Hi, everybody! I

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Hi, everybody! I

Hi, everybody! I was wondering if anybody has seen the Narnia movies. To all those who haven't, they're really, really, good!!! I was also wondering if anybody else thought that Prince Caspian's accent was kind of odd.

submitted by Julia, age 11, Oregon
(August 11, 2008 - 9:30 pm)

When my best friend's mom watched the first Narnia movie, she's like, "I thought the witch was good; she was so nice to Edmund at first!" And I'm thinking, grow up! Witch? Good? Whoever heard of a good witch? (I know what you're all going to say: "But what about Glinda in The Wizard of Oz?" OK, know of any others? Nope.)  A witch=a very bad person that you do not want to come across.

submitted by Marissa, age no age ple, U.S.A.
(August 21, 2008 - 2:13 pm)

Marissa,have you ever seen Charmed ? It's about these sisters who find out they're witches and their job is to save the innocents. It's really good!!

submitted by Lee P., age 12, North Dakota
(September 3, 2008 - 2:20 pm)

I've read all the books and have read The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe and Prince Caspian twice.  The newest movie of Prince Caspian wasn't very similar to the book.  Prince Caspian's accent was a little odd.  It sounded like he was from Spain.  Has anybuggy heard the Focus on the Family Narnia cds?  To those of you who haven't, they're a radio drama sort of thing and they're really good!

submitted by Paige P., age 12, Gorham, Maine
(September 2, 2008 - 4:11 pm)

I really,really,really liked the movies they were AWESOME!!!! I thought his was cool,but thats me.

submitted by Lee P., age 12, North Dakota
(September 3, 2008 - 2:16 pm)

I saw both the Narnia movies. I really liked them, but I was a tad disappointed with the ending of Prince Caspian, considering it had nothing to do with the actual story. If you've read the books, you'll know what I mean. Otherwise, I adore the movies, because they're exactly the way I imagined Narnia while I was reading the books.

submitted by Hannah M., age 12, Ohio
(September 5, 2008 - 4:30 pm)

Actually I'm very opposed to watching the movies. Mostly because movies put an image into your mind and you forget what the characters looked like in your imagination.  Also It seems pretty impossible to capture Aslan in a movie and I think a lot of people might not get it. And please no one write in saying "watchitwatchitwatchit" because I still won't.  I do hope this post dosn't seem negative to anyone, because I didn't intend it that way. I just feel strongly about the movies because I love the books. 

Oh and I think that <3 means heart, but thats just a guess;) 

submitted by Willa C., age 12 4/4, Wonderland
(September 7, 2008 - 10:48 am)

I can see your point about watching movies, but I think they did a really good job keeping true to the discriptions in the Narnia books. They did an amazing job on Aslan; he looked like a huge, huge, real lion! =D

submitted by Hannah M., age 12, Ohio
(September 7, 2008 - 5:07 pm)

I LOVE the Narnia movies, and the books are AWESOME!:):):) I haven't read all of the books yet, but the ones that I have read are SOO good!:):):) Yes, I really do think that the accent Prince Caspian uses is quite weird. After we saw the movie, my brother kept using it when he talked just to make me burst out laughing!:):):)

submitted by Kimberly B. , age 12 (almost, California
(September 21, 2008 - 7:24 pm)

Heehee... I was 11 when I made this post! :):) Hi everybody 10 months later!!!

submitted by Julia, age 12, Oregon
(May 6, 2009 - 9:27 pm)