I don't know

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

I don't know

I don't know what disgusts me more, the fact that I wasn't even aware of it until today or that they're making money off of it. You see, today I found out that a speed drawing video I released on my YouTube channel was being posted in sites like DailyMotion and FindGraphics. Not only was this without my permission, but they are both sites where the person in question is making money off of my videos through advertising. On my YouTube, the video had only the adds that YouTube puts on there mandatorily. I was not making any money from it. Also, I had music in the video that belonged to Cloud Cult, so not only is this person in question ripping off my content, they are also ripping of my favorite band's content. When you use someone else's music, you are suppose to pay them a royalty fee. This is just one of the reasons I haven't activated adds myself. Not to mention that I wouldn't mind paying a royalty fee, but I'm sure this person is NOT. This was also concept/cover art for a webcomic I am planning on releasing in 2015. It's true, I did not write in the description © me, but now I've gone and done that on my last 8 some speed drawings. It's my content, and it's not there's to make money off of. Scum.

I guess I thought when amature artists like myself put © signs on their videos, it was a joke of some sort. Moral here, don't get ripped off. Put © signs on things you own the art to. Especially if the art is good. Even if it just looks okay to you, even anything, it can get ripped off. 

Anyways. I'm really angry right now, I'm sorry if this thread is really ranting and if the admins can't post it. But I also think there's a fair warning in here. Don't let yourself get ripped off. It's not fun, I promise. 

submitted by Theo W., age 14, Dark, Dreaded Places
(December 22, 2014 - 11:55 am)

Oh my gosh. That's really awful. I mean really, it's your own art, and then someone goes and steal it. And I'm pretty sure it's illegal too. You should really tell someone about it. It's truly not fair. 

submitted by Squeak
(December 22, 2014 - 12:41 pm)

I agree. I'm pretty sure that IS against the law, so go tell someone!

submitted by balletandbow, age 12, Moon
(November 29, 2015 - 8:37 am)