Ski Lodge!

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Ski Lodge!

Ski Lodge!

For a second, there is static.


Endless nothingness, with only a strange, scratchy sound to keep you company. 


And then you hear a voice. A grumpy one.


"I don’t think this is going to work, Rose. I hate to break it to you, but your plan’s dumb. Even if we can get this camera, which, might I add, is ANCIENT, to work, what do we do then?"


A figure comes into focus. Two of them, actually. A teenage girl with brown hair, a black and white headband, and an olive green jacket fixes the camera, while a person with short, curly auburn hair and a blue sweater looks angrily at her.


"What did I tell you, Atom?” The girl grins at the camera. told you, with a little perseverance, we’d get this thing working. Now we can carry out my AMAZING plan!" She claps her hands and the curly-haired person scowls. The girl turns to the camera and stares—at you.


"Hello there!" She says, and you jump back"I’m Rose, and this is Atom! We’re talking to you from the Somewhere Hotel!"


"Some hotel this turned out to be,” says the person named Atom. I truly do not think this is a very good idea. Maybe you’ll convince some people to come, but that will not change the fact that you can’t get Echo to come out of her room"


"—What Atom means is that we’re inviting you to stay at our wonderful hotel, and the owner, Madam Echo Lunation herself, will be here to greet you!"


"Will she?Snaps Atom. "Or will one of her colorful personalities be here instead?


"ENOUGH!” You jump again as Rose yells at Atom. "Everything’s going to be okay, okay, Atom? Now I know you don’t want to believe it, but it is going to get better. These people will help us, as we will help them. So there.


Rose turns back to you and gives what seems very much like a forced smile. "As Atom has mentioned, our hotel has fallen on some… Tough times. Perhaps you have, too? Maybe you just do not know it. We need a helping hand here, and we’re willing to offer you one in exchange: an exciting adventure here at our extraordinary hotel! What do you think?"


What do you think? Should you go on this adventure and help Rose and Atom and this… Echo character? Do you even have a choice?


You’re thinking when an envelope slips out of your CD player. In it is a strange letter.


"Gotta go—good luck!" Rose’s voice grows staticky and harder to understand. "W-w-w-we’re counting o-on Y—Y—YOU…" the TV shuts off.


You read the letter:


Welcome! To enjoy a completely free 13-Day stay at the Somewhere Hotel, please fill out the following form:








Packing list (please note that any silver watches will be confiscated if found):




Lucky number:


Is the glass half full or half empty?:


What do you say at the end of a story?:


Is it going to be okay?:


What’s in the mirror?:


Favorite beverage:


*starts singing Broadway Musical songs*:


You wake up and realize that someone has dyed your hair purple. What’s your reaction?:


Aren’t I so good at writing questions?:


Last, and most important of all… What is your greatest weakness? Something you want to fix about yourself?:


Anything else?:



Hmm. This is quite the puzzler, you think. But what else were you going to do—watch reruns on your TV all night? No. Perhaps this 13-Day stay will do you some good. Besides, it’s a hotel. A weird one, but weird is cool. What could possibly go wrong? You fill out the form and lean back on your couch, ready to start this strange adventure.





We hope to see you soon! 



submitted by Echo, Rose, and Atom, The Somewhere Hotel!
(May 1, 2022 - 8:50 pm)
submitted by New part!, Top
(April 1, 2024 - 10:50 am)

oooh this is so good!! i love how we got both Rose's and Echo's perspectives there - that was really cool! and NO XAVIER >:((( 

i love how you write the characters in this ski lodge! i feel like you've brought the hosts to life in a way that isn't commonly done in ski lodges, and that's so cool. i do feel a bit bad for them sometimes, though XD 

and whoa "Echo Lunation's Hotel for the Empty"??? that's such a cool title, oh my goodness!! i wonder why the sign changed...? hmm

anyway, i'm excited for next part, but take as long as you need!! this ski lodge is absolutely incredible <3

submitted by pangolin, age she/they, Outskirts of the Galaxy
(April 1, 2024 - 6:14 pm)
submitted by Top
(April 5, 2024 - 6:40 am)
submitted by Top
(April 5, 2024 - 11:28 am)

Day 10, Part 29


Atom and Rose both looked at Echo in surprise, but before she could say anything, Writing came running.


“Come quick!” Writing yelled. “We found Avara, Tsuki, and Darkling!”


They followed writing over to where Silver Crystal was kneeling next to Avara, Tsuki, and Darkling, all of whom were unconscious on the ground. She was taking Tsuki’s pulse.


“Is she alive?” Rose asked anxiously.


“Yes, and so is Avara,” Silver Crystal said. “Tsuki seems to have miraculously survived whatever happened to her, but she’s in bad condition. Avara hasn’t been harmed at all.” She didn’t look up. “But I have bad news about Darkling.”


Atom looked over at the people before them. Silver was right - Avara seemed to be merely asleep, a look of peace upon her face. Tsuki, on the other hand, seemed to be breathing despite multiple injuries and looking like she’d had years of life sucked out of her. And Darkling…


Rose gasped a little at Darkling’s face. One of their eyes was open, and it was filled with ones and zeroes. 


“We’re not sure what happened to them,” Writing said. “We can ask Avara and Tsuki when we wake up. But we need to get out of here and tend to Tsuki’s injuries if we want her to survive.”

“But how?” Atom asked.


“Actually, I don’t think that’s going to be a problem for much longer.” Silver gestured around and for the first time they noticed that the sky around them had large cracks in it. Bits of it were falling to the ground, which crumbled too. 


“The maze is falling apart,” Writing said. “Like it’s… finished with us.”


The ground rumbled, and everything started to fade until all anyone could see was bright white light. 



When Echo woke up, they were back outside of the hotel. This time, it said "The Somewhere Hotel" like it was supposed to.


She shook Atom, Rose, Writing, and Silver awake, and they carried the other three inside.


“I brought Avara up to her room after making sure we hadn’t missed any possible injuries,” said Rose. “We should keep Tsuki down here to check on her health regularly. And as for Darkling…”

“We still haven’t buried Sterling, either,” Atom said quietly. “We should have a quick funeral for both of them, and then we need to get some sleep.”


That’s what they did.



Layla was missing.

Well, not missing in the sense that nobody had a clue as to where she was. They had a good idea. Probably in the large black tower that had appeared on Sunflower Hill. But nobody could get up there. It was surrounded by thorns and vines; there didn’t seem to be any way in.

Inside the tower, Layla and Ink sat.


Why are you keeping me here? Layla said. Who are you?


Ink chuckled. I’m your other half, Layla, it said. We’re two sides of the same coin.


Let me go! Layla said. 

I don’t think I’ll be doing that. Don’t you know that part of the reason was here is that one of the others helped me.


What do you mean? It’s not like anybody on Sunflower Hill would want to help you. You’re a monster!


Ah, but they did. I promised them freedom… and power. It’s funny how persuasive those two things can be.


Layla looked up at Ink, afraid. What do you want from me?


Ink smiled. I’m so glad you asked…




“I can take the first shift watching Tsuki,” Rose said, her eyes shut.

“You really don’t have to.” Atom was half asleep.


“I’ve got it. Go get some rest, guys,” said the murderer. Rose and Atom were too tired to even argue — or get a good look at who they were speaking to.


Once they were gone, the murderer looked over to Tsuki, who was still unconscious. “Well, it seems the maze did some of the work for me today,” they said to her. “Darkling’s dead, and you’re half-dead. Now I just have to finish the job.”


The murderer was careful. It had to look like Tsuki had died all on her own, like she had been in worse condition than everyone had thought. They couldn’t physically injure Tsuki… but maybe they could poison their medicine.


“You put up a good fight, Tsuki,” the murderer said as they worked. “I admire you. Really. I wish I didn’t have to do this, but I’m afraid I do. And let’s be honest, you don’t want to stay here anyway.” The poison was in Tsuki’s system now. The murderer stepped back. “It’s getting worse by the minute.”


I've returned! The italics and bold weren't really behaving, so I'm sorry if that doesn't go through (it might make this part a bit more confusing so lmk if there's anything that needs to be clarified)!
This ski lodge has officially been going for over two years - wow! I'm determined to make it to the end, although I'm not sure how many of you readers are left… but if you're still following along with this, thank you for your patience :D
submitted by Echo, Who can be sure anymore
(June 1, 2024 - 7:05 am)
submitted by New part!
(June 1, 2024 - 9:54 am)

I'm reading along and enjoying this quite a bit!

Not sure if I ever communicated that, though...

submitted by Lyric, age :D, Jellyfish
(June 1, 2024 - 10:58 am)

Yayyy, new part!!!!! Heheee yeah same as Lyric I don't remember if I've ever said how much I love this ski lodge... wow over two years!! :00 but ACK aWeSoMeeee new part I love everything so much yay we're out of the maze! also I must confess to not really remembering about Layla and Ink are 'cuz it's been a while since I read the other parts but they sound so interesting and really looking forward to getting to know them and the situation more!! Also NOO not Darkling and Tsuki!! Also hm Avara's in her room, right?? So *gasp!* is Silver the murderer?!?? Anyways but yeah as said So fantastic job with this sorry if I've never commented this is one of my favorite ski lodge ever!!!!

submitted by CelineBurning Bright, yayy we’re backkk :DDD
(June 1, 2024 - 1:56 pm)

Awww I have been unalived :,(

May this comment bring my favorite ski lodge back from the back pages; oh website gods hear my prayer 

submitted by Darkling, age 16, Livin la vida loca
(July 6, 2024 - 1:13 am)