Exquisite Corpse!

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Exquisite Corpse!

Exquisite Corpse!

Ok now that I've got your attention let me tell you what Exquisite Corpse is. An Exquisite Corpse is a story where one author writes the first part of it and another author writes the next part and so on. Here is the first part.


 It was a dark and stormy night. Definitely not the kind of night you would want to be climbing Mt. Everest with an unconscious sibling two years older [and 20 pounds heaver] than you strapped to your back and pursuers with machine guns close behind. Yet it was  this situation that Julia [the climbing one] and Max [the unconscious one] faced. Two hours ago they fled there burning home in Australia.     

submitted by RER, age 10, Falling off the
(July 5, 2010 - 6:28 pm)

Is it like an RR'R story? (Round Robin 'Riting)

submitted by Emily L., age 15, WA
(July 6, 2010 - 12:16 pm)

I have no idea if RER is still on here, but someone should continue this story! It sounds great!



submitted by SusyQ
(October 12, 2011 - 4:52 pm)