~Princess Mononoke~ 

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

~Princess Mononoke~ 

~Princess Mononoke~ 


I watched this last night (and was up pretty late because it was so long), and I was BLOWN AWAY. At first I thought: so, how exactly can an animated Disney Princess movie by PG-13? And what's the deal with the weird picture of a girl with blood on her mouth? I admit that I almost skipped this one, but after hearing some good reviews (and because I was aching for a good fantasy action story) I decided to pick it up from the library, and was pretty excited about watching it. My younger siblings were watching Hotel Transylvania 2, but I wasn't really faced with a "if you had to choose, if you had to choose!" moment because after staring at the cool crossed-swords cover of Princess M, I was kind of excited. 

(Bear with me, I tend to get loquacious. I won't spoil. Much).  

I quickly finished my math test, posted on the Magicians RP, and stuck the disk into the computer.

I admit I rolled my eyes as it started with a dramatic Disney-style narration, thinking; how the heck did this earn its rating? 

Then I saw the main character. SurprisedEmbarassedLaughing. Then he was cursed, cut his hair, etc., and by then I was hooked by the magical journey plot, because really, who doesn't like a cool fantasy journey to find the magical whatever whatever!

1/4 of the way into the movie:  

Like I said, the movie was super long, so I had supper before it was halfway over. Because my brothers were running around getting into each other's faces and going: "bleh-bla-bleh," over and over, all I said about the movie is: 

Me: "It's great, Mom. NO sis, you can't watch it with me."

My sister: "WHY NOOOOOT?"

Me:"Because It's PG-13."

Brother: "Ooooh, does it curse?" 

Me: "Ummm" *looks over at Mom* "yes..."

Brother: "MOM! Abigail's watching a movie that curses!" 

Mom: "Cursing in a Disney Princess Movie?"

Me: "It's not that bad. About a 5 on the Hamilton scale." 

1/2 of the way into the movie *some spoilers!!* 

The whole Irontown plot was really ingrossing and probably my favorite. The movie didn't really explain why the bullet didn't affect Ashitaka at first, so I looked it up and wikipedia said b/c of the curse. Huh. Seems like a curse-blessing. 

3/4 of the way into the movie: 

Why am I crying? Why am I crying? This shouldn't be sad, but it's so powerful!

After the movie:

*Bursts into tears at credits*

So yeah. I didn't think any other movie except Star Wars, Singin' in the Rain, West Side Story, The Princess Bride, and The Sound of Music could be so amazing. This one's going on the shelf with my classics, and I have a feeling that Spirited Away will as well after I watch it tonight. No, I don't watch a movie every night. Two of my many miriads of brothers were sick and we'd been out attending different classes all day so Mom caved and let us watch movies. And tonight I'm going to see former CBer Cloudy Dweller in a play (Legally Blonde), and then we're going to stay up half the night singing anything from Disney to Pop to Hamilton, unlocking our inner Schuyler Sisters, arguing over whether Kaz Brekker has dark or light hair (she swears it's dark, and she's probably right), watching stuff online like Millenials the Musical, and, of course, we're planning to watch Spirited away. So, not too many movies happening in Rose bud's life, that's why PM was such a treat. 

So, I'm just making sure that:

a. I'm not the only person here who has seen this amazing movie,

b. I'm not the only person here who has sobbed over this movie,

c. No one skips this movie like I almost did

and finally:

d. I'm not the only person who thinks Kaz would look better as a blonde.  

submitted by Rose bud
(March 17, 2017 - 9:53 am)

Wait a second... I'm going to go watch my school play this weekend, and it's Legally Blonde. Junior.

Does Cloudy Dweller by any chance live in Connecticut? :O

Also, I'm going to make a trip to the library as soon as I can now to see if I can find this movie, because it sounds AMAZING!

submitted by Kestrel
(March 17, 2017 - 11:10 am)

How I wish we lived in the same state!! But sadly, CL and I both live in the "armpit of the south." Yuck! 

Also, I have a "Hamilton scale" for "bad" things in books, movies, plays, etc. 10 is where Hamilton is (duh, because it gets a perfect 10 for balancing everything), and under that means more kid-friendly, while above that means less kid-friendly.

For instance, Princess Mononoke is a 5 on the Hamilton Scale for Cursing, 15 on the Hamilton Scale for violence, 3 on the Hamilton scale for romance.

Is that too crazy? I don't know, that's just how I rate things.  

submitted by Rose bud, South Carolina
(March 17, 2017 - 12:00 pm)

Also, Kaz has absolutely nothing to do with this movie. I just like his name so much that I usually fit it into everything for fun. When someone/something is especially evil, CD or I will go "Kaaazzzzz Brekker Or it was fun until I was talking to someone named Zack who pointed out that Kaz is practically his name backwards. Oops. 

submitted by Rose bud
(March 17, 2017 - 12:41 pm)

Yep, seen that. Powerful, huh?

submitted by Sparkle Girl
(March 18, 2017 - 12:00 am)

Top! And here's a GIF of the most amazing part of the movie (if it works)!


Sorry, Rose bud. We can only post your original art via the art upload thread on the Reply screen.


submitted by Rose bud
(March 18, 2017 - 2:30 pm)

Soooo I kept this on hold until I got home because PRINCESS MONONOKE.


I watched it probably less than a month ago . . . though my internal calendar is all whacked up, so I could have watched it in December for all I know. Still, I remember it pretty well. It was surprisingly gorey for a Miyasaki film, but also really good. Like, I can't explain why it's so good, it's that good. xD

Princess Mononoke is also the only Miyasaki film I have a really good, start-to-finish idea of a fanfiction for. (fun facts with Owly!)

My fangirling is failing because I feel like I"m about to pass out, so I'm going to end this . . . now!

submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(March 18, 2017 - 8:33 pm)

I know! It's beautiful and so many people haven't even heard of it *sob.*  On a side not, I watched Spirited away with Cloudy Dweller 2 nights ago! It was beautiful! Her fave character was Lin, mine was Haku ('cause duh, he's a dragon). Also, we stayed up until after 1:00 AM because we didn't start the movie until 10:30 because we were flitting around the bookstore laughing at the Percy Jackson graphic novels after her play. 

submitted by Rose bud
(March 19, 2017 - 2:31 pm)