Daleks! They RULE!!!

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Daleks! They RULE!!!

Daleks! They RULE!!! I am at the Barnes and Noble, and I went to look at a poster of a Dalek with the proclaimation "TO VICTORY!" which I recognized as art used in the episode "Victory of the Daleks" and I picked it up, and examined it, and a B&N employee getting in the elevator near the posters saw me looking at it. He smiled and said "To Victory!" to me and got in the elevator and as the door closed I asked if he'd seen the episode and he stopped the door, got out of the elevator, and told me, "Yeah, I suppose sometime ago in my subconcious when I had a girlfriend obsessed with Doctor Who." He also told me about a Dalek he got as a gift that zips around on the desk and senses when it comes to an edge. When it hits the edge, it says "EXTERMINATE!" and corrects itself before falling off.

I looked it up moments later (I'm posting this moments after I looked up the thing a moment after I talked to the B&N worker) and found it is called a Desktop Control Dalek, and is modeled after the red dalek in "Victory of the Daleks". I saw video of it on YouTube, and I totally want one! But it costs like $35 bucks from what I saw on Amazon. Maybe for Christmas...


submitted by Joe the Stickfiddler, age 14, Dalek Vortex
(November 8, 2013 - 4:03 pm)

Joe, I should think NOT! I take it you don't watch Doctor Who, but have heard of it. How can you like the bad guys?! I think the colored Daleks are ridiculous. They lost all their..seriousness. Now they're metal clowns. You should look up Davros, though if you care so much about them.

But you know what I want? I want River Song's sonic screwdriver. Lights up in two colors. Beat that, Doctor! 

submitted by Blackberry E., age 14
(November 11, 2013 - 9:42 am)

Uh, excuse me! I have both heard of AND seen Doctor Who! I have seen the following episodes now:


"The End of the World"

"The Unquiet Dead"

"Aliens of London"

"World War Three"


"The Christmas Invasion"

"New Earth"

"Daleks in Manhattan"

"Victory of the Daleks"

I don't get why people are saying the colored Daleks are stupid! They're so RADICAL AND AWESOME!!!! WHOO!!!

Don't get me wrong. I like the Daleks because they are excellent enemies for the Doctor. I love to hate them! And I admire the Doctor for his determination to defeat them! And they are just. Plain. Cool. EXTERMINATE!

(Note: If the Daleks successfully exterminated the Doctor, I would no longer love to hate them. I would just hate them.)

submitted by Joe the Stickfiddler, age 14, Daleks Rule Vortex
(November 11, 2013 - 2:05 pm)

I personally think the Daleks look like angry pepperpots, but I think I'm the only one with that opinion... I think they aren't really that frightening and you are right, the colorful Daleks look sort of clown-ish.  :)

submitted by Sadie G., age 12, NJ
(January 30, 2014 - 8:42 pm)

that exact same poster is in my robotics classroom at school, and i was wondering where they had gotten it!...but now i find out that its availible in places halfway around the world:(

@ Blackberry: i both agree and disagree with you. how can you not like the Daleks? they scream "EXTERMINATE!" and blow stuff up! but yeah, the colored Daleks are just plain stupid. but if you saw Asylum of the Daleks (S7 pt1 E1, i think) its only the leader Daleks that are stupid and colored. the rest of themm are still coppery-ish.


submitted by the doctor, age 14 , the TARDIS
(November 13, 2013 - 10:41 am)

Well, Daleks are cool. EXTERMINATE!! But at the same time, they look strange as the Power Rangers. 

submitted by Moss , age 13 :)
(November 17, 2013 - 7:15 am)