What do you

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

What do you

What do you guys do to develop your characters?

I like to make them on avatar creators. Once I get a general idea of what I want them to look like, I start to develop their personalities a bit more.

But my absolute favorite thing to do is......

Well, I take personality quizzes from their point of view. That helps a lot. 

So, what methods do you have for developing personalities? 

submitted by Allie
(April 28, 2018 - 11:11 am)

Tell you the truth, most of my characters act like me. But I try and give them a personality acording to how they look and the name. Most of the time the personality comes to me as I write. 

submitted by Moonfrost, age Who Cares?, Mars
(April 28, 2018 - 7:05 pm)

Oh my gosh me too!! Well, so far I've only taken a personality test for one character. But it really helped, and I found out some things about her even I didn't know. I need to actually try it with the main character of the story though. XD

That's a cool idea about the avatar creator. To be honest, I have a really hard time imagining what my characters look like. Even envisioning their hair color/style is sometimes hard for me. I think an avatar creator would really help...I'll try that out next time I have some free time.

For my books, I love writing my characters into scenes that I'll probably never put in the finished novel. Just tiny 'fanfiction' scenes that are mostly dialogue and characters' actions, which I write when the mood overcomes me. When I'm inspired the characters just...flow better. Even if the scenes won't be put into the book, they really help.

I also make up scenes in my head, like movies, from all the different characters' points of view. (It's hard to do when you don't know what they look like though XD) I put them into situations where they meet each other and envision how it plays out. Usually I'll do it at night when I'm falling asleep, when thoughts flow through my head without a lot of effort.

The one book I actually do this stuff for has some of my favorite characters I've ever created.

submitted by Micearenice
(April 28, 2018 - 7:35 pm)

My characters are usually based off people I know. I like to experiment a bit, though, like giving them personality traits of someone I like, and physical traits of someone I don't really like. Apart from making a great story, this helps me to be open minded and treat everyone fairly and kindly.

submitted by LilyPad
(April 28, 2018 - 10:39 pm)

Well, I like the surly, emo-type characters so that is what I tend to default to, generally speaking. And I always make them introverted because it's hard for me to be excited about my character if it's an extrovert, because that's just not me.

As for the development, it comes pretty easily, though the personality quiz thing sounds really cool! I might try that. 

submitted by Aspen
(May 3, 2018 - 5:02 pm)