Guess who’s joining

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Guess who’s joining

Guess who’s joining the picturing crowd? This overworked idiot. 

So, I’ve been really wanting to “art” lately, but haven’t had anything I wanted/can draw. To hopefully help with that, I decided to try my hand at picturings. Here’s the sheet that’s required to be filled out:


Feminine, Masculine, or Androgynous [in terms of body figure]:

Appearance [please include things such as eye color, hair color and length, and posture {ie slouching or standing straight}]:


Rough Personality:

Media Used [Pencil, Ink, Colored Pencil, Watercolor, or Markers]:

Full body, shoulders and up, down to waist, or other:


Now for the optional sheet:

Particular Pose:

Speech [as in do you want them saying something, and if so, what?]:

Props [holding/with something]:

Basic Background:


Ok, I think that should be all. Sorry if that was confusing. I’m not good at very complicated poses, but I’ll do my best attempt. For the moment, this is /just/ for CBers. If I decide to do more, I might include Aes and group portraits. For right now, again, it’s just CBers. Sorry, Aes :/. 

Please let me know if you need any clarification on anything.

Have a great day/night!


submitted by Nighthawk
(October 4, 2018 - 4:23 pm)
submitted by TOPPITY TOP
(November 1, 2018 - 3:07 pm)

Ignore my sheet if you need to, but could I maybe have one?

Feminine, Masculine, or Androgynous [in terms of body figure]: Feminine

Appearance [please include things such as eye color, hair color and length, and posture {ie slouching or standing straight}]: "5'4", pale, lightish, brightish blue Justin Beiber-ish pixie cut, bright, bold eyes same color as hair, Padawan braid,thick, leathery dragon wings and tail, same color as hair and eyes. Sloucher, laughing at some long forgotten joke.

Clothing: jeans, knee-high brown boots, a plain t-shirt that is grey, white, or black (you can choose), and an unbottoned blue and green flannel.

Rough Personality: (sorry if it's long XP) weird beyond weird, but also very kind and smart, always tries to be helpful and considerate. Knows when to get quiet, but gets loud and wild around friends. Adventurous to a point, not brave but not a coward, extremely tomboyish, hates being fancy or formal. Avid reader and writer, a teacher's pet but hates being one. Smart alic, sometimes sarcastic. Very independent, not popular and happy about it. Ambivert, doesn't care about frivolous stuff. Obsessed with Harry Potter, Minecraft Story Mode, and Captain America.

Media Used [Pencil, Ink, Colored Pencil, Watercolor, or Markers]: colored pencils, please!

Full body, shoulders and up, down to waist, or other: full body


submitted by Soren Infinity, age 27 eons, beaconTown
(November 1, 2018 - 5:39 pm)

Hi guys. I apologize sincerely for being so absent. I promise to get to yours. I have explained my reason for being away on a thread on CaC. 

submitted by Nighthawk, age -15, Feel Like Im Drownin-2Fee
(December 6, 2018 - 12:51 am)
submitted by NightTop
(December 6, 2018 - 9:52 am)

Im working on these again finally

submitted by NightTOP
(February 19, 2019 - 12:11 pm)

trying to get this to the first page is HARD



submitted by NightTOP
(February 19, 2019 - 12:12 pm)

I knew I should’ve topped this sooner

submitted by NightTOP
(February 19, 2019 - 12:14 pm)

day two of trying to get this thread to the first page

submitted by NightTOP
(February 20, 2019 - 6:28 pm)

Feminine, Masculine, or Androgynous [in terms of body figure]: Since I have adopted feminine pronouns, sure. Femininely androgenous, please.

Appearance [please include things such as eye color, hair color and length, and posture {ie slouching or standing straight}]: My appearance is how you imagine, but my posture is good, my back is straight and my shoulders are back with my chin relatively low.

Clothing: The only important thing is that there's a white Outcast Rune on the chest of my black shirt. The Outcast Rune is two swords crossed behind a pair of wings.

Rough Personality: Quiet (introverted), intuitive, thinking, judging, and assertive.

Media Used [Pencil, Ink, Colored Pencil, Watercolor, or Markers]: Pencil and color.

Full body, shoulders and up, down to waist, or other: Full body


Now for the optional sheet:

Particular Pose: Smiling

Speech [as in do you want them saying something, and if so, what?]: 'Jesus loves you!', or if you don't like that then 'This is life, my friend.'

Props [holding/with something]: My two double-headed polearms.

Basic Background: fiRe AnD sMoKe I'm so dramatic XP

submitted by Rogue Wildling
(February 21, 2019 - 2:33 pm)