Cat picturings!  

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Cat picturings!  

Cat picturings!            

Hi! I can't really draw humans, so I can't really do a normal picturings thread, but I can draw cats, so I thought I could do a cat picturing thread. I could draw a cat OC of yours, a pet cat, how you think you would look as a cat, how I imagine you as a cat, or just a random cat you come up with. Here's the sheet to fill out:




Expression (happy, sad, excited, etc.):


submitted by Fallen Leaf
(April 17, 2021 - 5:20 pm)

I'd like a picturing of my AE, Koi!


Because I said so. Now fill out the form. 

Name: Koi. 

Personality: Beautiful. *Sigh* Okay so she's pretty anti-social, a bit snooty and thinks she's better than everyone else. Well, I am. Sure, Koi. Sure. 

Appearance: Beautiful, duh. Again, I'm going to have to step in. She's a ginger cat with greenish eyes. 

Expression: Beautiful. No. It's going to be lazy. Does lazy count as an expression? If not, then just kinda bored. 

Other: MAKE ME BEAU- Okay, we get it Koi. Fallen's a great artist and I'm sure they'll make you beautiful. Fine. 

submitted by pangolin
(April 20, 2021 - 7:34 am)

Here's Koi! I got the idea for the background when I started drawing and I just had to do it. I hope it's beautiful enough for you, Koi! 

submitted by Fallen Leaf
(April 20, 2021 - 5:57 pm)

Wow! Thank you! I love the background! What do you say, Koi. 

*is secretly in awe by its beauty* Well, uh, you captured 2/3 of my beauty. 


I mean, its very nice. Thank you, Fallen Leaf.

Much better. Anyway, it's perfect. I love it. And Koi does too. Even if she is having a hard time showing it. 

<3 pangolin & Koi  

submitted by pangolin, she/her
(April 21, 2021 - 11:22 am)

These are so cute!

Name: Sterling

Personality: Introverted, quiet, passionate, creative.

Appearance: Dark blue fur with lighter blue stripes, grey eyes, small golden earrings.

Expression (happy, sad, excited, etc.): Happy!

Other: Thank you!

submitted by Sterling, the multiverse
(April 21, 2021 - 9:09 am)

Here's yours, Sterling! I hope you like it, and lmk if you want anything changed :)

submitted by Fallen Leaf
(April 22, 2021 - 1:00 pm)

I'd love a picturing! They're so cute!

Name: Barnswallow 

Personality: usually quiet, a bit serious, I love to explore places and climb things

Appearance: light gray with some white patches and some very light orange patches 

Expression: curious 


submitted by Barnswallow
(April 22, 2021 - 4:50 pm)

Barnswallow, here's your picturing! Sorry it took so long. Let me know if there's anything you need me to change! I hope you like it!

submitted by Fallen Leaf, Infinity
(April 30, 2021 - 12:41 pm)

Thanks so much Fallen Leaf! I love it! It's super cute!

submitted by Barnswallow
(April 30, 2021 - 4:04 pm)

A few updates:

1. Barnswallow, I'll do yours soon. Sorry for the wait!

2. My friend says she wants to help with the picturings. Below is a picture of her style. (It's on a whiteboard, the actually thing would be colored and on paper) She only does headshots. From now on, in the form, you can put if you want me to do the picturing, my friend to do it, or both of us to do it. Thanks!

-Fallen Leaf 

submitted by Fallen Leaf
(April 27, 2021 - 10:43 am)

Sorry, I forgot to attach the picture. Here it is:

submitted by Fallen Leaf
(April 27, 2021 - 10:44 am)

Name: Ultra

Personality: sweet, but sometimes rude without realizing it 

Appearance: gold with a few silver stripes

Expression (happy, sad, excited, etc.): excited

Other: can both you and your friend do it? Also... THANK YOU SO MUCH!

submitted by Sara March, age Banana, That place there
(April 30, 2021 - 4:12 pm)