Cartooning and Comics

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Cartooning and Comics

Cartooning and Comics

So yeah. Does anyone else draw their own comics? I really enjoy doing so, but the higher quality they get, the more time I need to produce them. Hence my two page graphic novel that I have been working on for months.

Actually, I just started a new adventure comic--The Dreaded Dread Pirate Ryla. For three days I've sketched, inked, and thought about what to do. My friend did the coloring, and got credited as "Colorer." I am the writer, illustrator, and inker.

In 5th grade I also wrote lots of comics (do you write or draw comics? I think you 'cartoon' comics) but they've gotten better.  Practicing and studying (See Scott McClouds "Understanding Comics" and "Making Comics.") made them better, so I, Theo W., am now the author of lots of highly (lowly) aclaimed comics.

Again, let me ask, does anyone else draw their own comics?

-Theo W., author of The Adventures of Benji, Rennie's World, The Dreaded Dread Pirate Ryla, and other various cartoons with no titles (except a cartoon is a picture with no words, that's the difference between cartoons and comics). 

submitted by Theo W., age 12, Drawing
(February 22, 2013 - 5:18 pm)

I'm currently entrenched in trying to find a good place to put my semi-sorta-somewhat comic thing, currently called Live Wire. The name is up for debate as I can't find anything that really works. It's about a multiverse with dragons and monster bunnies.

Check out (forgetting name)'s Drawing Words and Writing Pictures. It helped me stumble through "Dinosaur Girl", which I'm thinking about going back through and updating the art, which stinks at the moment.

What's your writing schedule like? For me, I plan the entire story, chapter-by-chapter. Then I divide it into separate "books", then atomize each chapter until I'm through the book. Then I draw thumbnails for the first chapter and start atomizing the second book. When that's done, I draw up sketches, then finals for the first chapter, draw thumbs for the second book, and atomize the third book. It's kind of stressful :)

Yava says myb... is that an "n" or an "h"?


submitted by L
(February 22, 2013 - 8:08 pm)

Me? I just do things as the ideas come to me, I sketch it out on paper, cover over it with pen, and color it (or have someone else color it!). For my graphic novel about secret agaents and geniuses that I only have the prolouge and the first two pages, I do a copy of it on line paper before I use white paper. I really want to write a comic and have some one else draw it, or draw a comic and have some one else write it, but I'm the only person I know who really knows what that even means.

submitted by Theo W, age 12, Dark, Dreary Places
(February 23, 2013 - 10:03 am)

I tried co-authoring, but I end up either overtaking the story with my ideas or wanting to change the art desperately. I'm a bit pushy like that :)

submitted by L
(February 23, 2013 - 12:10 pm)


submitted by top
(February 22, 2013 - 9:06 pm)


submitted by TOP
(February 23, 2013 - 9:23 am)

I doodle in the margins of my notes a lot, and I sort of have characters.  But there's no plot, and only one of them has a name, they're just commenting on the annoying notes we take and then going back to the fact that a big pile of logs is continuously chirping "hot relish and mustard" and Sir Uncle Mister Bumblewy is telling them to please be quiet and the guy whom I always draw in profile needs psychiatric assistance and then they comment on the sympathetic terra cotta pot we have for a writing teacher.  I pay a lot of attention in class...


Spamster in his spamster cage says fcci.  Fibonacci!

submitted by Gollum
(February 23, 2013 - 9:51 am)

I randomly draw characters sometime, but they're more like characters from stories I randomly make up when I get the urge to draw. Like a black feminine figure standing on a hill in front of the night sky during a meteor shower. Then a close up of her, but you can only see half her face, with shadows covering the other half. I've considered illustrating my own books. So, not quite comics, but, drawings with vague stories.

Cappie says mazy. Do you mean the mouse, Cappie?

submitted by Blonde Heroines Rule, age ageless, Standing in the rain
(February 23, 2013 - 1:45 pm)

I do lots of comics. A few notable ones: 

I'm doing one about demons right now. It's kinda like an anime on paper, so I'm only on episode 21.

I did one about Cygnus X-1 a while ago (that's two songs), but it was actually really cheesy.

I'm costantly doing comics in my Japanese notebook. It's more comics and drawings than Japanese work, actually.... They're mostly about my friends. 

submitted by Red, age 13, Elsewhere
(February 23, 2013 - 2:07 pm)

On notes in margins: I have developed an overly simplistic, quick method of drawing people that works great for thumbs. When pretending to take notes, I occasionally draw minicomics in margins that are actually kind of awesome.

submitted by L
(February 23, 2013 - 5:46 pm)

I spent the whole day (okay, maybe only about an hour) working on The Dreaded Dread Pirate Ryla, and I have 3 1/2 pages, 1 1/2 completed, the rest isn't even halfway done. The only problem is that I like Ryla's brother, Darryl, more that Ryla herself. Cool it, Darryl! Ryla's the main character. 

Eh, I still like Darryl better. He isn't as complicated as Ryla (not to say he isn't complicated), and he's a little easier to draw, because his clothes are all shipwrecked and boring, as well as ripped, while Ryla has the most extravagant outfit ever! 

Plus, in my opinion, boy hair is eaiser to draw than girl hair. Even complex boy hair. 

submitted by Theo W, age 12, Dread Pirate Ryla
(February 23, 2013 - 4:56 pm)

Ha-ha! I spent a little more time on Ryla and now I have 4 and some small fraction of a page skethced! 

Plus I made a new character, Harlem, who's kind of like the Artful Dodger, exept that he's a pirate. 

submitted by Theo W., age 12, Drawing
(February 23, 2013 - 8:18 pm)

Ha ha! And today during lunch my friends and I read The Dreaded Dread Pirate Ryla ouloud, everyone being a different character. And at recess (yes, we still have recess. LAST YEAR!) we made up a game based on the comic. By that, I mean some of us were the characters. I was Darryl. The best part about Darryl is how he has sound vison, which happened when insead of writing "Mother look at the lightning" I wrote "Mother look at the thunder" and inked it in--not realizing that until I showed it to all of my friends! It had become an inside joke. So yeah. I just gave him sound vision powers. And Harlem's name was changed to Clarence.

Does anyone know any good nicknames for the name "Clarance" besides


--Clerance Sale




submitted by Theo W., age 12, Dread Pirate Ryla!
(February 25, 2013 - 7:33 pm)