
Chatterbox: Inkwell



Because there isn't a still living one for me to invade!

Spur-of-the-moment, sweated over, polished, whatever. Post your poems here!


I've already posted this on a different thread, but this is version 2 (and therefore Better™):

Sunlight bubbles into the long dry grass

and gilds the whistling blades in shining gold.

Silver evaporates; crows scream in vile

disgust when fire bites at their ice-slicked wings.


Gold swords glitter, the ancient battlefield

awake once more to spill innocent blood.

Far away, the shrill slicing blades echo

as the crows begin their reconnoissance.


War-torn air seethes with harsh and bitter smoke.

Now the midday fire scorches the soldiers,

raining misery down on endless ranks.

Sharp blades sever stalks and hiss in the heat.


Blood-saturated, the fallen lay piled

together beneath the lowering sun.

Now-quiet blades gleam red in the twilight

and squalling crows alight on the rubble.

submitted by TNÖ, age Deep Space, 18
(September 12, 2011 - 1:01 am)

The flower unfolds,

Like an invisible hand pried it open,

No one is here to see

Its beauty,

It sits forlorn for days,

Waiting for its elegant petals to be acknowledged,

Someone walks along,

Sees it for what it is,

And picks it.

Gah, that was horrible. 

submitted by Analesia, age 13, just being awesome
(September 12, 2011 - 5:24 pm)

No I really liked it actually!


submitted by TNÖ, age 18, Deep Space
(September 13, 2011 - 12:11 pm)


submitted by Analesia, age 13, just being awesome
(September 14, 2011 - 2:26 pm)

Poke? Is that a new way of saying top? 


It's another way of getting a thread to the top, but it's not new. It's just what some people use.


submitted by Tiffany W., age 11, not a good poet
(September 14, 2011 - 6:12 pm)

I need poetry help!!! So, this is a poem I started before I moved and then dug out a couple weeks ago. I can't get it quite right and the end... well, it's a bit... nonexistant... So, help, suggestions, anything!!!!!!


Time, the all consuming beast
Never pausing in his feast
Laps up the days, swallows the weeks
Stopped by none, the stong the weak (I don't like that line, but my mom suggested it and it's the best I could come up with...)


Never does he drink his fill.
His smirking eyes haunt me still,
Asking me the question why
I would let each day slip by.


Now every moment seems to short.
This beast set out to break my heart.
Why did I never stop to see
The love from those surrounding me?


Did I pause and take the time
To truly watch the sights go by?
A house framed by the trees of green,
Bright flowers begging to be seen.


How strange it is to just no hear
The singing bird that's always near!
Wind and stars sing lullabies.
Fluttering leaves whisper "good-bye".


This snarling beast doesn't care
About my heart he rips and tears.
He brings to life new urgency
And silences my desperate plea.


But maybe this beast isn't hear
To watch my pain and coldly sneer.
Maybe he brings something to teach,
A concept that was out of reach. ("concept" doesn't quite feel right, to me)


No more will I ever ignore
The precious gifts behind each door.
I soak up every bit I can
Of sounds and beauty from this land.


*insert brilliant ending stanza(s) here*


So, HELP!!!!


submitted by Emma, age 14, CA
(September 14, 2011 - 11:22 pm)

I just said it to poke TNO for saying poke.

submitted by Analesia, age 13, just being awesome
(September 15, 2011 - 3:21 pm)

@TNO-scary...the poem made me shiver because I could hear the sounds, especially slicing and severing and hissing and bubbling.  When you say that sunlight is bubbling in the first line it really sets the scene; it seems wrong to have sunlight bubbling and that line lets you know a little what to expect in the rest of the poem.  (That it is not going to be about a nice sunny picnic.)  The alliteration and assonance and use of the senses is...perfect.  I really like how you bring back the crows at the end.  The only thing I was confused about was the ice slicked wings.


@Analesia-I like the surprise twist at the end of your poem...sad:(  I like the images.  It's may be just me, but I would love more to the poem, maybe at the beginning.  Don't say "Gah" about your poetry unless you have a really good reason :) 


@Emma-I really liked your image of time!  In the last line of the first verse, do you mean, "Stopped by none, strong or weak."??  Or, the strong, the weak?

I put my comments in bold.

Time, the all consuming beast
Never pausing in his feast
Laps up the days, swallows the weeks
Stopped by none, the stong the weak (I don't like that line, but my mom suggested it and it's the best I could come up with...) I like it! :)


Never does he drink his fill.
His smirking eyes haunt me still,
Asking me the question why
I would let each day slip by.


Now every moment seems too short.
This beast set out to break my heart.
Why did I never stop to see
The love from those surrounding me?  


Did I pause and take the time
To truly watch the sights go by?
A house framed by the trees of green,
Bright flowers begging to be seen.


How strange it is to just to hear
The singing bird that's always near!
Wind and stars sing lullabies.
Fluttering leaves whisper "good-bye".


This snarling beast doesn't care
About my heart, he rips and tears.
He brings to life new urgency
And silences my desperate plea.  What plea? 


But maybe this beast isn't here

To watch my pain, and coldly sneer.
Maybe he brings something to teach,
A concept that was out of reach. ("concept" doesn't quite feel right, to me) me neither, but I like the first part of this verse a lot. [From Admin: how about A lesson--that follows nicely after "teach." One teaches a lesson.]


No more will I ever ignore
The precious gifts behind each door.
I soak up every bit I can
Of sounds and beauty from this land.  This could be the end!

It's great! 



I take reviewing pretty seriously :)  Here's my poor little poem.

I am invisible—an invisible girl—always have been—always will be—

I fight the crowds—they surge against me but—they never see

They are faux—jeweled, glittering dragons—breathing steam—

Surrounding me—impassive faces—painted by surreal

Seven billion shoving—pushing—desperately—

For the space—within their souls—and I—

Slipping around their lives—invisibly—


I am invisible—an invisible girl—I slip under the turnstile—

No need for a ticket—unless it’s heaven—there invisibility goes



The souls crowding me—here on earth—


A woman talking—loudly—visible—

To the phone trapped in her ear cells—

Dressed for 9-5—


The gray haired veteran—torn by war—

Looks—at a worn map of paradise—the last stop—on his route—

He’s waiting for the next taxi—to 1950—


There is a sign—NO LEANING ON THE DOORS—

And the—rhinestone jacket girl leans into it—the music spilling from her iPod—

Is lost—in the screeching of the train—


A man and girl with tired eyes—maybe they will see


Covered in dusty brown tears—


I am invisible—need I remind you—you are visible—so are they—

They talk and laugh—cry and shout—every day—

I walk out of the train—like a visible person

Going to the corner deli—at a run—

And stop—


I am invisible—an invisible girl—always have been—always will be—

Except—maybe—yes—now I remember—

Once I was—visible—

They threw me out—



submitted by Amy G., age 15, PA
(September 15, 2011 - 8:51 pm)

Wow. *facepalm* I put "to" instead of "too". Thanks for catching that! It is supposed to be "Stopped by none, the strong, the weak"  The other "to" you added a "t" to was meant to say, "How strange it is to just now hear / The singing bird that's always near." The "desperate plea" part needs some definition, you're right. It was basically a plea to for Time to stop moving forward and let me stay, so I'll try to fix that. "Lesson" is a good idea, Admin, thanks!!


I lovvve your poem, Amy! It's super interesting!

submitted by Emma, age 14, CA
(September 15, 2011 - 11:19 pm)

Welp, here is some of my horrendous poetry that really hasn't been edited and was scribbled in the margins of my biology homework hahaha...


Where have all the children gone?
To what shelter has innocence fled?
Where are the children hiding?
It can''t be true that love is dead?
Where is my childhood now?
Why do I have to grow up?
When did they stop telling me how?
And expecting me to take the jump?
Why does it hurt this bad?
Why won't you help me now?
Why pass yourself off as so sad?
When you don't even really know how?
If I find my life's calling?
What if I never can?
Love hurts, so they call it ''falling''?
You tell me I don't know who I am?
Do I really have to do this?
What if I don't want to?
Why won't the answers come from you?
Are these questions I'm asking a little too true?
If I died, would it take very long?...

Where have all the children gone? 


:P :P :P

submitted by Koffee, age 15, Oregon
(September 18, 2011 - 2:12 pm)

Koffee: I loved that! Especially "Are these questions I'm asking a little too true?"



Once there was a girl

who roamed this sea of blood and tears

She swam on and on

but never drowning in fear of what lie below.


Once there was a girl

who swam to the edge of the ocean

and down she fell

into a city of horror


Once there was a girl

who never knew what it was like to cry.

But she learned to

in that city of fear and pain.


Once there was a girl

who climbed back over the edge

and down she fell

this time, into a city of beauty and love.


Once there was a girl

who was betrayed by many

they said nice to her, got rid of all her fears

Then thrust their daggers inbetween her shoulder blades.


Once there was a girl

who roamed in this sea of blood and tears

She had no place to go, no place without fear

so she fell again, into the city where tears are bought.


Once there was a girl

who learned that good and bad can blur.

And a helping hand, and a dark look in the eyes

can change and appear without thought


Once there was a girl

who roamed in this sea of blood and tears.

This girl was me, my dear children.


So I warn you know,

when transversing this sea called the world,

remember my tale,

because you never know

what in concealed behind that mask,

whether good or bad.

But sometimes you have to trust, dear children,

and sometimes you have to fall.

But remember, dear children,

that bad may come from good.

submitted by not telling
(September 18, 2011 - 8:40 pm)

My gosh, TNÖ. That was tremendously bloody and scary!

submitted by Elizabeth M., age 12, Germany
(September 19, 2011 - 9:36 am)

Wow, Koffee, I LOVVVEEEEEE ittttt!!!!!

submitted by Emma, age 14, CA
(September 19, 2011 - 12:48 am)


submitted by Elizabeth M., age 12, Germany
(September 20, 2011 - 9:40 am)

TNO, that was chilling.  I loved it.  Keep writing stuff like that...I will love you for it.

submitted by Mattie
(September 19, 2011 - 8:11 am)

Made this several years ago:


Rising from the ground:

A spectrum of color, shown





Watery Illusions 

submitted by SusyQ
(September 19, 2011 - 7:25 pm)