Wylde Cabins and

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Wylde Cabins and

Wylde Cabins and Resorts Ski Lodge


On this lonely December evening, a thin letter is slipped underneath your doorframe. The envelope is tinted a shade of purple, embossed with the swirling initials K.W. Curious as to why the envelope is addressed with your name, you open the letter and read as follows:

Dearest CBer (and AE(s) and/or CAPTCHA companions),

     Congradulations! You have been chosen to participate in a free, relaxing vacation at Wylde Cabins and Resorts! Equipped with plush, homey cabins, built-in sauna, horse corral and stables, lone, winding trails through deep pine woods and an exquisite beach waterfront--you are guaranteed a pleasurable experience* and Wylde Cabins and Resorts! And it's all free**!

If you and other specifically chosen CBers who also received this letter decide to join us, all you need do is pack your bags, grab your AE(s) and/or CAPTCHA and step through the already enclosed portal*** that will transport you here, into the Wylde Land!

      Signed respectfully,

                                Kytridge Wylde, owner/manager of Wylde Cabins and Resorts.

*Past reputation not accounted for

**I'm not kidding. The popcorn will be paid for.

***This letter will self-destruct in teh next ten seconds if you are not participating in this expereience.

"I'm coming!" you loudly exclaim, digging through the envelope and pulling out a smooth, dark crystal square. The portal, do doubt. Hurriedly, you pack your bags and round up your AE(s) and/or CAPTCHA, not knowing just how "Wylde" this adventure will be.


Okay! Here we go! Please fill out this Charrie Sheet for you and your (No more than two!) AEs and at least include a breif description of your CAPTCHA, if he/she is coming.

CB name:







Items you are bringing with:


Note: We will be spending the Christmas holiday while at Wylde Cabins and Resorts, and on Christmas Eve, we will celebrate by trimming/decorating our massive pine tree by the Lodge entrace. Please state in the "Other:" section wether or not you may wish to participate in thse proceedings.

Rules and Expectaions:

-Try to guess me.

- I will post once a week, though at times maybe twice a week. Do not expect any more than that!

- You may have up to three companions (This includes CAPTCHAs), or none at all. You decide!

- Once I say spots are closed, SPOTS ARE CLOSED. I will be forced to ignore late entries, due to the fact that I am only sending out 24 of the afore exhibited letters. Understood?

- Call me Kyt.

- Have a fun filled, wild adventure at Wylde Cabins and Resorts!

- (Also, any pointy, angular, or otherwise known as sharp objects will and must be confiscated upon your arrival for you and the safety of others.)

I looke forward to meeting you in the near future!--


(@Admins- could you please not shorten my alias with an initial for a last name? In this case, it is imperative that my (Very fake and made up!) last name remain as Wylde. Not W. Thanks!)


submitted by Kytridge Wylde, age Unknown, Wylde Cabins and Resorts
(December 6, 2017 - 2:02 pm)

Darn. I know you won't let in anyone else, but I was so close!

submitted by Kitten
(December 10, 2017 - 6:05 pm)

Yes, Azkiel is still coming. Juniper and Sorrel will be bringing their stuff in backpacks just like me.

submitted by Aspen@Kyt
(December 11, 2017 - 12:49 pm)

Okay, thanks, Aspen! Sorry, Kitten, but yes, this time I am firm with my rule. There seems to be a lot of Ski Lodges going around lately, so maybe another one will pop up and you can join that one! Or I heard that Goldie/Quill's Ski Lodge is open to late entries, so maybe check that one out?

submitted by Kyt Wylde, age Unknown, Wylde Cabins and Resorts
(December 11, 2017 - 1:37 pm)
submitted by POST CHARRIES!!!!!, Kyt
(December 11, 2017 - 5:17 pm)

I'm sorry I haven't posted my sheet yet--I've been sorta busy. But I haven't completely forgotten. I'm going to do it soon, maybe tomorrow. But I don't think my AEs will be able to come, at least not all of them. 

submitted by Leeli
(December 11, 2017 - 10:03 pm)

@Leeli- If it's only you and one other AE, then you need to let me know, because then it opens up spots for other people, as I was counting on you and your AEs filling up four spots. And I get that you're busy. It happens A LOT this time of year( trust me, I know personaly), but please post your sheet(s) by the end of the week at the latest. :)

@Kitten- There is for sure one spot left (if not two)if you would like to join us now!

@Everyone- I am creating a deadline. If the people who have said they reserve spots DO NOT post their sheets by Saturday the 16'th, and there may be more people wanting to join us, then your spot will be given to someone else. We now have 17 spots that are officially closed, 6 or 7 spots that are reserved, with one additional spot open (that is not including Kitten as reserved). 

Sorry if I seem a little harsh, guys! I was not expecting so much drama and....waiting to be involved in the making of a Ski Lodge. *Snorts* Well, drama is very much garanteed with Ski Lodges, but you know what I mean! I hope to have the first part out for everyone to see before Sunday the 17'th, but it would speed up the process if you posted your sheets *cough cough* EG, Evergreen, Watchgirl & Leeli *cough cough*!


submitted by @Everyone, Kyt, age Unknown, Wylde Cabins and Resorts
(December 12, 2017 - 3:40 pm)

Oh, tell me about it! Having been the unrevealed author of a couple unfinished ski lodges I can relate-- getting everyone's information is one of the hardest parts. That and actually finishing...

I can't wait to start though!  

submitted by Shoshannah
(December 17, 2017 - 7:41 pm)

CB name: Evergreen

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Appearance: Dark red hair, sraight and about waist length, and almond shaped dark brown eyes. Yan skin, stands about 5'3". Tends to wear dark colored clothing.

Temperament/Personality: Introverted, somewhat shy until she/I gets to know a person, mostly friendly, worries a bit, bookish. I'm kind of sentimental, and rather morbid. I'm also kind of moody, and I have a temper which tends to flare up quickly.

Fears: Large spiders, infinity, large fires, and loss of limbs.

Hobbies: Doodling, reading, organizing and more reading.

Items you are bringing with: Polaroid camera + film, journal, clothes, pens, lychee flavored candy, and a pocket knife, all carried in a bottomless backpack (think Hermione's beaded bag).

Other: Random Fact: Lychee can be spelled litchi.

submitted by Evergreen, Noctem in Terra
(December 12, 2017 - 4:11 pm)
submitted by TOPolette, age TIPPITY, TOPPITY!!
(December 14, 2017 - 8:45 pm)
submitted by POST SHEETS!!!!!!!!!
(December 15, 2017 - 7:21 pm)

Sorry I didn’t post yesterday! I had a birthday party to go to and my day was kind of crazy.

CB name: Watchgirl

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Appearance: Tan skin, chin length blond hair, green eyes that observe everything

Temperament/Personality: I am quiet and appear calm and collected or maybe even suspicious on the outside, but in my mind emotions rage nonstop. When I feel something, I feel it strongly. If I am angry I am enraged. If I am happy I am estatic. However, this is only on the inside and it is rare that I let my feeling show. If you want to have me keep a diary to show my emotions that is ok.

Fears: I cannot swim. Being submerged in water is frightening, seeing as it changes all of my senses.

Hobbies: I like to map things out. 

Items you are bringing with: Binoculars. It sounds like you have a good spot for bird watching.

Other: I do not wish to participate in the holiday activities. I’ll probably be in my room with a cup of hot cocoa.

submitted by The Watchgirl, Observing
(December 17, 2017 - 9:50 am)

Is this going to start at some point?

submitted by Winterbranch
(December 20, 2017 - 11:51 am)

Yes, it will start at.....some point. As I've said, I am STILL waiting for people to post their sheets. I hope to have the first part out before the year 2018 begins.

submitted by POST SHEETS NOW!!!!!, Kyt
(December 20, 2017 - 1:39 pm)

Here we go! Sorry for the wait. 

CB Name: Leeli

Age: 13

Gender: Female

Appearance: Long, wavy, golden-blonde hair, big sky blue eyes, caramel brown glasses, long eyelashes, fair skin, a smattering of freckles, about 5' 2", average weight.

Personality/Temperment: Around anyone I don't know, I'm super quiet and awkward, around my friends and family, I'm more talkative and can be the slightest bit crazy. I'm kind, compassionate, love animals, but I also have a bad temper and will stand up for myself. I'm very protective of my friends, and HATE being underestimated. Another thing I HATE is when people don't believe me, as I'm a very honest person and never lie.

Fears: I'm afraid of the dark (like, pitch black darkness) and of tight spaces. I'm NOT afraid, however, of most insects and spiders.

Hobbies: Ballet, Any kind of art, hanging out with animals, sewing, knitting, needle felting, baking, anything crafty or diy, writing, reading, horseback riding, roller blading. 

Items you are bringing with: A bag that includes my sketchbook, bullet journal, colored pencils, a pencil, a pen, my Elvish journal, ginger mints, and a glasses cleaning wipe or two. I'll also be bringing a small green duffel bag with my clothes, and six boxes of various types of Christmas cookies.

Other: I will be participating in the Christmas activities! 


CB Name: Wren

Age: #ÆsAreAgeless, Looks fifteen. 

Gender: Female

Appearance: Straight black hair, comes to where her shoulder blades end, has bangs, freckles, pale skin...oh, and a pair of huge white wings sticking of her back. She has turquoise eyes and usually wears black leggings and boots, a black and white striped shirt, and a chunky knit grey scarf.

Personality/Temperment: Calm, but is easily excited, sensitive, and easily hurt. She likes making new friends but is awkward and shy. She loves animals, and is compassionate and kind. 

Fears: That everyone hates her, being alone, being rejected, dark holes, tight spaces. 

Hobbies: Baking, art, reading. 

Other: Will be participating in Christmas activities. Has a HUGE crush on Silverwaxwing's Æ, Storm.


CB Name: Nugget

Age: We don't know.

Gender: Male

Appearance: Shaggy black terrier.

Personality/Temperment: Spunky, quirky, will stand up for himself and others, thinks he's bigger than he is. A terrier.

Fears: Being handled by strangers.

Hobbies: Um...barking? Eating? Running around?

Other: Is a CAPTCHA. Will be participating in Christmas activities.  


submitted by Leeli
(December 22, 2017 - 11:50 am)

Thank you, Leeli! Okay, we now have 22 spots that are officially closed, with Elementgrl reserving two. Hopefully, she will post them within the next week, and we can get started around the week after Christmas. Because I cannot start before Christmas, we will have a New Year's Party. I know that only some people celebrate Christmas, and that only some of you wanted to participate in the the festivites, but I think that it is safe to assume that everyone would be happy to join the New Year's Party? The New Year is for everyone, not like some holidays are for people with certain religions or beliefs. However, if you would not like to participate in the New Year's party for some unknown reason, then please let me know.

submitted by @EVERYONE!!!!, Kyt
(December 22, 2017 - 12:38 pm)