?MEETING?Do you band

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

?MEETING?Do you band

Do you band freak club members think we should have a meeting? If Cara thinks we should we can post stuff on this thread like what we are playing.

submitted by Makenzie S. :-D, PA
(October 27, 2009 - 5:56 pm)

Well, I think we should.

Last year I played a clarinet solo called Allegretto Fantasia, By Sextus Miscow, It was really fun!

submitted by Nighthawk, age 13
(October 28, 2009 - 8:47 pm)

Yes, I think we should have our meetings on this thread.

Things I'm currently playing: Viva La Vida (Proof to the saxophone player behind me that flutes CAN be loud)The Star Spangled Banner (Not as hard as it seems) My America, God Bless America (Very easy)Tunes That Go Bump In The Night, Sleigh Ride, Highlights from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (It's hard, and I'm tired of Oompa-Loompas!). Sound like a lot? It's not that bad, the band teacher could be evil, which she most certainly isn't.

submitted by Cara
(October 29, 2009 - 12:50 pm)

OK I am playing a ton of stuff for my holiday concert, but my sister and I can play violin because my older brother gave his size 3/4 to us!!! (he has to get a full size)        Anyway I am so excited to play violin!!!Smile

submitted by Makenzie S., PA
(October 31, 2009 - 10:23 am)

Makenzie?  *raises eyebrows*. Really?

submitted by Ann, age 12, Illinois
(November 11, 2009 - 4:02 pm)

We just did our first concert on Thursday! We played Summer in Rio, a West Side Story medley (with "Maria", "Tonight", "One Hand, One Heart", "Cool", and "Somewhere"), and Prelude and Tarantella. Very fun! I was in beginning band last year with 4 of my friends and this year we're all in varsity (our band teacher puts some 7th graders in varsity (3rd year) and some in cadet (2nd year) ) and we were listening to beginning band and almost lost it! They sounded so. . .I don't know how to put this politely. . .ummm, interesting, that we couldn't help it. But, it was their first concert, so. . . Anyway, I have to memorize Parade Set Two in 12 days for the Veteran's Day Parade!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! It has Grand old Flag (really not too hard) and Stars and Stripes Forever, which I am struggling to play, let alone memorize! Any tips?! 

submitted by Emma , Flute player
(October 31, 2009 - 12:00 pm)

I play flute too but it gets CRAZY because I am ten years old in sixth grade(I skipped 2) and I am in advanced placement seventh grade band!  Anyway my addvice is practice for around an hour every day, and as long as it is not a solo if you get lost just fingerrandom notes  and don't really play.  Hope this helps!

submitted by Makenzie S.
(November 1, 2009 - 8:41 am)
Thanks, Makenzie! One of the awesome things about flutes it that you can, like you said, just finger random note! My friend, who plays trombone, can't do that because everyone would be able to tell... Sorry. Rambling. Anyway. I have to practice an hour a day in order to pass band (we have to turn in practice record things)! I've been practiceing a lot and my dad, who, luckily, played trumpet from 5th to 12th grade and still plays, was able to help me out. I was having trouble with certain parts of the song, so he just sat down and had me play and count everything out and know I can play it just fine! The bad thing is I need it memorized by November 11! Eeeep! Thanks for the advice! Any more tips on memorizing?
submitted by Emma O
(November 2, 2009 - 11:48 am)

I've learned how to play Clocks and Viva La Vida on the clairinet (really not that hard) I'm currently learning Beatles songs on the guitar. I Am The Walrus is awesome to play!

submitted by Lovely Lunegood
(November 3, 2009 - 11:46 am)

Viva La Vida is a fun song, though slightly exhausting.

I can now tell if I'm out of tune when the whole group is playing a song. Also, before I started playing today, I randomly fingerd a few notes, and when I pressed one of the keys I heard a weird noise. I looked, and there was something stuck to the pad of that key. I removed it, and the weird noise stopped. Sorry for boring you with this.

submitted by Cara
(November 3, 2009 - 6:52 pm)

For violin lessons I'm doing three duets, one by Vivaldi and I forget who wrote the other two... also another Suzuki book song by Vivaldi, and of course a boring couple pages of exercises and scales. In Orchestra we're doing two pieces and I forget their names too... :P

submitted by Julia, age 13, Oregon
(November 10, 2009 - 6:00 pm)

EEEEEEEEEEP!!! Tomorrow is the Veteran's Day Parade, which our band is in!!!!! EEEEEP!! I'm soooooo excited! I'm in the second row with one other flute. We're playing Parade Set Two (I know I've said this already) which has Grand Old Flag and Stars and Stripes. I have it memorized . . . Or so it seems, until I get out there and start marching and turning corners and keeping my lines straight and paying attention to Mr. Nelson (our director) and making sure my glide-step is smooth and remembering the three rules (rule #1~ eyes and chin up, rule #2 halfway between two people [it just means to sty in line], rule #3 no whining) and *falls over* But, it seems like last year, in the Strawberry Parade, I had the same problem and it just got better as the parade went on, so my fingers are crossed! That's all. Gotta go practice! Bye! 

submitted by Emma
(November 10, 2009 - 11:16 pm)

My flute is messed up. One of the keys is either bent or needs a new pad. I have to press really hard in a certain spot for it to seal properly. On the 5th of December my band is going to ride on a trailer in a parade a 6 p.m. and play some Christmas songs and we're probably going to freeze. I wish I had some magical gloves that could keep my hands nice and warm, and yet be thin enough for me to be able to actually feel the keys, and, of course, they wouldn't be slippery. Unfortunately, these gloves don't exist outside my imagination. :(  And then we have a concert on the 10th.

submitted by Cara
(November 24, 2009 - 5:02 pm)

So, my flute has been fixed and we're not going to be in the parade.

submitted by Cara
(December 3, 2009 - 7:17 pm)

Yay, I think my mom is going to teach me the saxophone!!!!!

That is, only if I can find enough time in my busy schedule which includes practicing the piano (1 hour) and practicing the clarinet (30 min).

So, bye bye! I have to practice!

submitted by Nighthawlk, age 13
(December 4, 2009 - 7:56 pm)

The concert went very well. At practice I'd always mess up during a certain part, but I played it perfectly at the concert. :)

submitted by Cara, age 12♪♫, Imbler, OR
(December 11, 2009 - 12:54 pm)