You are curled

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

You are curled

You are curled up on your favorite easy chair, eating popcorn and watching "The Empire Strikes Back" Luke is currently screaming "Nooooooo!!!!" You roll your eyes. Having Darth Vader as a parent would be AWESOME, and you don't really see what there is to complain about. Just as you are thinking this, your TV explodes. You jump up, spilling popcorn everywhere, and are about to pull a Luke (Nooooooo!!!) when two small ships burst in through the open window. It's the Millenium Falcon and the Death Star, and they're each about the size of a coffee mug. They're having an epic shoot out, and some of the stray shots have hit the TV and other things in the room. You cringe. Your mother is not going to be happy about that vase. Then you turn to the dueling ships. "What the hut is going on here?!" The ships stop fighting and turn to you, hovering at about chest height. Then, the Millenium Falcon drops to the floor, and the hologram of a women dressed in long robes appears from where the top has slid away. She has large, hazel eyes, long auburn hair, and a sense of grace and elegance about her. She bows at the waist. "Greeting. My name is Jela Gantu, and I have come to ask for your help. The valency is under threat from Darth Tyranus and the Republic, and the Rebel Alliance is weakining. We have heard of you "CBers", powerful beings that inhabit the planet earth. If you choose to help our cuase, then place your hand on the blue orb. You will be immediately transported to the rebel base. Please help. You're out only hope." Then, with that famous (yet somewhat altered) phrase, Jela dissapeares, and the Millenium Falcon turns into a glowing blue orb that hovers at about chest height. You are about to reach out and touch it, when the Deathstar suddenly undergoes the same transformation as the Millenium Falcon, dropping to the ground and sliding away its top, reavealing a red-tinged hologram. This hologram is of a young women, with glossy black hair, piercing blue eyes, and black armor over a slim black jumpsuit and cape. She grins evilly. "Hello, CBer. I am Darth Tyranus. If you are seeing this now, then my little Death Star has followed the Jedi's tiny, silly Millenium Falcon. I imagine that Jela has already given her pathetic little speech, asking for help. If you would like to respond to that sad little cuase, then fine. Do so. But if you would like to join the more powerful side, the winning side, the touch the red orb. The choice is yours, and yours alone. But, for your safety, and for the sake of not having ME as an enemy, I highly suggest you join the Darkside. See you there." With that, the Death Star turns into a red orb and floats next to the blue one. They make a strange contrast, and it almost seems like the light from each orb is trying to outdo the other. You grin. You know where your loyalties lie. And, without hesitation, you reach forwards and grab an orb. Then, the world around you dissapears in a flash of light, and you are on your way towards an adventure. 
So, this is like a hybrid between a ski lodge and a story that I write. It's a story in that, you know, it's a story, but it's like a ski lodge beacuase I'm not doing MCs and such. Up to twelve people may join! You can be any race with any pesonality, but I would prefer is you kept your CB name to some degree. You can modify it if you wish. No Æs or CAPTCHAS please. Here's the charrie sheet, and have fun!
Republic or Rebels: 
Other (Jedi, bounty hunter, ect): 8u
submitted by Jela G., age Star Wars!, Rebel Base
(July 15, 2016 - 9:12 am)

(this is Brookeira, lol)

submitted by Keep it up!
(August 4, 2016 - 11:22 am)

I'm sorry, I haven't been commenting. I've been at camp and I've been tired. But this is awesome, Jela!!! I'm a pilot! 

I'm taking this ship by the wheel, making Republic soldiers deader with blaster fire! And I'm never gonna quit until the Death Star's lit and the flames climb higher! Watch me, I'm flying, I'm defying, now the Siths are crying, oh! Go back to the Rebel base. Then head into hyperspace.

Ok, I'm not sure whether the Death Star exists anymore, but I feel proud of that parody.

Jela, are you...Leafmist? 

submitted by SydneySong , age 13, Helmsley
(August 5, 2016 - 1:10 pm)

*claps profusly* YES!!!! SO GOOD!!!! YAY STAR WARS HAMILTON PARODYS!!!! 

Anyways, glad you liked it! Writing Star Wars is fun! 

submitted by Jela/Shadowmoon
(August 5, 2016 - 1:42 pm)

Yes! I've been guessed! FREEDOM!!!

Ok, anyways, I would like to borrow Owlgirl's idea and only post under Jela/Shadowmoon when there is a new day.

Also, let me just deeply apologize for all the typos, contradictions, and errors that you had to cringe your way through on my last posts. I keep meaning to proofread, then promptly forgetting. I'll work on it.

I will try to keep releasing these every other day.

Day seven~

Novella wakes up first. 

The others are slumped in their seats, unconscious but unharmed. Novella shakily unbuckles herself, and goes to the cockpit, where Danie and Sydney are just beginning to show signs of wakefulness. She shakes Danie a little. Danie opens her eyes and attempts to jump out of her seat, only to be thwarted by a seatbelt. She slams the seatbelt release button, and Sydney is promptly slapped in the face with the zipping strap. She jumps up, and instantly begins saying something about Fflewddur hitting her in the face with his harp again. Novella briefly wonders about this, before shrugging and walking back to check on the others, who by this time are awake and rubbing their faces. Novella grins. Danie must have hit the seatbelt release button for the whole ship. Then, Brookeira stands up, determination set in her steely blue-green eyes, and the mission begins for real. Everyone puts on extra layers of warm clothing especially designed for free movement, straps goggles over their eyes, and wraps head scarves around their faces. Sydney mutters that she feels like a penguin, but is suddenly glad of this when the doors are opened. Icy, snow laden wind blasts in through the doors, instantly covering everything inside the ship, including the Cbers, with a thin layer of snow. Novella takes the lead, and the ship doors close behind them, almost as if the "Falcon III" is glad to be rid of them. 

Novella pulls out a tracking device as she walks, and sets the course for the bunker. Knowing the most about the nature and geography of this, and most, planets, Novella was the obvious choice for leading the way through this treacherous world. Brookeira, who is walking behind her, is staring hard at her through the blinding whiteness, attempting to keep track of her, even though they are only feet apart. She flickers out of sight for a moment, only to reappear a second later. Then, she flickers out of sight for a moment too long. Brook calls a halt which, of course, nobody hears over the roaring wind. Danie walks into Brook, Sydney walks into Danie, and Leafmist bumps into Sydney. Needless to say, this all pushes Brook forwards. And then Brookeira is gone too, vanished into the snow and ice. Danie looks around. "Brook? Novella? Where'd you go?" 


Claria eyes the Twi'lek slumped on the floor, lekku limply thrown over her shoulder, hands fidgeting restlessly where a lightsaber should  be. She seems rather hopeless. She must have really trusted this Chinchilla. Claria sighs. She had been holding on to the hope that the Rebels would rescue them, but that idea had just been thrown down the garbage chute and eaten by trash monsters. She fingers the comm device hidden in her robes. She still has faith in Icy and Azea. They'd get her out of this....... Somehow. 


Clara and Leafpool walk towards an imperial shuttle. Leafpool is now dressed smartly in grey, her sleek blonde hair pulled up into a perfect bun. Clara is dressed in black, a black cape billowing out behind her, a black mask covering the top half of her face. The mask resembles something you'd find on a superhero; black and simple. But it contains a few secrets of its own, including vision enhancement, a comm device, and a hidden blaster. Leafpool scowls. "I can't believe that we aren't allowed any troops for this." Clara flips her hair imperiously. "Master Tyrenous knows what she's doing. In fact, this is probobly just a test to see if I'm good enough for command. And I will be." "Easy for you to say," Leafpool mutters, "when you have a lightsaber and a fancy mask." Clara whips around and hisses "You may be in charge of this mission, but I still can have you thrown into a sarlac pit. I suggest you keep any snide remarks to yourself next time." As Clara strides away, Leafpool grits her teeth in frustration. She just so happens to have a good deal of power herself. Clara had better watch her back. 

submitted by Jela/Shadowmoon
(August 5, 2016 - 1:38 pm)

Day eight~

Sometimes, in certain situations, it is the silence that is deadly. 

Brookeira wakes up, and is rather shocked at the silence, after the howling winds of a few minutes go. Above her, a ceiling of smooth brown stone looms seamlessly, below her, the same stone digs into her back. She has the sudden urge to just lay there, breathing in the musty air, blissfully unaware of her surrounding, until she hears a voice that brings her back to reality. "Brook! Are you OK?" Novella. She had forgotten that she was not the only person in this situation.... Whatever that might be. Brook shakes off the drowsy feeling that surrounds her, sits up, and looks around. She and Novella are in a large, round chamber. Pillars surround it, the dark places in between them promising dank, secretive passageways. Novella is already standing up. "We seem to be in some sort of underground chamber, presumably a trap set by the Republic for us to fall into." Brook snorts. "They sure did a good job of that. Look, the ceiling closed above us." Novella nods. "And look at the passageways. They could be hiding something. Something deadly....." Novella pauses at the exact moment Brook stiffens. Her brown eyes widen, and she makes eye contact with Brook. "You sense it too." In response, Brook stands up and draws her lightsaber, sending a wave of cold throughout the room. Novella draws hers as well, and it throws a purple light over everything. They make a strange pair, one with white robes, white hair, and glittering blue-green eyes, the other dressed in brown robes and clone armor, wavy black hair cascading down her shoulders, brown eyes lit with alertness. The two stand back to back, weapons drawn. And then the noises begin. Noises of marching feet echo from every single passageway, bouncing back and forth across the room. Then, from every passageway, marches a stormtrooper. From behind them, noises of more echo forth. Brook inhales sharply. Novella pales. "It's a death trap. There's no escape." Brook raises her lightsaber. "Here's to hoping out friends can cut their way through foot thick stone." Not another word is spoken, and as of one accord, the friends begin to attack. 


Claria sits on the floor next to Shadowmoon. Before them sits the remains of a small, tasteless meal that was brought in by a stormtrooper. Both Cbers had been weak from hunger, but for some reason they feel even weaker after eating. Claria realizes what's happening first. "We've been drugged. They'll be here for you any minute, Shadow." Shadow's eyes widen. "They're going to interrogate me." She attempts to stand up, only to find that her limbs are completely numb. She gives up and murmurs "They're going to interrogate me, and I can't even stand." Then, the white doors of the cell slide open, and three Stormtroopers march in. Two of them haul Shadow to her feet and start dragging her away, while the other points a gun at her. As Shadow is dragged off, Claria makes eye contact with her, and could swear that she sees the Twi'lek wink. 


Daisy strides into the interrogation room. She cuts an impressive and intimidating figure. She's wearing a knee length tunic covered in sharp, red, geometric lines, a red belt, black leggings, and black knee length boots. Her brown hair is pulled up into a high ponytail, her red eyeshadow gives her face a fierce, deadly look, and a lightsaber with four points rising up from the hilt hangs from her hip. Shadowmoon is secured in an interrogation chair. She looks up as Daisy enters. "Cheater." Daisy gives a small laugh. "What did you expect? I'm a Sith. Might as well make things easy." Shadowmoon sighs. "Figures. But before you begin, let me just tell you that I have nothing to hide." Daisy blinks. "What?" "Go ahead, search me. I don't know anything more than Chinchilla. Becuase of the high risk of the mission, Jela never told me the coordinates of the rebel base." Dasy scowls. "I'll believe it when I see it. That stuff I put into your food is supposed to weaken you so much that you can't use the force. Of course, it killed the animals we tried it on, but you're not an animal. I'm sure you'll be fine." Daisy lifts one hand. "Tell me where the rebel base is." Shadow had been telling the truth about the location of the base, yet she still wants to try to resist. "N- I don't- urg." Daisy speaks again. "Where is the rebel base." Shadow tries, but it's like her mind is made of lead. "I don't know." Daisy sighs. "Fine. I sense you are telling the truth. Medic, please inject our guests with the antidote once they are in their cells again. I'm pretty sure that drug is lethal." The three guards, flanked by a medic, march up to Shadowmoon, and drag her off to her cell. Daisy walks over to a small screen in the corner of the room and touches it. Instantly, Chinchilla's face appears. "No luck. She doesn't know anything." Chinchilla nods. "I thought as much. We'll just have to wait and hope that Azea and Icy are as clever as they seem." 

submitted by Jela/Shadowmoon , age New day!, New day!
(August 7, 2016 - 2:55 pm)

YES!!!!!!!!!!! THEY'RE HERE!!! AND I'm here from vacation!

But anyways, I'm going on an emotional rollercoaster right now as I read these. Keep it up! (or else.) 

submitted by Icy, age 11, The Forest
(August 8, 2016 - 7:09 am)

Aw, thanks so much Icy! I really appreciate that.  :D

(And I'm a little nervous about the "or else")

I'll try to post tomorrow.  

submitted by Shadowmoon
(August 8, 2016 - 5:17 pm)

Ahem. Announcement. Everyone (except Brook and Icy, which is too bad becuase it would've been awesome to kill the leader of the group. Sorry if that sounded creepy.) now is capable of dying. Just saying. 

Also, very sorry this is late.   

Day nine~

Danie, Sydney, and Leafmist stare at the spot where their friends disappeared. Danie leans down, and investigates the spot. "The layer of snow looks thinner here." Leafmist bends down to look as well. "Maybe some sort of Republic trap?" Sydney gets down on her hands and knees and brushes away some of the snow that covers the rock. "Looks like it. I think we're going to have to cut through it. But let's do it over on the oppisite side of where they fell in, so that we don't crush them when we break though." Leafmist grins. "Good idea. Killing the people we're trying to rescue might not be the best strategy." 


Brookeira and Novella are fighting in a furious whirl of green and purple. Bullets richochete around the chamber from every angle, and every stormtrooper that is shot down by a deflected bullet is instantly shoved aside and replaced by a new one. The room is large enough that the growing amount of dead stormtroopers doesn't hinder the new, very much alive ones. Novella takes a bullet to the shoulder. She and Brook are fighting back to back now, circling to attempt to block everything that is coming. Brook takes a shot to the leg. She grunts in pain. "We're not going to be able to hold out much longer." Novella looks up. "We may not have to. Look!" She gestures to the ceiling. A green blade is cutting through it. "We're saved..... I hope." A large chunk of rock falls to the floor, and the CBers hear a voice call "Quick! Get out!" Novella covers Brook's back as she jumps through the hole, then she jumps through herself. The two exhausted Cbers collapse on the snow. Leafmist checks for injuries, while Danie and Sydney throw several grenades into the hole. Then the whole group moves away from the cavern. Very quickly. Moments later, a deafining BOOM shatters the air. Then, silence. Sydney and Danie fist bump. Brook groans. Leafmist gives Novella and Brook some sort of healing serum. A few minutes pass in utter silence. Then, out of the blinding whiteness, Novella spots something glowing. And red. She stands up, but Leafmist pushes her down. "You're too weak. Let me handle this." Novella shakes her head. "I'm fine." Before anyone can object, she forges off into the blinding whiteness. After walking forwards for a minute, she reaches a rocky outcropping that is shielded from the storm. And there, leaning against a rock, is Clara. 


Icy sits next to Azea in the droid infirmery. "How's it going?" she whispers. Azea flickers her the faintest glimmer of a smile. "Tonight. We're breaking out tonight."

A few hours later, Icy and Claria pull their bombs out of their hiding places. "Ready" Icy whispers through her intercom. "Set." Azea grits her teeth in anticipation. "Now!" The girls say the word at the same time. Pushing a button, they latch the homemade bombs against their doors, and stand back as far as possible. The explosions are louder than anticipated. Icy and Azea start running. Icy runs towards the weaponry, Azea towards the holding cell where Claria and Shadow are located. She quickly hacks the keypad, and the doors slide open. She is alarmed to see them, slumped on the floor, looking weak and stared. Claria looks up, and croaks something about a painful antidote. Azea frowns. "What happened?" Claria doesn't answer, just reaches out an arm for help. Azea pulls her and Shadow to their feet. "Can you walk?" Shadow and Claria nod. "Although it's going to hurt like blaster fire." Shadow groans, as she begins to take feeble steps towards the hanger, leaning on Azea. Icy runs up and tosses everyone their weapons. "Don't even ask how I got passed the guards. Just move!" The bedraggled group begins to make their way towards the hanger, when a gunshot whizzes past Claria's ear. Icy looks back. "I've got a bad feeling about this."  

submitted by Jela/Shadowmoon
(August 10, 2016 - 3:43 pm)



submitted by Icy, age 11, The Forest
(August 10, 2016 - 6:53 pm)

Yes. Yes you did. *fangirls*

Oh, and everybody, remember, if you are killed, you may come back as someone else.  

Luna says "runa" Run away? Why, yes, out heroes are running away...... For now.  

submitted by Shadowmoon, age 13, Flying to the moon
(August 11, 2016 - 11:41 am)

Top! Top! I mean poke!

submitted by Shadowmoon
(August 10, 2016 - 5:47 pm)

Pokity pokity poke poke poke! Properly!

submitted by Properpoker
(August 12, 2016 - 4:51 pm)
Wow, it's day ten already! I can't believe I'm not in Star Wars overdrive! Let's do this. 
Day ten~
Clara is leaning against the rock face, casually fingering her lightsaber. The wind howls behind her. Novella draws her lightsaber. Clara smiles. "You really think you'd win?" Novella cocks an eyebrow. "Why not?" She springs forwards, her hair flying out behind her, her face a solid mask of determination. In a flash, Clara has brought out her lightsaber and blocked Novella's attack easily. She grins wolfishly. Her violet eyes gleam with power that sends shivers down Novella's spine. She whips around, stabbing at Clara's hand. Clara blocks, and Novella counterattacks, then brings her lightsaber down with lighting speed. Clara blocks, then attempts to get under Novella's guard, but Novella parries quickly. Then, she spins around once, building up momentum, and stabs fiercely at Clara's midsection. Clara appears surprised for a moment, and brings her lightsaber up in a clumsy parry. Novella presses her attack, becoming slightly reckless. Clara pretends to be fighting hard. In reality, she is waiting, biding her time until Novella becomes reckless enough to let her guard down. And then, it happens. Novella, with blinding speed, swings at Clara's shoulder. Clara blocks and, with a quick thrust, slips under Novella's defenses. Novella freezes, an expression of shock resonating deeply in her brown eyes. Then, she slumps to the ground. Lifeless. 
Leafmist runs into the clearing. "Novella! We were attacked by a squadron of Stormtr-" She notices Novella on the ground, Clara standing over her, lightsaber drawn. She takes a hoarse breath. "No." She looks up, eyes filled with tears. "Novella" She jumps forwards, and drawing her green lightsaber, makes a lunge at Clara. Clara is cuaght off guard, and stumbles backwards. A jagged cut mars her arm. She growls. "I'll be back. Mark my words." She takes a step back, and vanishes into the swirling snow. 
Leafmist bows her head and cries a few frozen tears, too sad to chase after Clara. Danie, Sydney, and Brookeira race into the clearing, and see Novella's lifeless body. They bow their heads. Sydney speaks first. "We'll miss you." Danie sniffles. "You were a good warrior." Brook wipes away a tear. "And a good friend." Leafmist steps back. "We'll finish this. We promise." 
A bullet whizzes through the air, frying the wall only inches away from Claria's head. Azea pulls out one of the guns that Icy stole from the weaponry. "Go! I'll cover you!" She begins firing the weapon, nailing each of her targets. Icy supports Shadow and Claria, and begins moving as quickly as she can down the hallway. Azea backs up slowly, and marvels at how these Stormtroopers are missing every shot. The empire must be getting sloppy. 
Icy, Shadow, and Claria finally reach the hanger. Icy yells "Azea! Which one is your ship?" Azea's voice comes drifting over the sound of groans and gunfire. "The Pilot IV!" Icy spots it immediately. "Got it! I need you to take out the small squadron of troopers guarding it." Azea comes running through to the hanger, gun in hand, brown eyes lit with the excitement of the battle. With deadly accuracy, she quickly and efficiently takes out the entire squadron, ducking and swerving to avoid bullets. Alarms begin to sound. 
As quickly as possible, the group climbs the gangplank of the "Pilot IV" Azea sits down at the controls, and looks over to the seat next to her. "Come on Spar-" Her eyes widen. "Bantha dung!" She yells. "I forgot Sparks! Be right back!" Icy barely has time to protest before Azea is running across the hanger, blasting anything that might possible stand in her way. Moments later, she is back, carrying the blue BB8 unit in her arms. She crams him into a power cell, runs to the cockpit, and powers up the engine. She gives a loud whoop of excitement, before riding out of the hanger and blasting into hyperspace. 
Chinchilla leans over to a blinking screen, and smiles. She is dressed in black, her frizzy, blonde hair streaming over her shoulders, black robes, a black cape, and, of course, two curved red lightsabers hanging at her hip. They were rumored to have once belonged to Ventress herself. She touches the screen. A glowing, red tracking beam pulses from it. She turns to an imperial commander. "Report." The commander salutes stiffly. "I told the troopers to make it easy. We placed the tracking beacon on the ship." Chinchilla nods. "Good. Prepare the fleet, and follow that beacon........"
submitted by Jela/Shadowmoon , age New day!, Rebel base
(August 12, 2016 - 4:53 pm)

*screams* NO NOT NOVELLA!!!! 

submitted by Cho Chang
(August 13, 2016 - 9:37 am)

*Rubs hands* Heheheh. Good work, Clara. Get those Rebel scum off of us.

Okay, sorry I haven't posted. My computer time has been limited to weekends only. But great work, Shadowmoon! I lovelovelove it. 

submitted by Leafpool
(August 13, 2016 - 2:20 pm)