Uhh....hi guys! I

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Uhh....hi guys! I

Uhh....hi guys! I made a post a couple months ago and haven't been around since then. Soo what I need help with is a story idea. I've had a couple of ideas lately but I feel like I'm copying other authors or the ideas turn out to not be really original. Okay so here are some possible ideas I've had...

1. Lately I've been LOVING the name Adalee. And since I really want to write a story with romance, at first I made Adalee this really mysterious young girl. She has really dark hair and wears a long hauntingly beautiful white dress. And she can mind read. So for the prologue of one of my story ideas, she sits next to this boy on a bench and looks into his eyes. When she does this she sees that his name is Jamie, she falls in love with him at the age of thirteen/fourteen (Not sure which to do!) and then she sees herself about to die in some tragic way ( I wanna make it a big fantasy mystery sort of thing) but the problem is I DON'T KNOW HOW SHE'S SUPPOSED TO DIE! Plus I can't get enough of the plot in my head to really get inspired. I mean what are their background stories going to be????

2.  The second idea was to create a story of a world that was only gray. The sky was gray, the people were gray, everything was gray except in different shades. Then all of the sudden these new people come with actual beautiful colors and make the world colorful again. But with this there's no plot figured out, no characters...I haven't got ANYTHING figured out... :(. But I really like this idea besides for the fact I feel I am copying a different author. Have you guys ever heard of a story like this? I keep thinking I'm copying the book Mockingbird for some reason.


So yes...I NEED HELP!!!! :O Please help guys!! Thanks!


submitted by Sidney, age 11, VA, USA
(April 30, 2011 - 8:21 pm)

Ok, I'll try to help. 

Adallee's Back round- She's alone in the world and her life before she meets Jamie is a mystery.

Jamie's Back round- He lives with his uncle who works for some place. His uncle comes home late all the time so Jamie is alone. Jamie normally roams the streets by himself.

I think the two should be fourteen. The death... Hmm... Ok, there are a few ways. She finds out that Jamie has been taken, forever, away from her by the last person she thinks it would be (make person!) and that starts the mystery. Anyway towards the end, she's out on a dark night and she's looking for him, screaming his name in distress when a knife appears in the dark, stabs her and she dies a pain filled death, never finding her loved one again. 

I've never heard of a story like that... I need to know a little more about your idea to help you with it! I hope these were some good tips. 

submitted by Elizabeth M, age 11, Germany: 23 Day
(May 1, 2011 - 4:21 am)

Topity Top! :)

submitted by Elizabeth M, age 11, Germany: 23 Day
(May 1, 2011 - 4:21 am)

Hi, Sidney! I'll try to get back to you later, but I did want to say that I have also been loving the name Adallee lately. Except for I like spelling it Addallee. Anyways, welcome back!

submitted by Princess P.
(May 1, 2011 - 2:30 pm)

No, Addellee makes it to long. Adalee is better.

submitted by Jess
(May 1, 2011 - 2:54 pm)

#2 would kind of be copying The Giver.  I think you should have Adalee escape her tragic fate at the last second. That way it wouldn't be sad, but you could make a huge battle scene between Adalee & Jamie and whoever the bad-guys are. For even more drama, you could have Jamie turn out to be forced to work for the evil people. That would mean Adalee would have to fight the person forcing him, then they could get away. I don't care if you use these ideas or not. I am just typing random ideas. I love your story plan, though!

submitted by Mickey M., age 12, Hogwarts
(May 1, 2011 - 4:01 pm)

Jamie is a murderer. She reads his mind and learns that he is planning to kill her. 

submitted by ZNZ, age 13, Thulcandra
(May 1, 2011 - 4:01 pm)

Uh thanks but I want Jamie to a nice guy. A perfect match for Adalee.. :)


submitted by Sidney W., age 11, Va, USA
(May 2, 2011 - 5:06 pm)

Aw, but you could go for this really awesome starcrossed angle! 


Fine then.  

submitted by ZNZ, age 13, Thulcandra
(May 3, 2011 - 6:47 am)

I kind of like the murderer idea... Hehe... Romance with a sad turn! 

submitted by Elizabeth M, age 11, Germany: 20 Day
(May 4, 2011 - 10:21 am)

Oh my gosh! Thanks guys! Elizabeth- I love your idea about the whole mystery who took Jamie idea but I thought I might add some more details so that you guys can more understand what I want in the plot. 

I'd really like for Jamie's dad to have died or gotten divorced so that he only has a Mom and she works like ALL the time. I want Jamie to be black. I want Adalee to have bright green eyes that are always filled with curiousity. I kind of wanted to make this book more realistic though so I think maybe the knife idea would be too much. Any other ideas? Oh and one more thing I need Jamie to save Adalee. I couldn't have a sad Romeo Juliet ending... :). 


I really have no idea where to begin with my second idea except maybe this new baby is born and she's the only thing in the whole universe that has a bit of color to her. She's a blessing :). 


P.S You guys seem to check this website pretty often... and it's ALWAYS the same people who make posts and answer them. It's really pretty cool seeing as I wouldn't think many people look at this website Smile


Thanks SOOOOOOO much,




The second idea reminds me of the little girl in the red coat at the end of Schindler's List. The baby could spread color (and what color represents) as she grows.


submitted by Sidney W. , age 11, VA, USA
(May 1, 2011 - 6:07 pm)

Hmm... Let me see, the baby is born and brings a tiny bit of color into the world. As she grows, it becomes larger and larger until people start noticing her. Then she becomes in danger (for whatever reason) and she is shut into a room on her own all alone except her color. I don't have any more idea except till that point.

The knife in the dark? That isn't too unrealistic but we can try something else. Adalee hears a conversation between the kidnapper and ______ then Adalee follows the woman to the house where Jamie is kept. As the lady is walking up the steps she turns around holding a gun in her hand. She points it at Adalee and Adalee thinks she's done for. But then she hears a rustling on the roof and Jamie jumps down. The woman fires the gun and gets Jamie on accident. Jamie has saved Adalee. Jamie is alive but losing blood fast. The woman still has the gun in her hand but Adalee saves Jamie and herself. 

Is that OK? 

submitted by Elizabeth M, age 11, Germany: 22 Day
(May 2, 2011 - 8:10 am)

I love both of your ideas! Thanks soooo much! But if anybody out there still has some thoughts I'd LOVE to hear them!


Thanks everybody! 

submitted by Sidney W., age 11, Va, USA
(May 2, 2011 - 5:04 pm)

Um...what's the Schindler's List?


Schindler's List is a movie about the Holocaust in which a German factory owner (Schindler) spends his entire fortune to help
save 1,100 Jews from Auschwitz concentration camp. The list is of the names of the people he saved. It won seven Academy Awards (including Best
Picture) and is an unforgettable testament to the possibility of human
goodness, but it's rated R for the mature theme.


submitted by Sidney W. , age 11, Va, USA
(May 2, 2011 - 5:24 pm)

Hey guys... I'm really attached to the whole Jamie/Adalee idea so I created this prologue. Tell me what you think :).


            As the girl sat next to him, Jamie suddenly felt every thought in his head slip away. She scooted closer to him on the bench. He didn’t know what to do. He didn’t know why he was on this bench. All he could think about was this girl. How her long, dark hair draped on her shoulders like a curtain. How she was so pale but then again so pretty. How her pale purple dress shone with sparkles. She was young too. Jamie forgot how old he was but she was probably at least a year younger than him. He didn’t notice how dirty he was or where all his soccer teammates had gone. Jamie had forgotten everything…

            The girl looked into his eyes and he felt a strong sense of calmness drift through him like a gentle breeze. Her eyes were bright green and curious like a cat's. She looked at him carefully and he looked back drowsily. “Jamie,” the girl whispered, her eyes not leaving his face. She could see something through the darkness of them. He was sure of it. He stared back. He wanted her to know all about him. He didn’t care that it made him uncomfortable. He was sure this was the right thing. Then suddenly winds started to howl around them, the dim-lit sky grew darker. The girl blinked several times, a deep sense of surprise in those bright green eyes. She drew back quickly. “Don’t leave me! Don’t leave me! Don’t leave me!” she screamed her eyes sad. Then she rushed over to him and pulled at the collar of his shirt. He looked back at her, a little scared. “I love you,” the girl whispered. She looked at him her eyes wide and frantic.Then slowly she dissolved away into the darkness. The sun began to shine brighter. All his thoughts came back to him just as the howling wind vanished. Well maybe not all of them…because when Jamie stepped back onto the soccer field, ready to shoot a couple goals, he didn’t remember the girl. He didn’t remember her dark hair and little beautiful face. It was as if nothing had happened. 

submitted by Sidney W., age 11, Va, USA
(May 2, 2011 - 5:33 pm)

I love this story so far!!!! I do this all the time with my friends at school, where we all pitch in our ideas and write it, but it never gets any less fun! :)

submitted by Kim A., age umm......., Gallagher Acade
(May 2, 2011 - 5:52 pm)