to potential world inconsistencies if that's okay).

Personality: Logical, goal-focused, and blunt; ve does what’s necessary with little regard for others. Ve’s often ruthless when ve shouldn't be. Ve’s reckless and charges into things, but thinks well on vis feet. When ve isn't being reckless, however, ve can be paranoid and anxious, seeing dangers in things that really aren't dangerous. This is especially pronounced around people. Ve has a strong sense of humor, often sarcastic, and can be fairly silly, but this can quickly change to standoffishness and even hostileness. Ve has been taught to suppress emotions to the point where ve doesn’t always realize ve has them and certainly doesn’t understand them, which just makes vim suppress them harder. In life-or-death danger, ve is emotionless; afterwards ve crashes. However, ve is easily scared by the possibility of someone being displeased with vim. Ve often looks down on things ve considers useless and tries to separate vimself from them. When others like them, ve wishes ve could be like them. Ve often wishes ve could be like others, but it feels like ve’s like ve’s far too different from them, like ve’s from a different world. Ve has a hard time focusing without adrenaline. Ve’s deeply distrustful of authority; it makes vim feel trapped and helpless. Vis view of the world, other people in particular, is deeply cynical. Ve tends to avoid others - they’re dangerous, rarely do anything for vim, and ve figures they won't like vim anyway. Talks very quickly and sometimes makes huge jumps in topic. When ve starts to feel more comfortable, ve will start to be more silly (if sometimes not in smart ways), be more suspicious/anxious about non-dangerous things, have much less control over vis emotions and impulses, and crash a bit emotionally. ADHD.

Main 4 traits because that was confusing: silly/jokes a lot, logical/goal-focused/doesn't always care about others, cynical and distrusts authority, reckless, paranoid and scared of other people

Magical powers: Fire powers. Ve can’t create fire. But if it’s already existing ve can talk to it and make it move, change its temperature and intensity, and make patterns with it in the air. If ve works very hard, ve can convince the flame to burn something that isn’t flammable. Ve is immune to fire damage. Ve considers fire beautiful, and perhaps vis only friend. In order to get the flame to do something, ve has to communicate with it, so it takes some time; however, after a bit, ve more of less fuses with it and can control it much better.

Strengths: Ve is quick-thinking and relatively clear-headed in dangerous situations. Ve can control fire. Ve is very, very determined when ve wants to be. Ve has fighting and survival skills and can be fairly charismatic/fun to be around.

submitted by Blackfooted Bobcat
(June 27, 2023 - 8:47 pm)

Koge Part 2 ~

Limitations: Due to vis rollator and physical disability/ies, ve generally doesn’t have open hands and can’t carry much, can’t walk far/tires easily, walks a little slowly because ve can’t bend vis knees too much a lot of the time, and sometimes can’t walk at all. Ve can ve quick to resort to violence; however, sometimes violence also makes vim panic, so this never goes well. Ve can be far too ruthless. Ve probably will panic if someone tells vim to use vis fire (backstory). Ve has no sense of time and is usually late to things, and will put things off for a long time if there’s no pressing reason. Ve sees danger in things that aren’t dangerous at all, and can get quite worked up over them. Ve is terrified of confrontation and will generally joke around to avoid anyone getting upset. It gives vim a reason to be there. It makes people like vim, at least a little. 

Reason for being here: Ve tells vimself it’s because ve intends to steal a bit of bread. That’s the easy answer. But really, the cafe seems so cozy. So safe, even. Ve wants it, even as ve is certain ve can’t have it. Ve will probably be distrustful for a while, but if there’s no good reason to turn anything down, ve will stay for any potential benefits and just be rather hostile so people don’t get too close.

Backstory: Until ve was 8, ve lived happily with vis parents. And then the war reached them. Vis parents were killed. Ve was sent to live with vis aunt, who really did not want vim and was snappy and neglectful. When ve was 11, ve ran away and joined the army. Ve wanted revenge. Ve grew relatively high in the ranks as a fighter. It’s easy to see why - ve was ruthless, reckless, emotionless, and highly motivated. But as vis arthritis worsened and ve grew to need forearm crutches or a rollator to walk at all; ve grew more and more reckless, and often stopped making good decisions; and vis executive dysfunction grew worse because ve didn’t have the mental capacity anymore, ve was cast aside with no help. Ve is still loyal to the group; it gave vim a sense of purpose and worth, even as it tore those to shreds. Ve was only cast aside a few months ago, and has been wandering the city aimlessly. It feels wrong - far too cheerful, the beings far too welcoming. This can’t be right. (I can change things if they don’t fit with your world!)

Notes: Ve has lots of amnesia. Sometimes  ve feels uneasy around certain things but doesn’t always know why. Sometimes ve forgets who ve is, or what ve’s doing, or even the basic facts around vis life. In general ve can’t remember details about the war. 

Ve loves cute things and good food and such, but is far too ashamed to admit it. Ve is overall much softer than ve wants to admit and will probably be much more awkward and silly than I made vim sound.

Rheumatoid arthritis.  

I guess ve’s open to shipping? I’ll see if anyone’s interested. Ve’s probably mostly open to male or male-aligned people, but I can definitely consider otherwise. That's just how I imagined vim.

There won’t be graphic details about gore or violence; small flashes of memories are possible and even probable, but they should mostly be flashes. I’ll try to do content warnings for anything too noticeable. 

Sorry for this being so long, Admins! Thanks for everything you do :D 

submitted by Blackfooted Bobcat
(June 27, 2023 - 8:51 pm)

Right I think I'm gonna start this RP right after this post, but I might not be perfectly on date because my time zone isn't the easiest to align with the CB*crosses fingers*

And the rest below is just the result of me having too much free time on the computer. 

@Blackfooted Bobcat-

*rapidly rereads everything*

[I'm hoping it's okay for my character to have been involved in the war.] 

-1, Yep, it's ok! I was stripping Jenseng down to the basics for RP purposes, i.e. removing all the history and whatnot and leaving only just a simple setting. If you want Koge to be in the war to its perfectly ok, but the war itself is a bit complicated in matter, with conflicting forces and diffrent reasons for it starting in the first place- If you want a full explanation, I could slap up a thread on this month to keep things out of the way of busier threads. That goes for 2 below as well.

[If you do post some of it, I'll probably be able to write some notes for you on both writing and the subject matter, so if you're interested in that let me know. ] 

2, Ummm, again, I'll consider it. I created the main story idea, but there are some important characters inside that were contributed by my friend (who created Jenseng with me), so I might have to ask for his permisson to share all of it. What I can do is share some fragments... And my writing is more consistent with alternating bursts of passable sentences mixed into word vomit plus I'm not that good with writing, really.

Oh gosh please ignore that last bit of anti-confidence... I kind of die inwardly when it comes to the topic of sharing my work.

(we just won’t pay attention to potential world inconsistencies if that's okay) 

3. World incosistencies(I might have misspelled that?(meh too lazy to correct it) are no problem, and we can either ignore it or find a reason for it, depending on which solution is easier. I might have neglected mentioning the fact that Jenseng is situated on a interdimensional crossroads and is extremely vulnerable to random portal openings and that its orignal population included around a dozen races from diffrent worlds that I had to all leave out of this RP to keep things simple?


(I can change things if they don’t fit with your world!) 

4. No! Quite the contrary, it fits perfectly. Jenseng is supposed to be a dreamlike setting, harmonius and caring. There are no falling related deaths despite it being floating in the sky because people look out for things like that happening and halt it in time. 

Koge seems like a very developed oc, by the way. I kind of wish I could scribble down all of mine in detail as well, but I don't really have the time for it... 

submitted by Ultimatium
(June 28, 2023 - 8:18 am)

And my first RP ever starts, hopefully, on the correct date. Did I get the timezones right??? I do hope so...

To everyone in reservation, take your time. I'm leaving spots open for this whole RP, but as mentioned before, you'll have to find your own way into the plot now.

And, I shall be narrating in third person because I feel it comes more naturally to me instead of first person.


It was a nice day in Jenseng, or it was going to be. It was worth noting that it had yet to start: the sun was only just peeking over the tops of the tiled roofs and casting its golden rays on the walkways outside the Lavender cafe. Elen leaned out of his window and watched absentmindedly as a few wisps of drifting vapor scattered at their warming touch and sank into the misty canal below; a boat eased its way around a bend down the block and vanished into a avenue around the same time, the lantern at its prow swaying into the gentle ambience like a glowing pendulm until it was visible no more. All in all, it was a normal morning.

He ought to be getting the cafe prepared, Elen reflected after a while, and make some breakfast for Lantus. He closed the window, went out into the corridor, checked Lantus's door- silence. He should be still sleeping. The stairway to the first floor was dark, but Elen knew where the steps were by heart. He pushed the door at the end open and made his way into the cafe. The door closed behind him, the small 'staff only' sign hanging on it gently clattering to a stop. 

Elen paused where he was, and flipped open the lights. Instantly, the cafe brightened up around him. It was the same as he had left it last night. The hard cherrywood counter was spotless, and all the gentle-hued tables and chairs were as clean as new, just waiting for today's batch of customers to arrive and fill the cafe with warming chatter and gossip. Elen smiled at the thought, and took his time to manually wind up the blinds on each of the large windows in the walls; they were quite the pain to maintain, but the natural light they let in cut great costs on electric lighting. Matters completed, he replaced the 'closed' sign at the door with 'open', and grabbed the daily newspaper from the mailbox, and made himself comfortable on the chair behind the counter. (He hadn't bothered to lock the door, you could even count your life on the locals here so why bother?)

In the background a tea set lifted itself off the rack, teapot, cups and all; meanwhile, the stove cranked itself on and a tap began to run merrily.

Then there was a metallic bang from the pantry. And a loud 'Yow!'

Elen jumped out of his seat, and consequentialy another metallic clang followed, mingling with a pained whimper. This was not the type of clang that a sword makes when it hits cold steel. This was more of the type of clang that occurs when a lone frying pan that has been trying to make its way across a room has now unfortunately crashed to the floor due to a lapse in concentration.

Without thinking, Elen gathered himself up and pushed open the pantry door. The lights jumped on even though the light switch was on the other side of the room.

Elen blinked. The person who was in the rollator, holding his head and standing in the pantry, blinked.

The crashed frying pan slowly picked itself back up and drifted out of the room, where it set itself on the stove. The open cupboard in the corner closed, but not before the half-vandalized loaf of bread that was sitting in it floated out, along with the crumbs.

This was turning out to be a rather intresting morning. 

"Good morning, sir." Elen said, after a pause had elapsed. "Sorry for your, ah, accident, but this room is limited to staff only, and we only open at seven." He checked his watch, tail flicking. "Which is... now." He admitted, looking back up. "What are you doing here, if I may inquire?"


Nothing much, just setting the scene and getting things warmed up!

submitted by Starting!!!, It's Ultimatium here...
(June 28, 2023 - 9:27 am)

Your writing is really good! All the details make the world feel so vibrant. You can feel the movement of the world, if that makes sense? I don't know if it does. Either way, Elen’s character comes through as well, and he seems awesome. You can definitely feel how much he cares about the cafe. 

I’m slightly confused about one thing, though: was Elen doing something in the pantry, are things enchanted to do things automatically, or did Koge (I’m assuming it’s Koge) do something? Also, ve uses ve/vis/vim/vis/vimself pronouns. Basically you can write with he/him and then add a v to the start. It’s conjugated the same. If you need more help just ask! 

Also, can I start writing now or do you have another installment? I’ll probably write what Koge was doing before regardless, if that’s okay. 

I’d love to hear the history of the war! It’d be really helpful to know what ve’s loyal to XD Plus the world just seems cool.

I hope I wasn’t pressuring you to post the story. It’s fine if you don’t want to, and if you do, it’s fine if you don’t want criticism. I know it’s hard to post stuff you made. And I get if your friend won’t let you. But just so you know, from what you posted here, your writing is actually really good. And even if it wasn't, I'd still love to see it. Besides, posting it and getting feedback, even if it's just "I really liked these parts", can absolutely help you improve if that's your goal.

Overall I really like this installment! The atmosphere is amazing, and I already really like Elen as a character. I can't wait for the next one :D

submitted by Blackfooted Bobcat
(June 28, 2023 - 2:35 pm)

Thanks so much for the compliment! Compliments, actually, but thanks nontheless.

>Yes, Elen was. He was making breakast with telekenesis, hence all the descriptions of floating cutlery; I wanted to give everyone a feeling of how everything works in the cafe.

>It is Koge in the pantry.

>As for the frying pan, Elen was trying to get it out of the pantry (to make pankakes), but he obviously hadn't counted on Koge to block its way. Sorry for his head.

>Yeah, you can start writing now. Everyone can, that's what RP's are for isn't it?

>Sure! If you're intrested in the history, I'll go make that thread on This Month when I have time.

>I haven't wrote a lot in diffrent pronuns, but I think I get the idea. I'll do my best! 

>No worries about pressure. My whole mind is always like, 'When someone thinks highly of you, you wonder how long it will take for them to become dissapointed in you'. So yes. I'll try to find my courage somewhere under my bed.

submitted by Ultimatium
(June 28, 2023 - 6:23 pm)

Oof, I'm not sure if this is stil open OR active... but could you let me know if it is? I'm pretty interested to include my main in this! :D

submitted by KatPrincessForever, age ???
(August 13, 2023 - 3:19 pm)

I believe you can join anytime. The RP's not as active, but it's still open. I'm posting once in a while when I remember, and I believe Seadragon is also posting a little more regularly. So yeah, I would consider it active.

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunaryears, A Celestial Sky
(August 17, 2023 - 8:07 pm)