Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Superhero Ski Lodge!


You, a rookie vigilante, find a letter on your desk. What could it be?

A delayed note?

A letter from a loved one?

A marriage proposal from the one you hold most dear, even though you're probably not eighteen yet?

The will from your non-existent rich uncle who just died, leaving his mass fortune to you?

Excitedly, you open the envelope, only to find...

...An eviction notice! Apparently your legal guardians couldn’t think of a better way to break it to you then plopping it on your desk.

You flopped on your bed, wondering what was going on.

Your family’s financially stable, so where did this sudden change come from?

Suddenly, you hear a scratching on your window.

You turned to look at the source of the sound, and see a shadowy cat-like figure.

You opened your window as the figure leaped onto your dresser, where you realize... The creature has a letter in their mouth?

Curious, you took the envelope, opened it, and excitedly read the words enclosed inside.

Dearest Vigilante,

Yes, we know who you are. But no need to worry! We’re fellow goody-twoshoes.

After watching your heroic deeds from afar, we’ve decided to approve you for the famed superhero team, The Castaways, new project; Rising Sun.

The Rising Sun project will train you and a few other vigilantes to protect the innocent, help the powerless, and destroy evildoers on The Castaways new outer space side-base; Observatory Lost.

As for your mentors, two of the main Castaways shall be mentoring you!

Burning passion for justice and peace will never be diminished, as Emberblaze’s flame ignites hope and diminishes the villains with a single strike!

Feel like someone’s playing mind games with you? Could it be... The Cryptic Discord!? From mind control to illusions, how can you tell what’s really there and not a fantasy of her enigma of a mind?

An agent will take you to the base in one week. Don’t ask how, we’ll find you.

Be prepared, vigilante! You’re a Castaway now!

With brightest hope, 

The Castaways

(P.S., The eviction notice might go away if you join.)


Character Sheets:


CBer or AE? (No CAPTCHA's allowed, sorry!)





Companions (Two AEs per CBer!): 


Superhero Appearence:

Superhero Name:

Superhero Powers:



• Ski Lodge starts in one week!

• No copying powers! So fire and mind related powers are off the table.

• You may try to guess who we are!

submitted by Emberblaze & Discord
(December 26, 2020 - 7:10 am)

Reserving! My powers are shapeshifting, into any animal, real or made-up.

submitted by Darkling, The Golden City
(December 26, 2020 - 12:56 pm)
submitted by TOP
(December 26, 2020 - 1:08 pm)

Feline Fantasy

CBer or AE? (No CAPTCHA's allowed, sorry!) CBer

Age: 12 but 13 in less than two weeks, son we can say 13.

Gender: Female

Personality: Weird, smart, not great socially, a fangirl/artist/writer, very argumentative and curious, creative, not-exactly-adventurous, likes being logical and literal. 

Luggage: Toiletries, clothes, and other neccesities, a bag of Lindors, a computer and kindle and their chargers, a sketchbook and pencils, earplugs.

Companions (Two AEs per CBer!): Hiro and Cora.

Appearence: I am short, have light skin, dark brown thick hair a bit past my shoulders which I rarely bother brushing, greenish eyes, where a cat shirt or a shsirt with something nerdy on it, black pants, and purple shoes. 

Superhero Appearence: I look mostly the same, but other worldly. If you veiw me from one angle you will see me differently from another, but I am still the same.

Superhero Name: I guess I'll go with Wise Warrior, even though Feline Fantasy would be a better one but I can't use it.

Superhero Powers: Sorry if this is really long, I spent . . . a while thinking about it. My mind splits into two parts. You could call them logical and creative, but that wouldn;t capture what they really are. Concrete and abstract? Hmm. Maybe. Anyways, they are basicly two different ways  of doing calculations and seeing the world. One side sees it as equations. It has a utilitarian way of seeing things (like me) and is very rational. It can make calculations extremely quickly, and everything is just how it is to it. The other side sees the vworld as more abstract and fluid. It questions what really is. Generally I rely on he other side t make calculations for decidsion makingm but sometimes this one has to step in. This seconds side has a good sense of aesthetic, if that makes any sense. One example of when it is needed would be trying to be insightful, because not everyone thinks like the logical side.

How is this a super power? Well, I can see these different sides of the world very clearly. amd they help me make instant calculatikons of wht I should do. Also, sorry it got really long. 

Other:I'm vegetarian, if I need to write that.


CBer or AE? (No CAPTCHA's allowed, sorry!) AE

Age: 55

Gender: Male

Personality: I truly care about beng a good person very deeply, and I tr t get others to, also. If somebody does a bad thing like buring down a tree lor stealing, I gently correct them abd write a reminder on my arm not to do that thing. Ilove my deer or truth, Saffron.

Luggage: Nesecities like clpthes and toiletries, some books filled iwth prayers and wisdom and knowledge, a vial of mag ink to put on my arm, ten cats if I m aloud to bring them. 

Companions (Two AEs per CBer!): Feli and Cora

Appearence: I have greying hair which is now streaked grey andb brown tied in a ponytail. I have a short beard, and I where chain mail but for the purpouses of this I will only where it in superhero form. My eyes are grey-brown and I wear glasses. I am fairly strong. 

Superhero Appearence: I look similar to how I did before, exept I am stronger and where chainmal armor and have a shild. I also have a neclace which is my holy symbol with the synmbol of  a nature god on it. That is where I channl my healing magic from. my eyes and hands glow while I use my powers.

Superhero Name: The Moral Medic

Superhero Powers: I can heal magically. When I do, it has a side effect of making the one who was healed a better creature. Like, they wouldn't want somone to be hurt like they were.

Other: I am an RPC (retired player character) who was a ninth level nature cleric, but I suppose those powrs don't count here. Also, I am vegan.

Name: Cora Bree Underbough (that's my full name, just say Cora)

CBer or AE? (No CAPTCHA's allowed, sorry!) AE

Age: 18 in halfling years

Gender: Female

Personality: I am totally AWESOME, adventurous and better than Hiro. I love fighting and having fun. Also, I'm a notorious shipper of NPCs, which I can be pretty blunt about. I can be kind of crazy. >:D 

Luggage: nessecities like clothes and toiletries, that stuff, snacks, my daggers. 

Companions (Two AEs per CBer!): Feli and Hiro

Appearence: Halfling-sized, light brown skin, straight brown hair pulled back in a loose ponytail, bright green eyes, pointy chin.

Superhero Appearence: I grow a lot taller and have longer, She-ra-esque hair which is still in a poyntail. I glow and look all-around awesome. My eyes flash from green to white. I have blue and yellow monk robes.

Superhero Name: Dynalight

Superhero Powers: I can sumon these giant balls of glowing energy which I hit people with. I can use my daggers or just my hands to summon and throw them.

Other: I'm an RPC, duh. I was a third level Way of the Open Hand monk. 

Sorry if I did this wrong . . . I'm not exactly into superheroes. 

Are you Jubilee and/or Kitty Cat? 

submitted by Feline Fantasy
(December 26, 2020 - 1:53 pm)
submitted by TOP
(December 26, 2020 - 3:03 pm)

This sounds really cool! Ace, come be a superhero with me!

YES! That sounds awesome!!

Name: Quill

CBer or AE: CBer

Age: 15-16

Gender: Not sure, she/they

Personality: Shy at first but a chatterbox once you get to know me, creative, adventurous, a bit impulsive.

Luggage: Clothes and essentials, a notebook and pens, various books, earbuds, and a sword.

Companions: Ace

Appearance: Long brown hair with the ends dyed purple, brown eyes, freckles, a bit shorter than average, usually wearing a yellow t-shirt, jeans, red converse, and a maroon leather jacket.

Superhero appearance: My hair goes back in a dutch braid, I wear a purple mask over my eyes and nose (I think it's called a domino mask) and a purple jumpsuit with a black leather jacket.

Superhero name: Feather

Superhero powers: Flight!

Other: n/a


Name: Ace

CBer or AE: AE

Age: 16-17ish

Gender: Male, he/him

Personality: Outgoing, extroverted, I like being around other people, but Quill says I can be insecure around people I really like.

Luggage: Clothes and essentials, origami paper, earbuds, and a grappeling hook.

Companions: Quill

Appearance: Dirty-blond hair that's perpetually messy but looks really cool, ocean-blue eyes, tanned skin, pretty tall.

Superhero appearance: Pretty much the same, but I wear a red domino mask, jeans, and a faded t-shirt with a heart on it.

Superhero name: Ace of Hearts

Superhero powers: I can summon playing cards, but they're sharp and I can throw them at people!

Other: n/a

submitted by Quill
(December 26, 2020 - 4:37 pm)

Name: Luna

CBer or AE?: CBer

Age: 13

Gender: female, she/her

Personality: Quiet, a dreamer, empathetic, book-smart, quirky, obedient but occasionally adventurous. A self-proclaimed nerd and tomboy.

Luggage: Clothes, toiletries, books, notebooks & pencils, phone, laptop, phone & laptop chargers, headphones

Companions (Two AEs per CBer!): None for this one.

Appearence: Black pixie cut, short around the ears with bright blue and purple streaks. My left eye is bright purple; the right is bright blue. A small, luminous star glows on my left cheek. I'm pale, lean and on the tall side.

Superhero Appearence: slip-on Nikes, yoga pants, a long and cape-like black leather coat, a thin utility belt, a black beanie and a navy blue Covid mask, and a navy shirt with my hero name on it.

Superhero Name: Wonder

Superhero Powers: Empathy, the atribute and the superpower both to an extreme degree. I can sense people's emotions and help them understand & overcome them. I can do this no matter where a person is (sense their feelings, that is, I'm not going to shout advice halfway across the world), and I can detect lies. I also have a utility belt that has small devices that when thrown create small force fields, plus a flashlight and a lockpick. (If a utility belt is allowed, of course!)

Other: semi-pescetarian (I eat chicken and fish, but no other meat)

submitted by Luna-Starr, age 27 eons, Existential Ponderment
(December 26, 2020 - 10:12 pm)

Name: Silver Crystal, Silver for short

CBer or AE? (No CAPTCHA's allowed, sorry!) CBer

Age: Infinity (12-14)

Gender: Female, she/her

Personality: Quiet at first, loves to talk once I get to know you. Generally nice, if a bit competetive. I sometimes like to take charge in situations, but I also second guess myself a lot.

Luggage: Clothes, notebook, pens, pencils, phone, charger for phone, calligraphy pens, camera, flashlights, headlamps, batteries, walkie talkies, money.

Companions (Two AEs per CBer!): Nope

Appearence: Silver shirt with embroidered bright white thread, bleached jeans, black and white vans. Long dark brown hair with bleached ends, Asian features, brown eyes.

Superhero Appearence: Nothing flashy, dark leather form ftting suit, dark hood and mask that covers the lower part of my face. 

Superhero Name: the Lunar

Superhero Powers: I can control the pull of gravity in certain spots. For example, I can decrease the gravitational pull around me to make myself float, or I can increase it around an enemy to pin them to the ground. This applies to anything. If someone is shooting at me, I can drop them to the ground at the same time as increasing the gravity around the gun to make it fly out of their hands at the same time as dropping the bullets to the ground. I am called the Lunar because of my ability to make it seem like someone is on the moon due to lack of gravity. Of course, there is a limit to this power and bigger things/things that are far away take more energy for me to alter. Also, my power is not limitless and I get tired eventually, so I also know how to fight.

Other: I carry around a couple of knives that I've trained with, along with a cylinder that expands into a metal staff that I use in combat.  


This looks cool! I just watched Avengers: Age of Ultron, so I'm in a superhero type mood now lol. Can't wait for it to start! 

submitted by Silver Crystal, age Infinity, Milky Way
(December 26, 2020 - 11:29 pm)

Name: Nightfall DreamFire. Call me Night. 

CBer or AE? (No CAPTCHA's allowed, sorry!) CBer. 

Age: About 11. 

Gender: Nonbinary, they/them. 

Personality: Simple. Dark. Pessimistic. 

Luggage: Oh. The usual. Neccessities, soap, some rope, a pocketknife, first aid kit, water, food. Sketchbooks and pencils. 

Companions (Two AEs per CBer!): Demon and Electro

Appearance: I have long black hair, pale skin, and an odd, mismatching outfit. 

Superhero Appearance: Oh. The same. Except I have white streaks in my hair. That came from nowhere. Oh, and a fancy cape! Like a black one! 

Superhero Name: Um. Warrior of the Night? 

Superhero Powers: I can disappear into the night on full moons, otherwise I can envelop someone in dreamfire, which is a really hurting fire. Except its really hard to control, and I mostly end up fainting afterwards. 

Other: N/A

Name: Demon DreamFire

CBer or AE? (No CAPTCHA's allowed, sorry!) AE

Age: 11

Gender: genderfluid, they/them

Personality: demonic. angry most of the time. 

Luggage: same as night. Except some more books. 

Companions (Two AEs per CBer!): Nightfall DreamFire and Electro DreamFire

Appearance: Red and black outfit, striped red and black leggings, black hair up to my waist with red tips, platform shoes. 

Superhero Appearance: Same. Except I have red demon wings. And red and black demon horns. 

Superhero Name: Avenger of the UnderWorld

Superhero Powers: I can transport anyone into the UnderWorld, though this is really hard to control. And they only stay there for 5 minutes. I can also summon a red staff that can knock people out, but again, only for 5 minutes. Im very alert, and a computer chip installs itself in my brain. 

Other: Beware, I will be having many pouches like Sundew in WoF...and they all contain useful things...mwahahahahahah.

^Name: Electro DreamFire

CBer or AE? (No CAPTCHA's allowed, sorry!) AE

Age: 18

Gender: We are a robot. We dont have genders. But please use we/us pronouns. We are technically two combined. But we cannot be separated. 

Personality: Robotic. Ambivert. 

Luggage: Everything Nightfall DreamFire is bringing. Plus a auto-install computer chip and a couple electronics. 

Companions (Two AEs per CBer!): Demon DreamFire and Nightfall DreamFire

Appearence: Like a robot. Picture will be coming soon. 

Superhero Appearence: Same. But we will be more flexible and whatnot. 

Superhero Name: The Mechanical One

Superhero Powers: We can use our brain to full capacity. The computer chip installed in our brains will become more powerful, due to advanced coding. We can become partially immortal for half and hour, but it can only be used three times in a moon cycle. We have laser sensors with heightened activity sensor, but all of this can be deactivated. It also takes up storage space, and once we have too much, we will immediatley burst into flames. 

Other: We are prepared. We have asked Ocean to advance code us, and we have double-tipped spears embedded somewhere in our system. We also have a poison that only Nightfall DreamFire and Demon DreamFire have access to. 


Nightfall DreamFire, Demon DreamFire, and Electro DreamFire

[@Admins -- DreamFire is a fake last name. Have a good day! Or night...]  

submitted by Nightfall DreamFire, age they/them, DreamWorld
(December 27, 2020 - 1:09 am)

Sounds cool. Should I join?

 Are you asking us? I'm signing up with or without you, so GIVE ME THE COMPUTER.

No way. Me first!

 Name: dreamiing or dreamii

CBer or AE? (No CAPTCHA's allowed, sorry!) CBer

Age: 11-12, but I act 14-15

Gender: Um. Just use she/her please?

Personality: I'm an introvert, I hate talking, I'm very awkward, I cant make eye contact, and I love writing + reading + drawing. 

Luggage: Several books (Namely, The Girl Who Drank The Moon, Mazerunner, Among the Hidden and some others), a flashlight, a scarf, a bag with toiletries + changes of clothes, and my computer. This fits into a black shoulder bag.

Companions (Two AEs per CBer!): I'll bring Faith!

Appearance: I have shoulder-length blue-purple-white hair, pale skin dotted with gold and silver freckles, a halo made from teeny-tiny stars that floats just above my head, a soft black sweater with silver thread details, baggy indigo pants that swish around my bare feet. I still have the raven wings made of galaxies, except their smaller now and never go away. Also they have a fuzzy quality, with stars escaping and floating around me occasionally. Also indigo eyes, but one a bit more purple and one a bit more blue.

Superhero Appearance: Basically the same, except I add on a long black-blue cape and a mask made of shadows that covers my eyes + nose.

Superhero Name: Dreamwhisper

Superhero Powers: I can enter any dream, no matter where the person is, and talk to that person. I also can send Dreamvisions to any person, whether they are awake or asleep, that have a prerecorded message in them. There are some setbacks, though. Since Dreamvisiting is invading personal privacy, I try not to use it too much.

Other: I can fly with my wings.


 Name: Faith

CBer or AE? (No CAPTCHA's allowed, sorry!) AE!

Age: I think 14 1/2.

Gender: Agender and PROUD! I use she/her though.

Personality: I'm loud, messy, and a total extrovert. I love talking but I can NOT start conversations... So awkward. I have a temper though!

Luggage: I'm bringing assorted things I can throw, a copy of my favorite book, and toiletries. It all fits in a white bag splattered with blue, green, and pink paint (all electric hehe)!

Companions (Two AEs per CBer!): dreamiing

Appearance: Faith has messy blonde hair with electric-blue tips. It's done in a pixie cut but she grew it out so it's around chin-length. She has pale skin (although she's trying to tan it) with rosy cheeks and a daring grin. She's a little shorter than average height, with slightly broad shoulders and big feet. Faith wears bright clothes, such as blue tank tops with silver headbands and white shorts. Also, she goes barefoot or wears bright green flip flops. 

Superhero Appearance: The same, except I have a mask covering my eyes (lime green and electric blue) and a paint splattered white jumpsuit. I'm holding bright pink spray paint bottles (SplatterPaint) that are my weapons! 

Superhero Name: Splatter

Superhero Powers: For this ski lodge I will have spraypaint powers! I'm a graffiti artist, and with my SplatterPaint, I can make things come to life! I paint an elephant and it COMES TO LIFE! Also if I press the logo on the bottles they turn into deadly sharp throwing stars. Pretty cool :D

Other: I wish I had powers outside of the ski lodge :(

submitted by dreamiing, lost
(December 27, 2020 - 2:31 pm)

Name: Wreeboo

CBer or AE? (No CAPTCHA's allowed, sorry!): CBer

Age: 13

Gender: Female, she/her

Personality: Mostly introverted, but once I get to know you, I can be a little more extroverted. I can be a little bit too talkative when I get excited.

Luggage: Lots of clothes and shoes, a Kindle, a Polaroid camera, a Perler bead heart made by my little sister (it fell in), my citrus perfume, some candy, an adorable stuffed gray dog with amber eyes.

Companions (Two AEs per CBer!): Nooooope

Appearance: Short and slim, with short with blonde hair that I like to wear either down or in a tiny bun at the nape of my neck (yeesh nape sunds hilariously poetic). I have deep brown eyes and small-ish wren wings.

Superhero Appearance: My wings get just big enough for me to hover with, and, y'know, magical clothes transformation XD. My superhero clothes are a tight-fitting beige long-sleeved shirt and puffy golden-yellow "genie pants." My hair becomes long, white and glowing, and it is in a long braid, and my eyes also glow, but they turn amber/yellow.

Superhero Name: Golden 

Superhero Powers: I can manipulate time. There are restrictions, though. Mostly, I can just freeze time and then rearrange things around me, like move falling objects. I can also move 1 minute backwards in time.

Other: Mmmmmmmmmmm I dunno I don't think there's anything.

submitted by Wreeboo, age Immortal, Nowhere and Everywhere
(December 27, 2020 - 10:54 pm)

:P Yes. i'm Kitty Cat

submitted by Emberblaze\Kitty Cat
(December 28, 2020 - 10:01 pm)
submitted by TOP
(January 3, 2021 - 3:52 pm)