You rise early

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

You rise early

You rise early one morning to find a raven of the darkest midnight black, perched on the tail of your bed. Within his shining beak is a letter, of which you carefully remove and open. Ignoring the beady-eyed beast at your bed, you read the letter stating,

Dear Friend,

I invite you to my Shimarka Le'van Hotel, or simply called Le'van hotel by your fellow... outsiders. The place is gorgeous, with shining banisters of gold, lush beds of sheep's wool and swan feathers, and a 24/7 meal service in bed. Our food is all hand gathered and prepped by our finest chefs. I promise you will be entirely satisfied with your stay. The reason I invite you this evening is to celebrate the 100th birthday of Le'van hotel's founder, Pascal Décès Le'van, who still lives somewhere far out in the Shimarka Valley, alone, with his loyal cats and famed ravens. The taxi will pick you up shortly outside your door, and do not bring much. All necessities will be provided by the staff, that I promise. I do hope you can join us briefly, my dear friend.


    Your friend, T.F.D 

Not recognizing the name, but admiring the hotel's beautiful sound, you quickly go to pack your bags and step outside in the pouring rain, awaiting your ride to the Shimarka Valley.

submitted by The Fortune of Death, Shimarka Valley
(February 17, 2017 - 11:09 pm)
submitted by Top
(February 17, 2017 - 11:19 pm)
submitted by Retop
(February 17, 2017 - 11:31 pm)

May I go? I'm just bringing my sketchbook and my black barred owl CAPTCHA Ember. Just so you know, I am really shy until you know me, and would not make a good killer. Please don't kill me till last, if at all.  Ember says pout. Why are you pouting? Do you not like ski lodges?


submitted by Destiny Silverstone , age 12, Driveway
(February 18, 2017 - 6:47 am)
submitted by Nebula , I will join!
(February 18, 2017 - 1:57 am)


Let us do it, Ashlee. Shimarka Valley sounds like a lovely place full of history and wonders.

AND a hotel! 

That too, I suppose.

Okay, so it's settled then. The Fortune of... Death? Eh, I'll ignore that. The Fortune of Death, we'll be joining your ski lodge, the three of us. Italics is my AE, Quill, and bold is my AE, Zeon. AEs are allowed, right? 

submitted by Ashlee G., age 15, The Future
(February 18, 2017 - 2:52 am)

If this is a Ski Lodge, I am COMING. I will bring my AEs Anna and Sequoia, and my CAPTCHA Connie, if that is OK. 

submitted by elementgirl18917
(February 18, 2017 - 7:53 am)

Ahh, lovely lovely. This makes me so happy to have my fellow friends joining me to celebrate Pascal Décès Le'van's 100th living-not-yet-dead birthday. To answer your questions, yes, AEs and CAPTCHAs alike are allowed. The more the merrier to celebrate this wonderful day! We shall open the celebration briefly, but, as I previously stated, I would love for more people to join first. 

submitted by The Fortune of Death, Shimarka Valley
(February 18, 2017 - 11:43 am)

I'm coming!

But the person inviting us is called "The Fortune of Death!" I think I would rather not die thank you very much!

Too bad Stan. You're coming.


And I'm bringing a really old fashioned record player, 12 and 3/5 of a chocolate bar, and a violin, which I don't know how to play. 

submitted by The Riddler
(February 18, 2017 - 2:44 pm)

I'll come with Chester, my CAPTCHA

By the way, when I got to the signature, I immediately thought of A Series of Unfortunate Events.  

submitted by September & Co.
(February 18, 2017 - 2:48 pm)

I know, right! That is exactly what came across my mind as well. I love that show so much

submitted by Ashlee G., age 15, The Future
(February 18, 2017 - 3:50 pm)

Death? My speciality!

Oh Gossamer, don't scare the other AEs.

Fortunes? I like fortune cookies!


So Fleetfoot appears to not care in the least, s therefore I shall drag her along with me.


The Raven? As in Edgar Allen Poe's poem? EEEEKKK!!! I'm so excited now!

Alright, so I'm going to bring myself, my female AE Gossamer, and my female CAPTCHA, Fleetfoot.

I'd also like to take a giant tub of caramel ice cream, which I shall guard with my life. 

submitted by Kestrel
(February 18, 2017 - 4:29 pm)


me, too. 

Sounds rather suspicious and schism-related. Coming anyway.

I'll bring:


ASOUE ( A Series Of Unfortunate Events) hardcover set (better weapons)

Micromail armor

Ineffable Pencil of Logic

Star Trek books

MALACHITE here! I'm bringing:

Worms for these ravens


my music

Anything I want to


Wingnut: wubb

Is that a word? Maybe

Wingnut is coming in his portable Home For Traveling CAPTCHAS. 

submitted by TheColorOfQuantum, age forever..., Timespace
(February 18, 2017 - 4:44 pm)

We shall start shortly, the taxis are on their way, my friends. People can join briefly after the taxis leave, it's understandable to be late to a party. But not too late, mind you.

submitted by We'll Start Shortly!, The Fortune of Death
(February 18, 2017 - 5:47 pm)

Ooh, fashionably late! Comiiiiing!

How many ski lodges are you in now?

Uh... four? No, five. Six? No, wait, maybe--

Anyway, this sounds far too good to be true. Beds made of swan feathers? I'm not buying it, plus this guy is obviously some sort of weird loner eccentric with no taste. Gold railings are obnoxious.

Just like you! 

(Coming with Spyro. I adamantly refuse to make a packing list!) 




submitted by hotairballoon
(February 18, 2017 - 7:39 pm)

Day 1:

On a gloomy, cold day, a storm raged. A storm of numerous varieties: anger and the uncontrollable, hateful weather. The anger of one man so deep, so old, so ancient, rumbled through the lands like a raging volcano, almost uncontrollably. But no one knew him, no one knew his secrets.

Twenty-three beings waited alone outside their doors, the heavy rain splashing at their feet, blurring their vision. Twenty-three for the future, present, and past. Within seconds, oddly regular taxi cabs arrive at each of their homes, windows tinted, and their drivers clad in heavy raincoats. One by one, they all enter, and one by one their adventurous, odd, peculiar lives begin. Short lives.

"I do not trust this T.F.D person," Spyro grumbles beside his CBer, Hotairballoon.

"Ahh and we do not trust you," HAB replied quietly, eyes set on the foggy windows of the cab.

Quicker than expected, the twenty-three people arrived at the famed Shimarka Valley and it's oddly lone hotel - founded by a currently one hundred year old, slightly crazy, man. A man who fought in numerous wars, led great lands and survived in a small hut miles away from his hotel. Yet not alone, but kept company by midnight black ravens and cats of most peculiarity.

"Welcome, welcome, to the Shimarka Le'Van Hotel!" A darkly cloaked figure says, raising gloved hands to the sky. "Aren't we fortunate to have such amazing weather this afternoon?"

"Fortunate?!" Gossamer cries. "This place is on a freezing cold mountain that is raining!"

"Oh, I thought it quite fortunate. Ah well, follow me inside where it is dry, my friends."

The twenty-three followed, unexpectedly changing their lives forever. Or at least, whatever lives they thought they had before exiting the raging weather of an old man.

"This is absolutely stunning!" Ashlee exclaims, spinning to take in the beautiful, enchanting hotel.

"We keep this place in prime shape for our... seldom visitors," the figure says. "Go, go. Explore, claim your rooms, and settle down. My assistants will retrieve your bags, I promise. Oh, and please do not enter the attic unless you...  eh, never mind, just do not go there, my friends."

"Sys frends alt..." Wingnut whispers, but no one hears.

Whoever hears? An eery feeling sets over everyone in the room, regardless of the gold and feathers, the peaceful setting. This place was not to be trusted, everyone knew deep down.

Malachite and Quantum explored the upper levels, laughing and talking as they went. Within minutes, they claimed a beautiful room of gold lining on the walls, and the softest beds imaginable. But something just wasn't... right.

"Malachite, I am going to find Wingnut, I'll be right back," Quantum says before quickly running down the halls and sliding down the banister.

Malachite smiles, hearing the "Whoohoo!" as her AE slides down the golden banister.

"Ahh... At last, I can rest." She laid down on the swan feather bed, sinking into it's glamorous world.

Sinking too far.

Within seconds, sweet Malachite's mind had ended, falling into a peaceful rest, the swan feathers putting her young mind to sleep. Asleep at last.

"Malachite! Look what they brought us!" Quantum shouts, running into the silent room with Wingnut at her side and a basket in hand. "Cooki- Malachite? Where are- Oh no, are you asleep already?"

"Mlahite?"Wingnut calls out worriedly.

The two slip by the sleeping AE's side, and Quantum shakes her still body. Realization hits as hard as the aged man's anger. Dead.

"Noooo, how did this happen? How did... how did...?"

The others come racing up with the cloaked figure by their side.

"What happened?" The figure asks. "Oh my, that's a sad sight, isn't it? Don't touch her body, she could still be... contaminated."

"This is a big issue, my dear AE just died!" Quantum cries.

"Yaeaeh," Wingnut agrees.

"Do not be alarmed, she died peacefully. These beds can be very calming, you'll never want to wake up."

"I'll be sleeping on the floor tonight," The Riddler whispers, eyes wide.

"See you all at supper, my friends! Assistants, take this sleeping girl to the Rose Maze."

And as quick as lightning, yet painfully lasting like thunder, the body of Malachite was removed. The old man's anger eased ever so slightly, but his hunger still remained. The Rose Maze would hold the dear body in safety from his everlasting anger just slightly longer... But not forever. Forever would mean twenty-three would live, yet clearly only twenty-two were to carry on their beginning-yet-ending lives.

Death Toll: Malachite

Rest in peace, young AE, Malachite. The Rose Maze will love your visit. ~ The Fortune of Death

submitted by Taxis are Arriving!, The Fortune of Death
(February 18, 2017 - 9:36 pm)