Time Travel Ski

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Time Travel Ski

Time Travel Ski Lodge

You are sitting in your favorite reading nook when, suddenly, a deeper-than-black opening appears right in front of your nose. An envelope drops out of the opening, and it closes again. Curious, you open the evelope.

To whom it may concern:

You are invited to come on a time travel adventure! We will travel to all your favorite times in history, and possibly even the future! If you wish to come on this fabulous journey, please fill out the enclosed information sheet and leave it on the floor directly in front of where you are sitting. A notice regarding how to get to my hotel will come to you in some time. Thank you for reading, and remember, nothing is as it seems.


The Traveler of the Ages

Intrigued, you pull out the information sheet. Here it is:





Magical powers: 

Who are you accompanied by, if anyone?:

Choose three:

Pet peeves: 

Book or movie, and what is your favorite of your chosen type?:

Cat or dog?

Favorite food:

Favorite time period:

Famous person you look up to:

Favorite game or puzzle:

AE Sheet:





What are you most looking forward to about this adventure? or Why are you doing this?:






Should I provide a translator?:

Favorite dessert or Favorite activity:


You MUST fill out a sheet for every adventurer.

AEs may come without a CBer, but CAPTCHAs have to have either a CBer or an AE accompanying them. 

Reservations are allowed.

You may guess me, but not until the first section has been posted.

I await your entries! 

submitted by Traveler of the Ages, age Infinity, Nowhere and everywhere
(August 8, 2017 - 11:56 am)

I spelled envelope incorrectly. Oops!

submitted by Traveler of the Ages, age Infinity, Nowhere and everywhere
(August 8, 2017 - 4:30 pm)

Name: Killim

Gender: Female

Appearance: (Third person) Killim has blonde hair that is in a pixie cut. The sides are cut a bit shorter than the top, which is leafier, causing her to has to brush it back at time. On the top of her head are two fox ears. She has a small mouth and nose but big turquoise grey eyes with flecks of gold. She has pale skin and lots of freckles. She is also slim and average height, but athletic. She will be wearing black laced up boots, black jeggings (they're so comfortable, tbh), a dark coloured shirt and a Rebel Alliance jacket. She also has a fox tail. 

Magical powers: (Third person) Killim can create illusions out of thin air and turn invisible.

Who are you accompanied by, if anyone?: No one.

Pet peeves: Ignorant people, people who don't chew with their mouths closed, noises like nails on chalkboard and forks on plates, and disorganised colours. 

Book or movie, and what is your favourite of your chosen type?: Ah, both are great. Books because they are the original, and in that case I enjoy To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee (along with the sequel Go Set a Watchman). However, my favourite movie has to be Jurassic World. The original Jurassic Park series is good, but I thought they did a good job on the new ones. 

Favourite time period: The future? I don't know, I like to write dystopian stories with tech. However, my favourite past time period has to be the 30s or 40s. 

submitted by Killim
(August 8, 2017 - 4:42 pm)
submitted by Top!!
(August 8, 2017 - 4:42 pm)

I don't have time to do the sheet now, but can I reserve a place please?! PLEASE?! TIME TRAVEL's MY LIFE!! 

submitted by Nighthawk
(August 8, 2017 - 6:06 pm)



submitted by General Waffleson, age -457, The Breakfast Kingdom!
(August 8, 2017 - 7:45 pm)


Name: SopranoTwo (or Soprano for short)

Gender/Pronouns: She/Her

Appearance: Long, wavy, dark blonde hair that's usually either in braids or a bun or down; green eyes and clear glasses (with a squarish, roundish shape (look up Warby Parker Coley if you're confused)); pretty pale skin, lots of freckles; on the tall side of average; pretty small feet... I can't think of anything else.

Magical powers: Can fly; singing has magic powers as well. 

Who are you accompanied by, if anyone?: My CAPTCHA, Mudge!

Choose three:

Pet peeves: When people don't listen to your side of the story before getting mad; when you can't see a Broadway show because it costs too much or it was on Broadway in 2008; when people say chorus is easy (IT'S NOT!)

Book or movie, and what is your favorite of your chosen type?: BOOK! Um... no idea. Anne of Green Gables/Harry Potter/Walk Two Moons/everything Liane Moriarty/everything Fannie Flagg/SUCH A HARD QUESTION!!!!!!!


Favorite food: Anything my dad cooks... I pretty much love all (good) food and will eat anything.

Favorite time period: Medieval Times and the Renaissance are pretty cool, but I think I'm going to have to go with the Roaring 20's.

Famous person you look up to: I don't know... Lin? Pippa? Karen Olivo? Mandy Gonzales? Hmmm... J. K. Rowling, maybe? XD 

Favorite game or puzzle: Uh.............. Scrabble/that game where there are letter cubes inside of a container thing and you shake it and you have an amount of time to find words. is it called Boggle? I don't know, but I know it starts with B. XD


Name: Mudge

Gender/Pronouns: He/Him

CBer: SopranoTwo

Appearance: Fuzzy and fluffy. Changes color depending on mood. Sort of looks like a puppy but with really long ears and a kitten tail. A TOOOONNN of fur. Confused? Yeah, me too.

Should I provide a translator?: No, I am fluent in CAPTCHA.

Favorite dessert or Favorite activity: Really likes cheesecake. (So do I.)

submitted by SopranoTwo
(August 8, 2017 - 8:31 pm)

Yesss Walk Two Moons is the best!! Also, it is called Boggle. 

submitted by Nighthawk
(August 9, 2017 - 6:54 am)

AAHHHHHHH THIS IS AMAZING ALREADY THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU FOR DOING THIS ITS AMAZING!!!! *turns caps lock off* ok *deep breath* I'm ok now. Let's do this sheet!

Name: like, CB name? If so Nighthawk obviously. Or Night for short if you prefer. Either one works.

Gender/Pronouns: Gal >Female<

Appearance:a bit of a shorter girl with a black cloak that also covers my very short Raven black hair. Im a cybernetic human and have electronic implants on the left side of my head, although my hair and cloak usually covers them. wears black leggings with combat boots and a sword at my side as well as my staff slung on my back. >sorry that was a lot.<

Magical powers: Um do we have to have magic? Cause I have technology stuff >cybernetics< if we have to, I suppose energy >basically like force fields and stuff.<

Who are you accompanied by, if anyone?: My AE Briar and my Captcha Wheeler

Choose three:

Pet peeves: Ugh I have so many.... here's a few- creased books, talkative people, people talking to me when I have headphones in, waking up, eating >it's so boring! hehehe references< and hmmm what's a big one.... Oh! People who disregard personal space.

Book or movie, and what is your favorite of your chosen type?: book as long as comics count. Sci fi >which includes comics<

Cat or dog?: I'm guessing you mean the animal, so dog. 

Favorite food: Tortilla chips in salsa

Favorite time period: The future, but if we have to say past, I suppose the later 1900s >I love the '80s especially the music.<

Famous person you look up to: hmm... Does God count? Cause He's famous and I certainly look up to Him.

Favorite game or puzzle: Eh, I'm more of an online gamer, but my dad and I love to play poker, so I guess that. 

AE Sheet:

Name: Briar

Gender/Pronouns: Gal >Female<

CBer: I mean, me of course. 

Appearance: Steel blue hair usually in a bun, left eye's green, right is blue, tallish, always has a black choker, gray sweatshirt, black leggings and red converse. >basically what irl me is wearing rn lol< 

What are you most looking forward to about this adventure? or Why are you doing this?: She's mostly just going cause I told her she had to. 


Name: Wheeler

Gender/Pronouns: Bro. >Male< 

CBer: still me

Appearance: Basically just your average wolf but he's adorable. Slightly larger than the average wolf as well. 

Should I provide a translator?: nah. 

Favorite dessert or Favorite activity: Activity would be taking a good nap or playing out in the yard. 

submitted by Nighthawk
(August 9, 2017 - 6:52 am)

Thank you for all your entries! I have a few clarifications.

One: You do not have to fill out all of the questions beneath Choose Three, you only need to complete three of them.

Two: If you do not wish to have magical powers, you do not need to have magical powers.

Three: Reservations are completely allowed! General Waffleson and Nighthawk, you can fill out your sheets whenever you have a chance.

I am excited I got this many responses in the first day!


You put your information sheet on the floor, unsure of what to do with it. Three seconds later, a mysterious black-gloved hand reaches through a black gap. It grabs your sheet and drops an envelope in its place.


Thank you for your submission! Be packed and ready in five days. I may accept you if you are late, but the earlier the better, as I will teleport you to me as soon as I feel there are enough adventurers. Good luck, and remember, dangers do not give warnings.


Traveler of the Ages 

submitted by Traveler of the Ages, age Infinity, Nowhere and everywhere
(August 9, 2017 - 10:44 am)

Can I have multiple favorite time periods? If so, The Middle Ages, The Renaissance, and The Roaring 20s. Yay!

submitted by SopranoTwo
(August 9, 2017 - 9:48 pm)

Yes, you can have multiple favorite time periods.

submitted by Traveler of the Ages, age Infinity, Nowhere and everywhere
(August 11, 2017 - 11:53 am)


submitted by SopranoTwo
(August 11, 2017 - 4:40 pm)

Name: Kate-the-Great or just Kate

Gender/Pronouns: F, She, Her, etc

Appearance: waist-length dirty blonde hair with bright blue tips, eyes that change between blue/grey/green, wears bright colors and shorts. Usually goes barefoot, and only wears shoes when she has to. If she can, she'll wear flip-flops instead. Has a leather anklet on her right foot, a black braided bracelet on her right wrist, a yellow/green waterproof watch on her left hand. She is ambidextrous. 

Magical powers: breathing underwater, seeing clearly in the dark and underwater.

Who are you accompanied by, if anyone?: Brian and Cardinal

Choose three: 

Pet peeves: not really

Book or movie, and what is your favorite of your chosen type?: book. Andrew Clements, Agatha Christie, Anne McCaffrey, others, more others, LOTS of others, XD, and Fantasy and adventure and mystery.

Cat or dog? Dog

Favorite food: meat XD

Favorite time period: Renaissance(art! Tea!), 1950s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s.(Awesome music and less technology) 

Famous person you look up to: Degas, King Arthur

Favorite game or puzzle: riddles, Poker, scrabble

AE Sheet:

Name: Brian

Gender/Pronouns: Male, he, his, etc

CBer: Kate-the-Great

Personality: Moody, cunning, enjoys telling jokes, and pranking and tricking people with elaborate plots. 

Appearance: tall and lanky, bright green eyes, short dark brown messy hair, casual clothes, usually darker colors.

 Why are you doing this?: cuz i wana see cool stuf.            but mostly cuz kate made me 


Name: Cardinal

Gender/Pronouns: F, She, etc

CBer: Kate-the-Great

Appearance: she is a cardinal that sits on my shoulder or Brian's 

Should I provide a translator?: ummm your choice 

Favorite dessert or Favorite activity: Cake, singing annoying and catchy songs,

submitted by Kate-the-Great
(August 11, 2017 - 5:01 pm)


Name:Silverwaxwing (Silver for short)

Gender: Female 

Appearance: Long red hair, freckles, green-hazel eyes, very tall (5'8"), I'm wearing a blue dress from the 40s, bringing a dress from midieval times (white and green) and some clothes from the 60s as well and I will be wearing riding boots and bringing my bomber jacket. 

Magical powers: I'm a mind reader and I can walk in shadow unseen. 

Who are you accompanied by, if anyone?: My AEs and any other CBer who would like to go with me. 

Choose three:

Favorite time period:I have to choose ONE? 1900 maybe? 

Famous person you look up to:I have too many

Favorite game or puzzle: Ice hockey and racing/training/riding horses. 


AE Sheet:

Name: Key

Gender: Female

CBer: Silverwaxwing

Appearance:Long golden hai, big green racoon eyes, freckles (but not a lot), small delicate face, often wears bright colors and extravagant hair styles, when she has the time to do them. Is wearing a blue sailors dress, guinea feather earings and a purple sweatshirt and big lace up boots.

What are you most looking forward to about this adventure?: The fact that it is an adventure!!! I LOVE adventures!!


AE Sheet:


Name: Storm

Gender: Male

CBer: ME! Silverwaxwing

Appearance: He's a shapeshifter so... pretty much anything! As a human he is a tall boy with dirty blond hair that sticks up in the front and he looks mature for his age. Is wearing jeans, his cowboy boots, a John Deere T-shir and a cowboy hat. 

What are you most looking forward to about this adventure?: Going on an adventure with my friends and siblings and seeing the past (I'm a huge history freak! ...we all are!)


AE Sheet:


Name: Lock Kyar 

Gender: Male

CBer: Silverwaxwing

Appearance: Loose black wavy hair that is kinda long and messy, very tall (like almost 6'), fair skin, black eyes (I mean really black not brown), full lips and a deep strong voice. Is wearing a Flames hockey sweatshirt, jeans and his cowboy boots. 

submitted by Silverwaxwing & folk
(August 11, 2017 - 4:18 pm)

I forgot the one question for Lock --


Why are you doing this?: I'll never turn down an adventure with a little history...but also so I can look after my siblings and the other AEs. 

submitted by Silverwaxwing
(August 11, 2017 - 4:19 pm)