Chatterbox: Pudding's Place



So, on my CBversary thread you guys voted for a thread I should make. Ultimate Picturing thread won, so, uh, here it is! (Wow, I'm bad at creating threads!)

Anyway, if you don't know, Ultimate Picturing threads are basically just where everyone draws everyone else. You can request picturings from specific CBers, though keep in mind you might not get them. I'll start posting drawings when this comes up. 

Winter out!  

submitted by Agent Winter, age Classified
(April 17, 2019 - 8:39 am)

Names: Red Starlight, Calbi, and Opal

Ages: Red Starlight-early teens, Calbi- I dunno, teens?, Opal- 13

Genders/pronouns: all she/her


Red Starlight- long over the shoulder braid down to half back, with the rubber band ending the weave halfway through the braid, ice blue eyes, you can imagine the rest

Opal- wavy long red hair, blue eyes, black turtleneck and blue jeans

Calbi- Really long dark brown hair with blonde ombre at the tips, black eyes, always wears the same grey sweatshirt and leggings. 


Red Starlight- creative, shy and yet super social, loves to write

Opal- shy, sweet, caring

Calbi- Really snarky and sarcastic, but still sticks up for what she believes in if there’s a good reason. 

thanks to whoever does this! Let me know if there's anything I forgot 

submitted by Red Starlight, age She/her, District 12
(July 16, 2021 - 4:35 pm)
submitted by @Red Starlight, Viola?
(July 24, 2021 - 11:39 am)

This is beautiful! I love the details and everything about it!

@Viola?, Thank you so much! I love your art style and have always looked up to you on the CB, even though I've never been here while you're active, until now! We all look amazing in this picturing, it's beautiful! I love everything about it! Thank you again!


submitted by Star@Viola?, age She/Her
(July 26, 2021 - 2:27 pm)

You're welcome! It's always so wonderful to hear that people admire my work, and incredible that you know me even though I've been gone. 

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(September 5, 2021 - 10:04 am)

I would love a picturing from anyone!

Pronouns: She/Her

You can draw me anywhere and make me look like anything, I sort of want to see what people picture.

submitted by Hunter, age Eternity, Camp Half-Blood
(July 17, 2021 - 5:12 pm)

Um If someone wouldn't mind, Can you draw me and my new AE? I can attempt to draw you back but it won't be like a normal picturing. I also haven't really drawn in a hot second.


Name: Skip

gender/pronouns: female, she/her

Apearence: a pixie cut/undercut with brown curly hair, Im about 5'7", I have freckles, gold wire glasses, I usually wear oversized shirts and mom jeans. And the black and white checkered vans. Also I wear a gold choker/necklace and gold small hoop earrings. I have brown eyes too

Personality:  pessemistic, ambiverted, sarcastic, creative, intelligent yet dumb at the same time, the memory of a goldfish, 


Name: Gillian (call them Gilly)

Gender/pronouns: nonbinary, they/them

Appearance: short blond hair thats usually messy, they use different colored contacts but they are the normal eye colors, they need them to see. they are about 5'9" Yes they are taller than me. they wear nice turle necks with blazers and pants and have tattoos on their arms. They're just flowers. Also they have a thing for eyeliner and sparkles. Only on their face though. They look like they're in college.

Personality: optomistic, extroverted, sarcastic, they love to annoy me, our love language is arguing and bullying eachother. :) they are very stylish and creative in their outfits. They always want me and themselves to look good all the time and love to model.

submitted by Skip, age she/her
(July 17, 2021 - 9:08 pm)
submitted by @clover, Viola?
(July 23, 2021 - 3:34 pm)

You're waiting for the space bus, which might be a rocket.

submitted by @pangolin, Viola?
(July 23, 2021 - 9:57 pm)

I just saw this now! I love it so much, thank you!

submitted by @Viola?, pangolin
(August 2, 2021 - 12:57 pm)

You're welcome! 

submitted by Viola?, age Secret, Secret
(September 5, 2021 - 10:05 am)

The Sage Wolf or Viola?, is it possible for me to get a picturing of three of my OCs? I love both of your art styles!

Names: Xena, Akela, Feonah (in this order for the rest of the things too). They're best friends.

Ages: 14, 15, 14

Genders: all female

Appearances: Xena-long, wavy purple hair; tall; tan skin; wears a tunic, leggings, leather boots, and a sash (this is fantasy medieval times sorta). Akela-tallish, Asian, thin brown mid-length hair, wears a green jacket with gold embroidery and the buttons on the side, green pants, and short boots. Feonah-short, plump, curly brown hair, pale skin, wears a comfortable blue dress, sandals, and a few bracelets.

Personalities: Xena-patient, kind, smart, quiet, brave. Akela-impatient, loyal, clever, pessimistic, kinda bossy. Feonah-gentle, dreamy, loves animals and magical creatures, doesn't look before she leaps. 

Thank you so much! And if you don't have time, it's fine :) I keep trying to draw these girls and it never turns out good.

submitted by Lupine, Platform 9 and 3/4
(July 25, 2021 - 12:58 pm)

I'd be interested in drawing them, but as I'm not one of the people you mentioned it's okay if you'd rather I didn't.

submitted by Blackfooted Bobcat
(July 30, 2021 - 5:33 pm)

That would be awesome! I'd love for you to draw them! 

submitted by Lupine , Platform 9 and 3/4
(August 3, 2021 - 11:21 am)

I realized slightly too late that perhaps I didn't need to make the buttons on Akela's jacket quite so far over. Ah well, it still looks fine.

submitted by Viola?@Lupine, age Secret, Secret
(September 5, 2021 - 9:38 am)

@Viola? wow, your art is so good, could I ask for a picturing from you perhaps? 

Name: Kitty Cat

Age: 13

Appearance: Long wavy purple hair in a ponytail, lots of rings, a black shirt, black jean shorts or a black pleated skirt, cat ears and a cat tail, long black boots

Thanks :P 

submitted by Kitty Cat@Viola?, U.A.PLUS ULTRA! MHA,RULES
(July 26, 2021 - 1:05 pm)