There is an

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

There is an

There is an instrument in your house.  it is untouched, no one plays it.  But one day, you come home from your activity and it's on your bed.  There is also a note that says:

Dear CBer,

It is with pleasure that I invite you and any AEs or CAPTCHAs to the symphony where I conduct an orchestra.  The instrument on your bed is what I will need you to bring.  It will be a sign that you have, in fact, been invited.  Now pack!  An accomplice of mine will get you at 3:00 sharp tomorrow, at your nearest music store.

Sincerely, the Orchestra Conductor


Ski Lodge time!!


Basic Personality:



See you there!

~The Orchestra Conductor 

submitted by Orchestra Conductor, age Old enough, the Symphony
(August 10, 2017 - 12:57 am)

I'd like to reserve a spot. Will post other stuff later.

Legolas says bawh.

submitted by Elvina
(August 10, 2017 - 2:29 pm)
submitted by Top
(August 11, 2017 - 10:06 am)

Name: Killim

Basic personality: Funny, sarcastic, curious, adventurous, doesn't trust easily, smart.

Packing: Basic needs and music and a diffuser. A lightsaber with an infinity stone (my weapon lol) lots o' rosin, other stuff (light pink fuzzy sweater, Star Wars shirt, other clothes XD)

Instrument: DOUBLE BASE Y'ALL!!!!!


submitted by Killim
(August 11, 2017 - 12:25 pm)

Name: SopranoTwo

Basic Personality: Funny, curious, bubbly, talks a lot (A LOT), although a bit shy around people she doesn't know (mainly just ones her age, which is 13), flexible, good at making friends and including everyone... 

Packing: everything I'll need, books, notebook, sketchbook, pens, colored pens, pencils, all that jazz... my CAPTCHA, Mudge (a fluffy, fuzzy, furry color-changing puppy-like animal with long ears and a puffy cat tail).

Instrument: Harp

submitted by SopranoTwo
(August 11, 2017 - 8:26 pm)

Name: Elvina

Basic Personality: I'm not really sure. I've been off for so long that I've everything but forgotten. You can depict me as anything.  

Packing: Four books ( Narnia, LOTR, Golden Compass and Rooftoppers) a notebook and three mechanical pencils, change of clothes, and a small sword. I'm also bringing my CAPTCHA, Legolas ( a child-sized version of the real Legolas) 

Instrument: Flute

submitted by Elvina
(August 12, 2017 - 2:38 pm)

Do I need to fill out sheets for my AEs and Captcha? I'm bringing Cilantro, Tahki, and LilyCat.

Name: Pepper Star

Basic Personality: Basically calm and collected. A bit shy at first, but will open up after a little while.  Then I get talkative. Worries a bit.

Typewriter, typing paper, fountain pen, ink bottle, polaroid camera +
film, books, interior design magazines and clothing, which all fit into
my magnificent antique trunk.

Instrument: Violin

submitted by Pepper Star
(August 12, 2017 - 6:57 pm)

*Gasps* Yes.  I do.  

submitted by OC @Pepper Star, age Old enough, the Symphony
(August 28, 2017 - 12:12 am)

*Taps baton on music stand*

Everyone, if I didn't make this clear, I kinda need a sheet for everyone coming. 

submitted by Orchestra Conductor, age Old enough, the Symphony
(August 12, 2017 - 10:48 pm)

Name: Bookworm

Basic Personality: Shy until you get to know me, easily worried and scared, intelligent, and curious.

Packing: Books, the Hamilton soundtrack, and a change of clothes.

Instrument: Clarinet 

submitted by Bookworm, age Something, Earth
(August 12, 2017 - 11:21 pm)

Name: sara

personality kind helpful funny 

Packing phone, book, clothes

Insturment: trombone

submitted by sara f, age 9, new jresy
(August 13, 2017 - 7:18 am)

Name: Kate-the-Great

Basic Personality: relatively quiet, but talks a lot with her friends. Enjoys telling jokes and riddles, is an excellent swimmer, runner, and card-player (especially poker which I LOVE), kind and compassionate







two decks of cards

swim suit (you never know)

A bag of candy

a bottle of refilling ice cold lemonade 

Instrument: violin


Do you need my appearance?


Appearance: waist-length dirty blonde hair with bright blue tips, eyes that change between blue/grey/green, wears bright colors and shorts. Usually goes barefoot, and only wears shoes when she has to. If she can, she'll wear flip-flops instead. Has a leather anklet on her right foot, a black braided bracelet on her right wrist, a yellow/green waterproof watch on her left hand. She is ambidextrous. 

submitted by Kate-the-Great
(August 13, 2017 - 11:43 am)

I'll be there!

 Name: Brooklyn Newsie

Basic Personality: spunky, tough, smart, kind, lover of mysteries and musicals. 

Packing: Newsie hat, red suspenders, Lindsey Stirling, Newsies, and Hamilton CDs, Newsies 1992 and Newsies 2017 (go Broadway Newsies and movie Newsies both on DVD!) Extra papes, my lightsaber/slingshot/wand/celestial bronze sword (ready for soaking scabs, defeating stormtroopers, Death Eaters, and monsters while I'm at it.), a notebook for clues, and my entire set of Agatha Christie books. 

Instrument: Violin




submitted by Brooklyn Newsie
(August 13, 2017 - 10:16 pm)

*Taps baton on music stand again*

Four spots left, everyone!  And AEs and CAPTCHAs don't count, so keep with it!

submitted by Orchestra Conductor, age Old enough, the Symphony
(August 13, 2017 - 11:32 pm)

I'll come!! :D 


Name: Silverwaxwing (goes by Silver)

Basic Personality: loves: adventures, animals, sports, cars, music, books, art, writing, nature & lots more. Hates: uuuh..? lemme think...bullying, people hurting eachother & animals, hurting others by accident...uh? 

Packing: My magical bag (basically a DIYed bag like Mary Poppins' bag, which is green and has paint splats on it and lots of things hanging off of it) my AE Lock Kyar - male, black hair, tall, quiet, loves to read and go on adventures. CAPTCHA Maggy.

Instrument: Can I have two...? Pleeeaaase? Guitar (my main instrument) & pennywhistle (if I can have two.) 

submitted by Silverwaxwing
(August 15, 2017 - 6:25 pm)
submitted by TippityTopTopTop!!!, age KeepWritin, This is awesome!
(August 17, 2017 - 11:29 pm)