NaPoWriMoIs anyone e

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

NaPoWriMoIs anyone e


Is anyone else here doing NaPoWriMo next month? If you are, this can be a place to post your poems if you wish. If you don't know what NaPoWriMo is, it's short for National Poetry Writing Month, which is the month of April. During April you're supposed to write one poem every day, or set your own challenge for how many poems you want to write. There is a blog/website that does a daily poetry prompt for it, but I think that's all I can say because we're not really allowed to talk about other websites! But you can look it up and use the prompts if you want, or do your own thing. I've decided to try to write at least two poems each week, because I have an art challenge I'm also doing this month, but I might write more. Anyway, if anyone else is doing this, let me know! 


submitted by Leafy, age No, not a cat
(March 30, 2020 - 8:14 am)

Here's mine for the fruit prompt! True story, by the way!

it was the best kind of summer day:

golden with sunshine and excitement and the promise of adventure and ice cream

and a wooden sign out the window promised a sale on FRESH PEACHES in all caps.

we yelled when we saw it, but we murmured when the bus stopped right next to it

a few murmur-filled moments passed

(like, why are we stopped? didn't you hear? are we there already? is he actually buying peaches? do you think we'll get some? did the bus break down? what's going on?)

before our counselor returned with a carton like the kind you get blueberries in,

only twice as big and filled with FRESH PEACHES

our confusion masqueraded as timidity for only a second

before my best friend stood at the front of the bus with a FRESH PEACH in his hand

peach juice and a grin all over his face--

they were the best peaches I've ever had:

smoky pink fuzz that was worth biting into like an apple

for the sweetness a shade between orange and golden in the middle

so fresh that there was no way to eat them without ending up with juice all over your hands and face 

but so delicious we didn't care. 

submitted by Stardust, Ubiquitous
(April 25, 2020 - 11:15 am)

I've had a hard time keeping up with this challenge, and I haven't been very proud of my latest poems, so I kind of faded away from this thread. But I finally wrote a poem today that I actually like, so here it is! It was originally inspired by the Escapril prompt "serpentine," but it didn't exactly end up that way...

The Line

The line looped through the streets like a giant snake, 

curving around department stores and apartments, 

elementary schools and parking lots.

More people joined every minute as they heard the news,

rushing to save their place in the quickly growing queue.

Even the most sedentary grandmothers were in the line,

toting their lacy shawls and out-of-fashion slippers,

just like the high school dropouts who didn’t care about anything anymore.

Sharply dressed businessmen elbowed their way past children in hand-me-downs,

who themselves pushed past the kindergarten teachers they used to respect.

Everyone, it seemed, was in the line,

all eager to buy the newly available supplies

of toilet paper. 




Stardust, your poems are absolutely amazing! 

submitted by Kitten, she/her/hers
(April 26, 2020 - 7:12 pm)

Oh boy the ending killed me XD I love this!

submitted by Leafy, age No, not a cat
(April 27, 2020 - 9:31 am)

Thank you!

submitted by Kitten, she/her/hers
(April 27, 2020 - 10:52 am)

Thanks so much! Yours aren't bad either-- this one made me laugh out loud! I got some strange looks from family members, haha.

submitted by Stardust, Ubiquitous
(April 30, 2020 - 1:16 pm)

A Review of the Color Yellow

Yellow is the bright neon lights of a dingy convenience store,

the nasty stench of an urine-filled toilet,

the tart aftertaste of an acidic lemon.

Yellow is the sweet, creamy flavor of a ripe banana,

the peaceful reaches of a field of sunflowers,

the bright chirp of a newly born chick.

Yellow is the atrocious uniform of a school out of money,

the disgusting appearance of pee-colored lemonade,

the uncomfortable buzz of a crowd of hornets.

Yellow is the warm embrace of a ray of sunshine,

the beautiful leaves of a tree in autumn,

the cheerful symbol of Hufflepuff House.

I give yellow 3 stars out of 5.

submitted by Kitten, she/her/hers
(April 27, 2020 - 10:33 pm)

I wasn't originally going to post anything on this thread, but I wrote a poem for the Escapril prompt a few days ago that I'll share. I think the prompt was "hands, wrists, teeth."

Trapped and Bound

You, who live by expectations

could never know that

birds still sing in the rain.

You have never known that

a heart could be drawn on the wall


free of orbiting initials.

You have never been captivated by a book,

because the books you read

are uncaptivating schoolwork.

When you listen to classical strings

you are unaware of sweet,

rhythmic jazz

or loud, heartbroken pop.

The dreams you have

are just dreams

the thoughts you have

are just thoughts.

Your hands could never hold

a pen or a sword,

for they are just mundane tools;

your wrists could never be wrapped in

a hundred bracelets

they will always be bare;

your teeth could never be of use

in a kidnapping

because no one would kidnap you,


you, who live by expectations,

who will never know that

birds still sing in the rain. 

submitted by Summer, age tau, Nowhere at all
(April 28, 2020 - 8:54 pm)

This is so nice! I love this thing that you've done here and on the poetry contest where you have sort of a repeating chorus-type thing. It's really cool, and it does a great job of directing my focus and tying the whole poem together, I guess? Wow, that sounded unnecessarily professional. Anyways, this is really nice, it just flows so nicely and I really liked it! Keep writing!

submitted by Stardust, Ubiquitous
(April 30, 2020 - 1:14 pm)

Thank you so much! I really admire your poetry, so that means a lot to me!

submitted by Summer, age tau, Nowhere at all
(April 30, 2020 - 6:57 pm)

I'm defenitely behind now, so I tried to remedy that with this little poem I put together on a whim. It could defenitely do better, but at least now I'll remember it!


my mind will twist itself up into a thousand knots before it answers any question too interesting

endless loops of a cacaphony of a rope

like ripples, every emotion needs a reaction, every reaction needs a reaction

until I am swimming in a wavering world

I try not to invalidate feelings but they are so elusive,

fog-like and hiding in echoes--

is there anything that deserves to be invalidated?

am I smaller or bigger or louder or quieter than everyone else

or have I been decieving myself and we are all doomed to be the same,

every landmark swathed in echoes until I don't know what is original and what is imitation

but everyone learns their first language through imitation--

after all this, is anything bad or good,

and if they are, who am I to know?

the theory of relativity tells us that nothing is constant

and while the impartial openness of my personal everything is comforting, even more encouraging is the knowledge

that if there is any surety in the universe, it lives in the light.

submitted by Stardust, Ubiquitous
(April 30, 2020 - 1:08 pm)

Here's another, nice and short because I'm behind.


I lie awake for hours

even though I've never had more time to think

thoughts are misty threads 

and if I listen to music

and if I close my eyes too long I feel your warmth next to me

I crave things I've never tried

familiarity outside familiarity,

answers and the sudden taste of strawberry soda

I retrace my thoughts over and over again

but there are a thousand lines I'll never draw

hidden in the gray rhythm of rain. 

submitted by Stardust, Ubiquitous
(April 30, 2020 - 4:16 pm)