This thread died....

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

This thread died....

This thread died.... I want to bring it back!


This is kind of like Ashlee's Fandom thread, BUT FOR HAMILTON!

Have fun! 

submitted by A HAMILFAN!!!!!!!!!!
(February 22, 2017 - 6:18 pm)

I have to agree! I've learned so much that's helped me in class - I even know MORE than my own History teacher! That's how obsessed I am with Hamilton. I literally will ask him something like, "Oh, do you know who John Laurens was during the American Revolution?" And he'll say no. Then I'll add, "He created the first ever African American regiment, and he died after the war in a British gunfight in South Carolina, and... (continues on forever)." Haha I talk too much.

And Anthony does do Philip! It's odd, but he does an amazing job. And the reason why he especially fits is because how short he is. And his voice. Anthony is the best! And you know what? He's also dating Jasmine, the girl who plays Peggy and Maria. I just thought that was so sweet.

Ohh not again, I'm about to miss the bus and I STILL haven't gotten ready yet. Wow, I need to stop pushing this to the last minute. xD 

submitted by Ashlee G., age 15, HAMILTON FOREVVVEERR
(February 24, 2017 - 10:41 am)

I know! Seventh grade does a lot on the Revolution, so from what I hear people are constantly making Hamilton references in class, AND finally our history/English teacher likes it and he uses it as an example all the time and it's great.

Oh, yes, and Anthony Ramos does play Phillip and it actually works out fine and it's adorable because somehow he still manages to act like a nine year old even though he's twenty (I think he's actually the youngest person in the original cast, and I love that he's dating Jasmine!)

submitted by The Riddler
(February 24, 2017 - 5:01 pm)

Wow! That's so cool! See, I had been wondering if they had like a little nine-year-old who can rap play the part... but it's awesome that he plays the part and it's not out of place :P

submitted by Caroline
(February 24, 2017 - 9:15 pm)

Yep, it's so adorable! xD Anthony is amazing as Philip! And Laurens, of course.

submitted by Ashlee G., age 15, HAMILTON FOREVVVEERR
(February 24, 2017 - 9:54 pm)


submitted by elementgirl18917
(February 25, 2017 - 7:21 am)
submitted by HamilTOP!
(February 26, 2017 - 6:36 am)

My name is Alexander HamilTOP!

And there's a million threads I havent topped, but just you wait, just you wait!



submitted by HamilTOP!
(February 26, 2017 - 7:33 am)

Don't you think it's weird that Alexander Hamilton has only one more syllable in his name than Lin-Manuel Miranda?

submitted by Random Person, age 1-100, Somewhere
(February 26, 2017 - 2:50 pm)

Lin-Manuel Miran-anda. My name is Lin-Manuel Miran-anda :)

submitted by Rose bud
(February 26, 2017 - 7:12 pm)

Haha xD top!

submitted by elementgirl18917
(February 26, 2017 - 8:44 pm)


submitted by HamilTOP!
(February 27, 2017 - 6:08 pm)

Has anyone else seen Mickey Mouse defying gravity? 2nd funniest Ham4Ham skit ever!!!

submitted by Rose bud
(February 27, 2017 - 8:43 pm)

Yeeees!!! With Oak Oanodowan?

And I loved the Schuyler Georges too. That was great...

Has anyone seen In the Heights? Seriously, it's so good! And Chris Jackson is Benny, and Mandy Gonzalez and Karen Olivo (Nina and Vanessa) are the new Angelicas in New York and Chicago!!!! Also, my friend noticed something - in Helpless when George Washington dances with Angelica... with Mandy Gonzalez as Angelica, it's Benny and Nina! Dancing! Together! Again! *laughs maniacally in an intensely manaical fangirl craze*

OOOOH also I found out today there's going to be an In the Heights movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I try not to use excessive exclamation points, but... AAAAHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

submitted by The Riddler, En Washington Heights!
(February 28, 2017 - 7:01 pm)

I saw it last month, AND IT´Ś SO AMAZING!!!! I listened to the soundtrack a zillion times before hand, too. I love it so much!!!

submitted by Bibliophile
(March 1, 2017 - 2:57 pm)

I just found out something.

HAMILTON IS COMING TO PPAC(performing theater near where I live) in 2019!!!!!!!!

I'm so excited! 

submitted by elementgirl18917
(March 9, 2017 - 6:47 am)