Chatterbox: Pudding's Place



(Subject not going through....Third time's the charm...??)

Art stuff thread starting...NOW!  If you draw stuff, you can post it here! I draw in a sort of anime/manga/toon style, but if you don't, don't let that stop you from posting your stuff!  I would love to see other people's art so post away!  They can be OCs, fan art, or just random stuff.  You can use any media, including digital, like I do!  Just to let you chatterboxers know, I started this thread so we can share our tricks of the trade with each other.  Feel free to: ask questions about how to draw certain things, post techniques, share art, and mostly HAVE FUN!  If you draw your OCs, feel free to share information about them such as their names and that sort of thing.  Same goes for fan art since not all of us know where these characters are from.  You don't have to be polished with your art.  I myself am just a beginner at anime/manga/toon.  I'm not good at hands so if any of my hands looks particularly cruddy, you know why.  I also struggle sometimes with feet so same goes for that.  If any of you know how to draw a particularly good hand or foot, feel free to share your trick for it.

Going to post a picture of my OC, Tuxedo, if this post goes through okay.

submitted by Lap R., age BA-BLAM!, Middle of Nowhere
(April 13, 2016 - 12:41 pm)

This was originally conceived of during a conversation with a friend who claims to be a conservative. He's so not. Anyway, at first he was supposed to be leaping sideways while firing, but it's hard to draw that without any references. He was supposed to look more Bond-like as well... But this cowboyishness is great irony. Bandolier! Double guns! Cowboy hat, boots, and spurs! I'm quite proud of it. I hope to make a digital version as soon as I'm able.


P.S. No offense intended toward anyone conservative. Really just kidding.

submitted by coyotedomino, age 15, Lost
(October 16, 2018 - 9:12 pm)

@Coyote That's really nice! I like the pose. 

submitted by Agent Winter, age Classified
(October 17, 2018 - 10:23 am)


submitted by coyotedomino, age 15, That Good Night
(October 17, 2018 - 9:09 pm)

Here, AW, I’m not sure if it’s done or not...What do you think?

submitted by June
(October 18, 2018 - 11:41 am)

Whooooo's ready for an art dump! *chirp* *chirp* Haha, not me either. I recently finished my second sketchbook (yay!) so I was going through it and looking at all of the old art. Wow, I've improved a lot! I'll probably remake some of these pieces later. And to all my picturing folks, still working away at that, and this is all old art anyways (except for Jack, but you'll see why in a sec). I'm not going to post the entire dump today-- just a bit of it; I don't want to spam the thread. So! Part 1! I tried to group my art-screenshots by similar subjects, so the common subject of this one is superheroes/people with powers. On the left, a bit of concept art that I never finished (or finished digitally either lol) for a short story I wrote (and that I may post on Inkwell). It's about the "hero", Glaciero, fighting the "villain", Electroblaze. In the middle is more superhero concept art. Her name is either Shattershock or Shardonnay, I don't remember. She has a cute cat, an epic costume, and some sort of power that I don't honestly understand (but it was fun to draw). On the far right there is Jack. I woke up in the middle of the night last night with one single thought: One iced Americano for the iced Americano. I don't know why; I don't drink coffee (an iced Americano is a kind of coffee drink, for those who are unaware). But I just had to draw it! That's Jack, an American dude with ice powers living in London with his barista friend, Harry, who thinks it's hilarious to yell "one iced Americano for the iced Americano!" whenever Jack orders a drink. (Jack doesn't even like iced Americanos. But that's all Harry ever gives him.) And yeah! (So ends part one of my art dump. Adieu.)

Screen Shot 2018-10-18 at 5.39.42 PM.png
submitted by Shhh... Not Telling
(October 18, 2018 - 5:54 pm)


submitted by coyotedomino, age 15, Lost
(October 19, 2018 - 4:00 pm)

This probably isn't art, but whatever. It's a miniature bow and arrow made from a paperclip, floss, toothpicky thing, and tape. The bow is sorta pretty, so... Okay, art? 

submitted by coyotedomino, age 15, That Good Night
(October 19, 2018 - 4:08 pm)

Ah, coyote, that is so. cool! And adorable! I love the little knot on the bow, and the elegance, and everything, really. I want to make one of those now...

submitted by Leeli
(October 20, 2018 - 8:26 am)

You should! All you need is pliers, or strong fingers, even.


submitted by coyotedomino, age 15, That Good Night
(October 20, 2018 - 9:17 pm)

I drew Cloud! (My AE) Honestly, I made this amazing design for a character that I use all the time and then I. Never draw her. I come up with a slightly different design every time, but that might just be because I don’t draw her very much and I come up with different designs every once in a while? Pzun is coming up tomorrow.

I really like how I did the coloring on this! Also, I don’t want to make a thread, but if you want a picturing, I’m open. 

submitted by Blue Moon, age 12, Here
(October 19, 2018 - 11:47 pm)
submitted by Blue Moon, age 12, Here
(October 20, 2018 - 12:55 pm)


submitted by Blue Moon, age 12, Here
(October 20, 2018 - 11:28 pm)

Second bit of my art dump!

This one's theme is realism. It's a couple of realistic (ish) drawings. On the far left is Neil from the Dead Poet's Society-- drawn from a reference image. DPS is such an amazing movie; if you haven't already seen it, I would highly recommend it. However, there are some heavier themes in there such as suicide, and it is rated PG-13. (Admins, I know you don't usually allow realistic-looking people who are actually real, but is this okay since it's a character from a movie...? If you need me to repost without that sketch, I'd be happy to do so.) In the middle is just a face I was messing around with. I didn't have a reference pic for this one and it isn't based off of anyone, so it's not the greatest. (And that was before I figured out how to sketch hair, so the hair is, ah...) Still, I liked the shading and such. I don't know if you can read the title of the piece, but it says "Under Lock and Key". (Oh, and the signature isn't my real name, I think it says "Shh Not Telling" anyways.) Lastly, the sketch on the far right is of a book character. I can't really remember her name, but I liked the folds on her apron! That's all for now-- but I think I have another one or two to go. Thanks for reading!

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submitted by Shhh... Not Telling
(October 21, 2018 - 12:04 pm)

I know I'm never on here, but I LOVE Dead Poets Society so much!! And your drawing is fantastic. 

submitted by Rose bud
(October 30, 2018 - 5:37 am)
submitted by Shhh... Not Topper
(October 23, 2018 - 9:04 pm)