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Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

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You are reading the menu at your favorite resteraunt, Foody Land, when you see a scribble in the corner.

Five lucky winners, including you, are invited to go to Foody Land Apartments for a long food tasting! You will taste all kinds of food from all kinds of cultures. Pack your bags, AEs and CAPTCHAs are allowed! This is completely safe.*


*Note: we are not responsible for any food poisonings or knife stabbings. 


The Foody- Manager of Food Land and Foody Land Apartments 

submitted by The Foody
(July 29, 2016 - 9:22 am)

I'm sorry to everyone that I skipped yesterday, but of course: top. I'm just going to post today and I hope you like it! Please start guessing me!

Day 2 - Vegan Room Tasting

In the Vegan Tasting Room, the CBers saw a display of, veggie burgers? Bunless veggies burgers.

"We have an assortment of veggies burgers: black bean, peas, and spicy peppers and bell peppers.

"I don't want to try something spicy!"

"Ooh, spicy!"

"Beans! What?!?"

"I'll try..."

"Everyone, take a bit of your bean burger and call out what it tastes like."


"Aw, beans is already taken."

"Uh, seasonings?"

"Okay, next burger: peas."


"Pretty good."

"It tastes... weird. It's okay, I guess."

"I like peas. It tastes gooooood!"

"Bleh. Gross."

The CBers hear the sound of a gurgle, and see Hemin with a glass of foggy water in her hand, dead.

"Poison! They poisoned her! Noooooo!" Mei cries.

"So many funerals! Well, we better get at it. Shoo, come on, let's go. 



submitted by Day 2 Part 3
(August 11, 2016 - 10:07 am)

Top. The next day will be up soon. I'm going to continue posting days, unless this never gets to the front page and no one comments. Then, I will pronounce it 'dead'. I hope that that doesn't happen.

submitted by The Foody
(August 12, 2016 - 1:31 pm)