Chatterbox: Pudding's Place



FORGIVE US, our translation system is NOT VERY WELL made and MAY MALFUNCTION.

I see you wOke in a pure white RooM surrounded by friends. We pLANned this, never fear.



There, that should do it.

I am Beta Ro of the Ro Society, Keeper of Aquarius. Through many years of training and practice, I have mastered my unusual abilities. Do not fear us, we wish to help you.

Just a moment, Gamma Ro wishes to say a few words.

Hi, sugars. I'm Gamma Ro, blah blah blah, Keeper of Virgo. I just want ya to know that I'm SUPER happy that you're here! Especially any real cute ones. Beta Ro? Oh yeah, she's a GENIUS. Pay attention when she talks. Anyway, Epsilon Ro and Zeta Ro want to say something.

Hi! We're Epsilon and Zeta Ro, Keepers of Gemini. Pleased to meet you! Why are we talking in unison? We're one being at the moment, but can split into two! It's part of our abilities.



Thank you. The Ro are... a race of people (aliens, I suppose) blessed with extraordinary abilities. There are only twelve in existence. So far we only know of Beta (me), Gamma, Epsilon, and Zeta.

We believe the Chatterbox may secretly house the rest of the Ro, even... the Alpha Ro.

Just... be warned. The Alpha Ro has always been corrupted in some way... evil...

I pray that won't happen again. 

If you believe that you may be one of us, please... comply with our experiments.

And don't listen to darkness... 



Only 16 people may join. AEs and CAPTCHAs are not allowed.



submitted by The Ro Society
(August 10, 2016 - 12:23 pm)



(Am I currently slightly obsessed with mermaids and Vaporeons, so YAY!!!!) 


So, the reason I'm obsessed with this stuff is there's a show on Netflix about some teens who turn into merpeople whenever they touch water, yada yada yada, but there's this island right by their houses (they live in the coast) called Mako Island.



submitted by balletandbow, age 12, Moon
(August 12, 2016 - 11:57 am)

:( R.I.P. Riddler.

Anways, here's my form:

Name: Joan

Appearance: (Apparantly, you changed the appearances, so yeah.)

Personality: Loyal, loves a challenge, friendly, very enthusiastic, (except in the face of danger,) and I think that's it.  

submitted by Joan B. of Arc, age 14, Camelot
(August 12, 2016 - 4:09 pm)

SO GOOD!!!!!!


submitted by Shadowmoon
(August 12, 2016 - 5:05 pm)

Excellent writing! I never wrote "rude" in my personality sheet, yet you wrote the character as so. I will now quote Harry Potter. 

"'I don't mean to be rude,' Vernon began... 'Yet accidental rudeness occurs quite often,' Dumbledore finished calmly."

I think there'll be a pattern in the coming days: One dies, one is revealed as Ro. Keep on writing! And I'd like to guess. Are you Shadow Dragon or A Curious Dragon?

submitted by Scylla
(August 12, 2016 - 5:47 pm)

Are you Gared?


Ooh, blue skin and grey hair! AND GLOOOWING EEEEEYEEEEEEES....I made that up :P

*snorts* You're an old lady!!!!!

I am not!

Owlgirl grandma...

Let's think of it as stinging silver hair, shall we? 

submitted by Owlgirl
(August 12, 2016 - 11:17 pm)

This is really good! I know I'm not part of this Ski Lodge, but I love it and will keep reading!

submitted by OtR
(August 13, 2016 - 2:55 pm)

Ok, random question for Beta, Gamma, Zeta, and Epsilon Ro:

What color is my tail? 

submitted by Delta Ro , age A.K.A, balletandbow
(August 13, 2016 - 5:15 pm)

It's kind of a light blue with speckled pale pink, very iridescent.

submitted by Beta Ro
(August 14, 2016 - 8:42 am)

That was so good! I wonder what I'll be?!? I feel like I'll have something to do with sum or light... *Starts thinking of ideas in her head*

submitted by Jack-a-Nat
(August 13, 2016 - 5:36 pm)

At the end, I'm going to draw all of us as chibis in Ro form (plus Riddler in normal form).

submitted by Scylla
(August 13, 2016 - 7:58 pm)

This won't work as ski lodge!! If my theory was correct, then unidentified Ro will be killed!

Let me explain.

In the beginning, it said Ballet was in a room with 11 other girls (it was actually 10; 11 in total). She and 9 of the others had new coloration, but Riddler was still normal. Then Riddler died and Balletandbow was identified as Delta Ro. 

If the pattern continues, then either Delta Ro will die in the next post because she was identified, or one of the others before they're identified. This is a very confusing situation, because one way or another, unidentified Ro will die.  

And then there's the whole problem of a murderer. How will it work out?? 

submitted by THERE'S A LOOPHOLE!, Scylla
(August 14, 2016 - 1:10 pm)


submitted by Owlgirl
(August 14, 2016 - 1:50 pm)

Day 2~

The three main Ro were solemn when they delivered the news that Riddler was dead.

To avoid trouble, they immediately erased the memory of Riddler from the girl's minds.

It was the simplest solution.

That day's test was a mountain climb, scaling a sheer rock wall. The girls were allowed to use any abilities they had.

Delta/Ballet Ro naturally forfeited, being a fish and all.

Owlgirl looked on jealously as Beta Ro used telekinesis to scale the wall, easily climbing the sheer face. Epsilon and Zeta Ro had split into their twin form for this challenge.

As they began to scale the wall, Owlgirl felt a strange tug in her gut. To do... she wasn't sure. She saw that one of the girls had scaled it rapidly, along with Epsilon Ro. The others angrily tried to find a foothold (except Gamma Ro, she didn't care).

Owlgirl decided to pay attention to the tugging in her gut. It grew to a tingling sensation, and then her body-


Meanwhile, Alpha Ro possessed her host. She quickly scaled the wall, chasing Epsilon Ro.

After Riddler had died, Alpha had gained the Riddler's ability to do magic tricks. She wondered if it would work on Epsilon.

Epsilon was the quieter of the Keepers of Gemini, yet generally the more annoying. She was an environmental nut, the kind who ran around Wall Street with a flashy yellow sign about tigers or whatever. And for that, Alpha hated Epsilon.

Epsilon, unlike her louder-yet-less-environmentally conscious twin Zeta, had florakinesis and was using it to create vine-ropes up the mountain. Alpha caught up to her and trapped her against the rock face.

"Hey, what-" Epsilon was muffled as Alpha slammed her head into the cliff face. Epsilon was unconscious. Alpha bound her tightly in a tangle of vines, too tightly. Epsilon soon found that she couldn't breathe. Well, she didn't personally find that, but the small part of her brain that wasn't unconscious did.

Alpha felt Epsilon's power ebb into her and tested it; she carried herself to the top with vine ropes. Quickly, she released her host's body and to her relief saw others coming up at the exact same time. Alpha laughed to herself.


Owlgirl was panicked and confused.

When she had listened to the tugging, it had consumed her. Now she was running on four legs.

She had scaled the rock wall quickly on four cloven hooves. Everyone seemed confused when Owlgirl ran up and tried to talk to them, except Beta.

"Owlgirl!" she gasped, "you're the keeper of Capricorn, Eta Ro!"

Owlgirl bleated, and Beta furrowed her brow.

"No, you're not stuck as a goat... I forget how you turn back into a human... try getting into water!"

Owlgirl bleated and ran towards a small pond. She jumped in and felt herself change...

Or, felt her legs change. Now she was a mer-goat with a shark-like tail. 

"Wait! I know!"

Owlgirl floundered out and changed back into a normal goat.

"Just think about becoming a human, in great detail."

Occam's Razor strikes again.

Owlgirl felt her head change first, and her body became stockier. She got her hadns back first and relieved, checked her torso.




She looked down and saw that she was now a goat-centaur.

"Well, it's not... the worst," Owlgirl sighed, trying hard to be positive.

"Ladies and Gentlemen," Jack-A-Nat yelled in an announcer voice, "please welcome Eta Ro!"

Rose Bud complimented her. Athena did the same. Scylla made jokes, yet lightened the mood with them. Kestrel jealously wished that she could turn into a "rad mer-goat". Shadowmoon rattled off pros and cons. Clouded Leopard smiled sweetly. Joan told everyone to "back away, let me examine her-".

All were interrupted by screams from the ground.

Once everyone had scrambled down the cliff, they wished they hadn't gone.

Gamma, Zeta, and Delta were staring at the dead body of Epsilon Ro.

"Oh, no, this is so wrong," Gamma gasped.

Zeta burst into tears and dashed off, fire spurting at her hands.

"No, no, Zeta!" Ballet had breached the surface of the giant fish bowl and vainly tried to go after Zeta.

The girls were silent. Beta knew that for all the technology they had, they couldn't remove the image of Epsilon from the girl's minds.



submitted by The Ro Society
(August 14, 2016 - 2:46 pm)

I see how it is. Forget my loophole comment. You are an excellent author, I only found one typo. "Hadns" instead of "hands." Keep on going! When I draw them, should Eta Ro be a satyr/centaur/human thing or a normal human with slight goat characteristics?

submitted by Scylla
(August 14, 2016 - 5:12 pm)

I can do magic tricks? Cool!

submitted by The Riddler
(August 15, 2016 - 4:22 pm)