Well, I might

Chatterbox: Inkwell

Well, I might

Well, I might as well start by saying I have no idea what I'm doing. I'm an avid reader, an aspiring author, a constant singer, and a distracted artist. Fairly typical. Oh, and I'll occasionaly write a poem or host a party. I did a lot of reading posts already, but 

I kind of felt I should contribute as well. Not that I have any idea how. So I suppose, the purpose of this post is to say,- 'Hi! Would someone please help me?' I don't really understand how to post, but I'm trudging along as best I can, because it seems like the best (or at least most obvious) way to find out. 

Spammy says tbdw. The bedroom window? There's only a roof out there, spammy. 

P.S. Cellardoor was Tolkein's favorite word. He liked the way it sounded outloud. Try it! 


You post by submitting comments just as you have this one. It will be reviewed by an Admin, then posted.


submitted by Cellardoor, age timeless, Above the stairs
(September 5, 2011 - 11:56 am)

So you're new?

submitted by Tiffany W., age 11!!!, Venice, I wish
(September 5, 2011 - 1:20 pm)


submitted by TOP
(September 9, 2011 - 7:24 pm)

I just said Cellardoor outloud. Oh my goshness. Cellardoor. Cellardoor. Cellardoor. Sounds kind of like Selador. Hmm.. what book is that from Selador Speakers? Oh, yeah Secret Speakers: The search for Selador's Gate. Not a very good book. I just picked it because I liked the word Selador.

Consider joining an RP? There aren't that many right now, it seems, I think because school has started and the teachers are giving us way too much homework. That is, for the people who aren't homeschooled. I don't know if you get homework if you're homeschooled.

Hmm, active RP's. There's the dragon one, on Inkwell, I'm in that. We're not that far into it. But you might want to write as a boy, because there are four girl characters and only one boy, Endey. Say it En-day. Endey's me.

There's a new Percy Jackson one, just starting, on Blab About Books. I'm in that too. I think too much. And talk too much. And write too much. Yeah, so far, I'm the only one that's posted. I'm Clarisse (Shut up, punk, or I'll charge with my new electric spear) You could join that.

There's the RR on Inkwell that's pretty good. But Wolfgirl67 and NDT are the only one's on it so far except for me, and I think they're out of town or their computer broke.

Or just post on random threads about random books. Or the book quotes. I can't figure out the new one, and WritingWarrior isn't telling.

Yeah, I started posting about a little less then a month ago. Just stuck my head out on the chopping block, and Cricketeers, being all around nice people, accepted me.

But you probably shouldn't listen to me. I talk too much. And think too much. And write too much. Just write until your brain dies. And then kill a computer to have with you in the afterlife.

Spammy says ggdm. I think Spammy is sick with coughing up double letters. I've gotten xx, zz, ww, and now gg.

submitted by SC, age 13, flyingwithmaxride
(September 9, 2011 - 7:52 pm)

Hi Cellardoor! Oh my Rowling, that word does sound awesome! How did you find out that it was Tolkein's favorite word?


Anyway, the dragon RP on Inkwell is pretty new and could use some more people, so feel free to join. I'm Elyana, dragon catcher extrordinaire. There's also TAPM, The Author Pairs Movement, if you want to pair up with someone and write a story, and of course all the random threads on Down to Earth about random things. This Month usually doesn't have a lot of activity on it, but sometimes people write about stuff there. By the way, if you're wondering who Spammy/Spamboy/CAPTCHA is, he's the spam box at the bottom of the page with random letters to test whether you're human or not. Right now, he says "kwar". Hmm, wonder what that could mean? Happy Chatterboxing! :)

submitted by Alexandra, age XII, Never Land
(September 11, 2011 - 3:27 pm)

Oops never mind about Spammy in my other post! I'm really careless when I read stuff, sorry! *facepalm*

submitted by Alexandra, Embarassed
(September 11, 2011 - 3:29 pm)

I think I scared you away! Please come back and post on random places!! Please!!

submitted by SC, age 13
(September 18, 2011 - 4:10 pm)