Round robin anyone?

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Round robin anyone?

Round robin anyone?

Doesn't matter!  If no one responds I'll write NaMaWriMo myself!

We haven't had a good round robin since Meadow's reeeeeeeeeeeally long long long one (remember, with Ahtnamas, and the Wraith versus the Wave).  What happened to that anyway?  I just went thorough every.  single.  page of the Inkwell and it's not here.  I think the Admins took it down.  (Is that right, Admins?)  Evil Admins.  Cry



Mattie was sitting in her room, in the magical space, wedged betweed her bed and her dresser and her wall.  She pulled her night table in front of her and settled down with her favorite book. 

She hadn't read a page before her triplet younger brothers waltzed into the room.  She stood up with a sigh.

"What is it?  I just started reading!"

"Mommy says she busy and you're to take us outside!" said Sammy.

"And we wanna go to the candy store!  And Mommy says you're going to give us money!" shrieked Logan.

"She did not!" yelled Devon.  The two tussled.  Mattie pulled them apart.  

"We'll go in the backyard and play some games.  Quit fighting!" she said sternly and marched them out of the house.

Their mother Jane watched them from the kitchen window.  She regretted that Mattis had to take care of them so much.  Thirteen was young to share mothership of three five-year-olds, but that was how it was.  She couldn't watch them and feed them.

As Mattie read and the boys romped in the yard, she suddenly became aware that someone was watching her.  She turned quickly.  It was the nice boy from school.   She waved and smiled.  He waved and smiled back.  She asked him what he was up to.  He was off to the store on an errand.  He went on, and Mattie turned back to her book.  It was nice and quiet.  So restful.  As if...

Mattie sat upright, dropping her book.  The boys were nowhere to be seen.  She looked around frantically, then called their names.  A sound like pressure released from a can of soda made her blood run cold.  A sinister cackle sounded behind her.  The hair stood up on the back of her neck.  But no one was in sight.  What had happened?




Have fun!


No, we didn't take it down...strange! Perhaps the Chattebox ate it.


submitted by Oregano, age guess, Unknown
(May 10, 2011 - 12:46 pm)

Awww, I thought everyone forgot about that!  We should bring it up, once we find it.  Though I am kind of afraid to read it...  My writing back then was kind of...  mehish.  Not that my writing now isn't mehish...  It was just more mehish than it is now.  :)


Panicking, Mattie ran to the gate door, and stumbled out.  She called for her brothers, with no reply. She decided to ask the boy from school if he had seen anything, but he was gone.  He had disappeared along with her brothers, unless he had super speed.

A man across the street yelled to her, asking who she was looking for.  She explained, and he said he hadn't seen anyone pop out of the humid air.  She thanked him and realized that she should tell her mother about the boys.

Fresh tears pouring out of her eyes, she wandered into the house nearly yelling.  "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," she said as her mother wiped away the salty drops. 

"Mattie, it's alright.  Your brothers came inside without you noticing.  Their upstairs," her mother said soothingly, stroking her daughters hair.

Mattie blew her nose on her mother's shirt, and smiled in a sad-but-happy way.  "I'm sorry I threw such a big fit.  I hate the idea of losing anyone I love, even if they are amazingly annoying."

"Everyone makes mistakes, dear."

Jane's voice sounded unusually low.  Mattie drew her head away from her mother's shoulder, and a ripple of fear went down her spine to her heels. 

This creature was not her mom. 

It's eyes glowed a murky orange, though there was light in the room.  It's nose was flat, with three small slits to replace it.  Red, webbed hands smashed her arms.

As she tried to pull away, the slimy hands held tight to her arms.  The house was transforming into a small metal room.   She screamed, to no avail.  No one could hear her, unless this disgusting thing was a person.

With a pop, the slime machine disappeared, leaving her alone in the room, unable to even hear herself.

submitted by Mead☼w, age 13, Deep In The Fol
(May 10, 2011 - 10:25 pm)

Whoa!!! Totally not what I expected!  I'll continue.

Oh, and in case the admin(s?) didn't see, I found the old thread; it was, surprisingly, only on page 3 or 5 or somthing.


Mattie screamed again.  The walls were swirling slightly, as if they were still changing from her familiar surroundings.  She felt cold and clammy and vaguely sick.  The gray metal walls were claustrophobic and  confining. Four monoliths, almost.  She looked at the floor.  It looked exactly the same.  She looked at the ceiling, with dread and hope mixed together, because in her books it was always the ceiling that held the instrument of death, or the means of escape.  

The ceiling was identical to the walls and floor.

She wondered where the air was coming from.  She could see no vent - perhaps they meant to asphyxiate her?  Then, she wondered where the light was coming from.  She looked all around her, then at herself.

She was glowing.  Ever so slightly.  Just enough to cast a soft light around the tiny cell.  Only her skin and hair glowed, with a whitish-yellow color, barely perceptible, a thin aura around her body.  She moved her hand through the air.  It seemed to trail light particles, like fog, but the aura around her had was no less for the movement.  The particulates that came off faded and disappeared.  She lifted a lock of her tightly curly brownish-blond hair.  Normally it was an ugly color, but it too glowed.  It gave her hope.

The cell jolted.  It seemed to be moving downhill at a rapid pace, slightly tilted.  She wondered what purpose it served.  Then it leveled out and seemed to move horizontally again, very bumpily.  She decided it was probably taking her to her death, or to meet some most powerful potentate slime machine.  Perhaps it was an elevator.  She was nauseated by the jolting and the fear, and falling on her hands and knees, she retched and threw up on the floor of the cell.  She clutched her stomach, which was rolling.  The stench made it worse  She stood up again, shakily, and braced herself against the walls, feeling no better.  With a final huge jolt, the cell stopped.  A wall slid open.

There, silhouetted against a dark hallway, was the evil mother slime machine impersonater.

"Come," hissed a deep voice. "I must take you to our most powerful potentate."

Mattie took a deep breath for the room to stop spinning, and stepped into the hallway.  The slime machine marched her away.

submitted by Oregano, age 13, Same place as I
(May 11, 2011 - 1:05 pm)

To the top, little thread.  Spread your threadishness please.  :)

submitted by Mead☼w, age 13, Deep In The Fol
(May 11, 2011 - 12:37 pm)

Yup, yup, bring it up.  MUST KEEP THREAD GOING!   STAY ON TOP PAGE!!!!   Which reminds me, Admin, how do you decide which ones to put at the top?  Is it by popularity?  Do you top the ones you like best?

I'm not posting until someone else has.  Or they won't have much choice as to where this goes.  :)

The Chatterbox is set up so that the most recently-updated posts are at the top (although as you all know, sometimes there are glitches)--we don't have anything to do with it!


submitted by Oregano, age still 13, same sofa
(May 12, 2011 - 6:56 am)

(Sorry.  I posted the last one before I could see your response.  Anyway if the Chatterbox works it shouldn't matter what I put in a comment, any comment would push it to the top!  Ideally.)

Spammy says "ufeg."  What does that mean, Spammy??

submitted by Oregano, age 13, the loveseat
(May 12, 2011 - 1:00 pm)







submitted by Oregano, age 13, the sofa - actu
(May 12, 2011 - 11:20 am)


submitted by same, age same, same
(May 12, 2011 - 2:11 pm)

Someone post?  Don't let this thread die!

submitted by Oregano Please Post!, age please?, POST ON THIS TH
(May 12, 2011 - 6:23 pm)

Ok, fine!  I'll post just so someone else will!





walked slowly along the dark hallway.  It was, lit, though, by her
faint glow.  The creature moved along behind her.  She contemplated
trying to run away, but dropped the idea.  She had no idea where she was
or how to get out, or what would happen if she did.  Did the evil
mother impersonator slime machine have a ray gun or something, the way
they did in books and movies?  Did it have super powers?  Would it magically freeze her in her tracks?  How did it
move anyway?  She didn't look back at it.  It was too disgusting.  


"Turn left!" said the creature.


Mattie turned left through a low arched doorway.  The creature seemed to follow - she wasn't looking, but she was pretty sure.


Mattie stopped.  The hall had come to a dead end.  In front of her was a solid wall of the exact same metal as the walls of the elevator chamber.  On either side of it was a large slime machine.  They eyed her coldly.  She shuddered.


The creature behind her hissed something at them, not in English, obviously in their native tongue.  They reached up; each pressed a button by the metal wall.


The wall split in two and slid open, much like an elevator door.


In front of her was an enormous throne room.  A red velvet carpet fringed with gold led to steps, at the head of which was an ornate chair.  Anticipating another slime machine, Mattie didn't look at its occupant; she wondered, however, how slime machines, who didn't seem to have legs, could climb stairs.  She looked around the rest of the room.  On her left, as she faced the slime machine king, was a huge horde of slime machines.  She loathed them already.  She looked to her right.


There were Sammy, Logan, Devon, and Jane.  They looked terrified, though their skin was glowing as hers was.  She screamed their names and tried to run to them, but couldn't.  There seemed to be an invisible force holding her back.  She fought it, and was rewarded with a small electric shock.  She stood, dazed, staring at her family. 


"Now, now, little girl," said the king of the slime machines, "We mustn't get out of line here.  Next time, I assure you, the shock will be twice as bad."


The voice was all too familiar.  Mattie looked at the king, dreading what she would see, and she was right.


It was the "nice" boy from school.  His eyes glowed a murky orange.  He leaned his elbow in the armrest of his throne and rested his chin in his hand.


"You," spat Mattie, barely controlling her anger.  "You're behind all this.  I thought you were nice and cool and awesome.  But all that time you were talking with me, you were just creating a diversion so your evil slime machines could capture my family."


"Precisely," said the boy with the slime machine eyes.  "that's just right.  And," he added, arising from his throne,  "if you'll follow me, I'll show you why."


He stepped down from his throne - that explained the steps, so that only he could get to his throne - and swept past Mattie.  She looked at her family, who had their heads bowed, and followed him, not knowing what else to do, and deciding that compliance was safest for her and her family.  As he passed each member of his court of slime machines, they bowed and made a gesture with their red webbed hands.  He stepped out into the hall.  She followed; the metal doors slid shut.


They went through the low arched doorway and turned left.  "You see," said the boy, "for years, one human at a time has ruled the - er, evil slime machines, as you call them.  Actually, they call themselves the Sters/gunt-si,  so you should stick with that so as not to anger them.  My father was the last king, the king of the kingdom Sters.  Each successive ruler must go above ground and find a mate, a human mate, and their first child is the next ruler.  The child is brought up in the Royal Nursery of the Sters/gunt-si and learns both their language, Sters/ki-ko, and English; his other immediate family goes to the dungeons.  Then when the old king dies or abdicated, whichever comes first, the young one takes over.  Simple enough."


"So that's all I am,"  said Mattie.  "A mate, an unwilling, not yet fertile mate who's going to give you an heir.  Why take Mom and the boys, then?  What good are they?"


"Ah no," said the boy.  "I'm afraid you made a mistake there.  Er, you see - You are the next heiress.  I allowed you and your family to stay above ground this long - you can thank me for it whenever - a very dangerous thing;  you see, you don't speak Sters/ki-ko, you don't know our ways, no, none of what the people want in a new queen.  So you see... if I had kept you above ground much longer, I would possibly have been lynched... the Sters/gunt-si, you know - I guess you don't know - are immune to electric shock."


Mattie's thoughts were awhirl.  That meant that if she and Jane and the boys didn't escape, she'd be a queen of slime machines, and her family, her mother and brothers, who were so dear to her, would go to the dungeons - she didn't like to think what would happen to them there.  No question about it - they'd have to escape somehow.

submitted by Oregano, age 13, the loveseat -
(May 13, 2011 - 7:12 am)


wants YOU




to post on this really cool and totally super awesome thread and make it even more so!!!!!!!!

submitted by Oregano, age 13, in case you wan
(May 13, 2011 - 9:41 am)


submitted by Oregano, age 13, the loveseat
(May 14, 2011 - 6:57 am)

SOMEONE POST ON THIS THREAD!!!!  Where is everyone????????  Save my preeeeccccciousssssssssss round robin!!!!!!!!!

submitted by Oregano, age 13, the loveseat, t
(May 14, 2011 - 7:00 am)


(May 14, 2011 - 9:43 am)

I just read through this and it's a very interesting plot! I'll post really soon, kay? Don't die yet!

submitted by Elizabeth M., age 11, Germany: 10 Day
(May 14, 2011 - 10:16 am)

I just read through this and it's a very interesting plot! I'll post really soon, kay? Don't die yet!

submitted by Elizabeth M., age 11, Germany: 10 Day
(May 14, 2011 - 10:16 am)