There are secrets,

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

There are secrets,

There are secrets,

And then there are secrets. 

And then there is my secret.

But you would never understand.

Let's put this more in your terms. Does anyone remember the Chronicler? Silly old man. The spring of this year he thought he could tell my story, painting me as the villain, outwitted by my own creations in some sort of futuristic factory.  

It was like reading bad fanfiction. I laughed, then pressed a small silver button. They found the man and his apprentice still sleeping the next morning.

They weren't sleeping.

On the wall were written the words "All wrong."

Sorry to anyone in that ski lodge. 

That was entertaining, and I almost wished that someone would try again. The next time was a lot more recently. Ophelia Grimscraw, she called herself, and was a good deal better. Scrambled some dates and some places and people, thinking to make me a poor, misunderstood genius, then dead. But that's only part of the story.

Ophelia was just about to post a huge reveal about the specifics of what was going on, when I came to her. We had a little chat. I congratulated her on being so accurate, but also chided her on being so, so wrong. Then I killed her. 

I want my story to be told, but I want it to be told right.

And this time, it will be told right. Because I, the one who know it best, am telling it.

Third time's a charm. 

Please only bring yourselves, one AE, and posessions common in the real world. I will tell you when the spots are filled. I will not ask for personality details, but sometimes you will be asked to make choices. 


submitted by This Time, age 148
(December 13, 2016 - 8:18 am)

Well, well, well...A story told by the murderer? Hmm...This changes some things...

I don't really have an AE anymore, so I suppose I won't be bringing an AE this time. To make up for that missing being, I will be bringing two things: A backpack, and my favorite clipboard and notepad to go inside. (The notepad has my notes from my ski lodge which was just finished. I write down my ideas in it. It only seems fitting I bring it to take notes on.)

submitted by Micearenice
(December 13, 2016 - 2:51 pm)
submitted by Top!
(December 13, 2016 - 6:36 pm)

Wow. This looks cool.

I think I will bring my AE Yasmine. It will be her first ski lodge!


Why not me?!?!

He said only one. Deal with it. You've been in plenty of ski lodges.

*Pouts in a corner*

Aaand I will bring the Hamilton soundtrack and Hamilton Mixtape, chocolate, the book that I'm reading (Ranger's Apprentice,) peppermint bark, and... umm... my sketchbook of weird stuff.

submitted by The Riddler
(December 13, 2016 - 6:51 pm)

Secret and I will come!

I am bringing a typewriter and a  old-fashioned suitcase stocked with some clothes and FUZZY SOCKS.

Secret is bringing burritos. And Roller Skates.

submitted by Pepper Star
(December 13, 2016 - 7:50 pm)

Doublock and I will come.  This will be very interesting.

submitted by Nebula , age 1 Million , The Milky Way
(December 13, 2016 - 9:37 pm)

I will be bringing my word processor. I bring it everywhere, writing. I also have Ice Powers.

submitted by Icy
(December 13, 2016 - 10:00 pm)

I'll come! 

Can I come?

Sorry Rosemary it's Shadow's turn...

Yes, it'll be my first ski lodge!! *Evil laughter*

I'm bringing a backpack, with a journal, socks, and my stuffed toy elephant Ellie. 

submitted by Moonfrost, age Who Cares?, Mars
(December 14, 2016 - 8:39 am)

Rwy'n bydd dod gyda Spyroe. I'll come, with Spyro. Why should I tell you what I'm packing, murderer? You'll only use it against me.

submitted by hotairballoon
(December 14, 2016 - 8:48 am)

l'd love to come. l'm going to bring pudding. Because pudding is life. Also a goldfish. Because reasons.

submitted by Shadow Dragon
(December 14, 2016 - 11:00 am)

Thirteen! What a perfect number. I'm almost tempted to leave it there. But if another wishes the chance, well... the deadline is tomorrow night, then.

Also, I notice a lot of you are calling me a murderer. I, however, prefer the term "professional". And I may not be the only one among us... 

submitted by 1-2 more spots!, age 148, This Time
(December 14, 2016 - 1:40 pm)

Ohhh I'll come!

I shall bring my AE, Fia.

The entirety of the Throne of Glass series

and a box of matches.

submitted by Kestrel
(December 14, 2016 - 3:57 pm)

Right, then. I am glad to see some people who have been part of my predecessors' stories, as well as more unfamiliar faces. I would pass around some cookies and chat so we could get acquainted. But I really don't care about cookies anymore. Or about you, for that matter.

Let's begin on December 17. 

Please note: I am the mastermind. There are criminals among yourselves that should be guessed, but I am at more of the unattainable level, so to speak. Though it's obviously attainable if even only I have ever reached it, but I digress.  

submitted by This Time, age 148
(December 15, 2016 - 7:19 pm)
submitted by Space Age Top
(December 17, 2016 - 7:16 pm)

I'm really sorry guys-- I'm leaving the CB and can't post on this. Bye.

submitted by This Time
(December 18, 2016 - 6:06 pm)

Ooh, this sounds cool. Eerie backstory? A story told by the killer? Getting to make choices? The mystery as to where this ski lodge will take place? Very interesting indeed. I hope I don't get killed off quickly! Now my AE...

Mellie, are you coming?

*glances around nervously* I don't like being in ski lodges. Too spooky for me. I can't even handle a Goosebumps book! 

Goosebumps?! Those are kids books! They aren't even scary.

They're scary to me! 

*glares at Grace* Anyway, Mellie, I didn't think you'd want to, but I always make sure to ask. 



*takes bite of donut* Why not? It's not for real anyway. This sounds cool. It better be cool!

*squints* Wait a second. Is that the same donut you were eating earlier? I thought you dropped that one...where did you get this one?

*takes another bite* I didn't. I picked it up when you weren't looking* Mmmm!

You know've never gotten sick anyway, so I won't push it.

*belches* You better not.

Okay, here's my list.

-A large simple blue suitcase/backpack-y thing in which all of this will be contained 

-Sets of clothes: comfortable jeggings and assorted shirts, blouses, and t-shirts

-Two formal dresses, just in case. One long-sleeved lacy dress that is gray and slightly sparkly, a pair of not-too-high heels, and another dress; this one is a deep royal blue that goes past my knees and falres out slightly

-Trusty purple watch

-Plenty of rubber bands

-Tennis shoes (I'll come wearing them)

-Two stuffed animals

-Kindle because there's lots of books I want to read, too many to fit in my suitcase. But I prefer paper books. 

-A thick notebook

-Plenty of pencils

-A pencil sharpener


-Phone charger

-Portable mini speaker 


Music note scarf

-Headphones and earbuds

-A few small card games

-Random sheets of colored, printer, and lined paper

-Lots of oranges

-Some granola bars 


Now for me. I'm bringing my purple backpack. It's really none of your business, but Owlgirl is glaring at me I have some clothes, a knife, a giant pack of gummy bears, a phone. There. *yawn* Hopefully this is entertaining.

submitted by Owlgirl & Co., age 13
(December 18, 2016 - 8:22 pm)