Ski lodge~Element Camp

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Ski lodge~Element Camp

Ski lodge~Element Camp

The days were getting cooler, and summer was almost over. One more week than you had to go back to school. No more staying up late, and no more sneaking cold treats from the freezer while you parents slept. And so, with these depressing thoughts swirling around in your head, you decide to take a walk in the woods that was only a block away from your house. When you arrive at the entance of the dirt pathway, you pause a moment and look around at the trees. There were very subtle hints of yellow and orange, though you could hardly tell. And so you start to walk into the forest. Not very far along the path, a squirrel chatters at you from a lage mossy oak. You frown at the furry creature, startled to see an envelope in their jaws. Stepping to take the note, you open it and reading quietly,

To whom it may concern,
Greetings. If you have found this note, and it was given to you by a wild animal, then you are lucky to count yourself on being invited to spend the remaining time of the summer holidays at Element Camp. Directly tommorow, whatever day that may be for you, you will be picked up at your house, tent, RV, or bush by underground travel. A young man named Thistle will be there to escort you, and you will have the best time of your life once you arrive. I hope to see you there, 

The Mistress


Well, you think to your self, why not? and with that, you head home to tell your cat.







Fire, Air, Water or Earth-

Favorite color-



Only CBers please, and I will be accepting up to 11 of you. Thanks!! 

submitted by Mistress
(February 14, 2023 - 5:01 pm)
submitted by SukiTOP
(March 8, 2023 - 9:48 am)


@Scuttles I forgot to mention that the river inplanted the idea that there is a murder but she can't seem to remember who



Day two-afternoon 

Echo peered down off of the cliff she was standing on, looking at the large expanse of the glittering waters of Lake Starone, while Poe, her black raven circled overhead. She squinted at the setting sun, wondering if she could jump one last time off the 70 foot high cliff into the water. She was already drenched and tired from having to climb up the steep and narrow path that led down to the sandy shore a bit aways from the spot that Echo was standing now. With a slight frown, she decides that it is too late, and it is time to somehow find her way back to camp.

“Poe!” she calls. “Can you see the camp from up there?”

“Crrraw!” says Poe, nodding his head and winging his way north. 

Echo follows him into the trees, and he stays low enough so that she can see him easily. 

“Hey!” A figure runs into Echo’s path. It was Zealatom. “Hey,” he pants, bending over to put his hands on his knees. “Are you heading back to camp? I’m a bit too lazy to ‘feel my way back using my element.’” He grins.  

“Yeah, I’m heading back to camp,” Echo glanced up at the tree branches. Poe was getting a bit far ahead. “But you’d better hurry. My guide is getting away!”

“Ok!” Zealatom charges after Echo as she runs after her bird. With Zealatom at her heels, they reach the camp in a matter of minutes. 

“Hello!” Avara flies in front of Echo’s face. “You are just in time for hot dog roasting!” She hands each of the late comers a sharp stick. “They are over there,” she added, pointing to a small table at one side and then flew over there herself, her blue cape rippling. 

Echo ran to join her, and speared two hot dogs onto her sharp stick. She walked over to the logs and sat down beside Suki, who’s element was also water.

“Hey,” Echo said to Suki.

Suki looked up from the book she was reading and looked confusedly at Echo for a moment and then smiled. “Oh, hi,” she said as The Mistress came over and lit the fire. 

The campers who were sitting on or standing by the logs leaned forward to start cooking the food. 

“Where did you explore?” Echo asked Suki, who was trying to read her book again. 

“Um,” she smiled mischievously. “I was hiding myself in a pool of water and then jumping out to scare anyone that went by. So I didn’t really explore.”

“I didn't do much exploring either,” Echo admitted. “I spent most of my time jumping off of cliffs.”

 Someone next to Echo coughed and she turned, and realized it was Reuby Moonnight. 

“Did you say you were jumping off of cliffs?” she asked incredulously.

“Yep,” said Echo, slightly smug.

Reuby looked so surprised that Echo had to laugh. Reuby glared at Echo and then nodded to the fire. “Your dogs are looking pretty hot.”

Startled, Echo looked over at the fire, and found that her hot dogs were on fire. Cursing, she glared at Reuby, and she was the one looking smug now. “You did this, put it out!” she waved the flaming food in her face. Reuby raised her eyebrows cooly, and put out the flames by clasping her hand around it.

Echo glared at the burnt food, and then half heartedly started to eat it off the sharp stick. Poe came and landed on her shoulder, his sharp claws digging into her cape.

Grawk?” he asked. 

“Here,” Echo gave him one of her burnt hot dogs. He took it in his beak and then flapped up to a tree branch.

“That's a cool bird,” Suki commented. “He reminds me of Nevermore.”

“Who's that?” Echo asks. 

“Oh, just a raven from a book.”


As night descends on the forest, Scuttles somehow gets everyone to join in on a sing a long, and a game of charades. Once stars start to pop out through the branches of the trees, Echo goes over to her blue tent with the encouragement of The Mistress. In fact, she somehow convinced everyone to go to bed a bit early, saying she had a long day planned for tomorrow. And with that thought in mind, Echo fell asleep pretty quickly, with Poe sleeping on the roof of her tent.

submitted by Mistress
(March 8, 2023 - 3:00 pm)

Yessss there's a new part! It is lovely! :0

submitted by Scuttles
(March 9, 2023 - 7:48 am)

So good so far!


submitted by ~Echo TOPperswift~
(March 9, 2023 - 12:10 pm)

Day two-night


That night they struck. The murder crept out of their tent around midnight, spinning in their hands a sharp hot dog stick. An owl hooted in the distance as the sneaky figure tiptoed over to the trees. Holding their breath, they follow the fresh trail of footprints that lead to the outhouses where campers went to the bathroom. As they approached the other clearing, they heard the tell tale sign of the creaking of an outhouse door opening. Ducking behind a tree near the path from clearing to clearing, they waited. Footfalls were coming closer, and coming down the path. Soon, they were right by the tree, and Zealatom walked by, his cat tail swishing behind him. The murder moved swiftly forward after him, but they didn’t move quietly enough for cat ears. Zealatom froze, and then spun on the spot, but as he did so, the killer stabbed the hot dog stick through his heart, and he fell, eyes wide, his mouth open in a yell that he never produced. The stick stabbed into the soft dirt and pinning the cape on the other side of Zealatom, and as a red stained the golden cape he wore, they slipped away, and feathers of night fluttered down behind them.

Dead: Zealatom
Alive:Silver Crystal, Hawkstar, Scuttles [and Fluffles], Echo[and Poe], Suki, Darkvine, Hex, Avara, Reuby Moonnight, Luna

submitted by Mistress
(March 9, 2023 - 10:35 am)

Zealatom's dead!? I wonder who it was...

This Ski Lodge is great, by the way. I love the way The Mistress chose a murderer and then forgot who it was. Also, she chose the murderer instead of something else. She made them murder people. I don't know if that's normal, this is my first Ski Lodge.

submitted by Suki, age 13 eons, Nowhere
(March 9, 2023 - 11:31 pm)

@Suki ty! Yes a ski lodge is basicly a murder mystery story. How the murder comes to be though is different every time.

Day Three

Suki woke to screaming, which wasn’t the best wake-up call she had ever experienced. With a jolt, she sat up, her heart pounding, and the book that had perched on her chest slid to the floor. She scrambled up, her hair a mess, but she didn’t pause. This was a ski lodge, after all. What if someone…? 

A head poked through Suki’s tent flap, and she had to suppress a scream herself.

“Zealatom’s tent is empty!” It was Echo.

“Oh no,” Suki groaned. “I assume he wasn’t the one who screamed?”

Echo looked worried. “I don’t think so. Come on!” 

So Suki scrambled out of her tent and followed the small stream of campers to the trail to the out houses. The sun was just starting to shine through the branches, and when the crowd finally stopped, it was to see The Mistress and a sobbing Avara, who was the one who had screamed. And lying on the ground was…

“Zealatom,” the name was whispered around the campers.

Suki felt sick. She was extremely glad that she hadn’t found him, just lying there, his cape soaked in blood… Suki retched. 

“This is terrible!” exclaimed Silver Crystal, who was to Suki’s right. 

“And so soon,” Echo was behind her, “No one really knew him.”

Suki felt depleted. Her mischievous ways had abandoned her briefly. 

The Mistress cleared her throat. “It looks as if he has been here all night. We will take him to our graveyard. Any activities I have planned will be postponed until after lunch. Who will help carry him?”

Suki and Echo glanced at each other, and for some reason, Suki felt obliged to help. After all, Zealatom’s element had been water as well. 

“We will,” she decided, grabbing Echo’s arm and stepping forward.

The Mistress nodded and Suki gently grabbed Zealatom’s legs and lifted, with Echo at his head. 

The Mistress walked completely off the trail, and everyone followed. Everyone was silent. Once Suki’s arms had begun to ache, The Mistress stopped in yet another clearing. Suki gratefully set down Zealatom, And that is when Hex chose to speak abruptly, “There are feathers on him.”

Everyone looked, and indeed saw five black feathers clinging to Zealatom’s shirt. 

“Oh,” said Echo. “Those look like Poe’s. They must’ve-”

“It looks like they have been there for a while, the way they are soaked with blood.”

Echo looked indignant. “Hey! I’ve been asleep all night! Are you accusing me of something?”

“Maybe I am,” Hex said stiffly.

“Stop!” Avara said with a hiccup. “Just stop. We can speculate later.”

Both CBers looked slightly ashamed. 

“Set him in the stream,” The Mistress instructed, pointing to the water source that Suki hadn’t noticed, though now that she concentrated she could feel the pull.

Picking up Zealatom again, Suki and Echo walked over to the stream and set him down in the shallow waters. The Mistress came over and recited, “Spirit of Water, Spirit of Flow. We return you to your element, we return you home.”

Zealatom began to glow, softly at first, and then brighter, and brighter. Soon, everyone had to look away, and when the light dimmed, Zealatom’s body was gone. In his place was a spirit that looked like Zealatom, but it wasn’t him at the same time. The spirit floated in mid-air for a moment, and then looked sadly at someone in the crowd. All eyes turned to see where he was looking, but when they looked back to see exactly which direction, the spirit had dissolved into mist.



submitted by Mistress
(March 13, 2023 - 10:14 am)

*le gasp* Oh boy oh boy! Another part!

I love the burial ceremony, and the way Zeal looked at the murderer before disappearing! I absolutely cannot wait for the next part!

submitted by Scuttles
(March 13, 2023 - 2:45 pm)

I'm sorry I haven't been commenting! This is great so far :) I love the foreshadowing and the way the Mistress chose the murderer...

also, death by hot dog stick?! Awesome :D 

submitted by Hex
(March 15, 2023 - 7:53 pm)

@Scuttles tysm! here is the next part!

@Hex thank you! I loved the hot dog stick part too. I wanted a bit of laughter mixed in.

Day Three-noon

Hex was extremely annoyed. After Zealatom had returned to his element, she had tried to talk theories with the other campers, but no one seemed the least bit concerned about figuring out who did it. 

“I’m just a concerned camper,” Hex grumbled to Avara, who was the only one who showed the tiniest bit of interest.

Avara still looked slightly shaken from this morning. “I understand,” she said as calmly as she could, “But I think not everyone might not be quite ready to accept that their friend or tent neighbor could be the murder.”

Hex still felt slightly annoyed, but she reluctantly agreed.

By noon everyone seemed in the mood to do something so The Mistress agreed to continue with her original plans for that day.

“Capture the flag,” The Mistress announced.

“What are we, Camp Half-Blood?” muttered Suki, who was within earshot of Hex. She had to smile.

“Here in this bowl are ten slips of paper,” said The Mistress, shaking a small hollowed out gourd she held in her left hand, “And on each slip of paper, there will either be the words Blue Team, or Red Team. On only two slips of paper will there be Captain Red, or Captain Blue. Whomever draws those ones will be in charge of the team. Got that part?”

“Mm hm,” the campers nodded in understanding. 

“Alright,” The Mistress nodded too. “There are boundaries, of course. Marking the borders of each territory will be some sort of fence. It’ll be quite noticeable, and if you happen to cross any boundary except for the middle line to get from one territory to another, you will be out of the game.”

“So, you can cross from one territory to another,” summarized Hawkstar, “But not the fence surrounding your territory or your enemies.”

“Correct,” The Mistress said. “You can ude your element in the game, so long as you don’t harm anone. And lastly, just a quick review of the rules.”

She ran through them all, then started to pass the bowl around. 

“No peeking,” was her motto as she had each camper close their eyes before taking a slip of paper. When the bowl finally reached Hex, there was only one slip of paper left. Hex took it, and then flipped it over. She was on the blue team. 

“Alright,” The Mistress clapped her hands together. “Team captains, please come here.”

There was a slight movement as Darkvine and Scuttles made their way to stand beside Mistress.

“Okay,” she said, glancing at each of the captain’s pieces of paper. “Blue team, come stand by Darkvine, and Red team, by Scuttles.”

Everyone jostled about to get to their captains. Hex arrived next to Darkvine with Hawkstar, Suki, and Reuby at her heels. 

“Okay, good, good,” The Mistress pointed to one side of the forest, then the other. “Red team, Blue team. Here are your flags, and you can find your own base. You have fifteen minutes. When you hear this whistle, the game has started. And… Go!”

Hex ran into the forest indicated by Mistress. She felt elated, and not minding the branches, she flew above them to get a better look. 

“Hex!” Darkvine called down below, “Can you see an ideal place up there?”

Hex zoomed forward, scanning. She had come this way when exploring, and had found a circle of trees with a large rock in the center. There it was! She flew back to her teammates and guided them to the spot. 

“Perfect,” said Darkvine, a bit sarcastic, when Suki suggested putting the flag on top of the boulder, “The flag pole will go right through the rock.”

“Well,” said Hawkstar, looking thoughtful, “We could just lay it up there. It would be a bit easy to guard from the ground, but not from the air.”

“Ok, ok,” said Darkvine. “Hex, you and Reuby will guard the flag, you from air, and Reuby from the ground. The rest of us will guard the edge, and one of us will sneak into enemy territory. Got that?”

“Yep,” Hex said, and took the blue flag from Darkvine and flew up to the rock, placing it on top of it. Then she hovered in the air as she heard a whistle being blown. 

“It’s started!” hissed Darkvine. “Come on, you two!” And she disappeared into the trees with Suki and Hawkstar at her heels. 

Hex watched them go, then turned to look down at Reuby. “So. Who do you think did it?”

Reuby looked up, her scars catching the sunlight strangely. “I don’t know. I honestly suspect Avara. She seemed so upset, it could have been a cover for suspectness.”

“Hmmm,” Hex felt a bit betrayed. She had tried to help Avara recover a bit today, and now she felt a bit like Reuby was talking sense. “You know, that does make sense,” she admitted. “She never even talked to Zealatom that I know of.” 

“Of course I am right,” said Reuby, slightly smug. 

They would have kept talking, except that is when a raven decided to boom dive them.



submitted by Mistress
(March 16, 2023 - 4:09 pm)


*proceeds to go into a wild panic* 

submitted by Reuby Moonnight
(March 16, 2023 - 9:03 pm)

Hehe yesss I love being in charge of things!

Go Poe! Hehehe!

WOnDerfUl part. Absolutely magnificent. I could not do better!

submitted by Scuttles
(March 20, 2023 - 12:07 pm)

That's really good! 

submitted by Avara, she/her
(March 20, 2023 - 4:39 pm)

Ah dear. I may or may not have dropped into the void for a few days... sorry for not seeing this.

I'm dead! Yay?

Very funny.

Righto... Very intriguing though! My spirit continues watching this drama... 

submitted by Zealatom
(March 18, 2023 - 8:21 pm)

@Reuby yep! Poe is coming for the flag.

@Zealatom Sorry! you are dead but yes. You are still watching the chaos.

Day three- afternoon

Hawkstar narrowed her eyes. She was in a tree at the boundary line, and she was watching Avara hovering un-decisively at the line. You could tell it was the line by the way there was a random trail of flowers that grew in a straight line, and Hawkstar could hear them whispering, “Pass not pass not we guard the line,” in small, waverly voices. Hawkstar guessed that Avara couldn’t hear the flowers, because she was a spirit of the wind. She hesitated a moment longer, then passed the line. Almost at once, Hawkstar moved quickly from branch to branch, and when she was just above Avara, she jumped. It probably wasn’t the best move, but she managed to knock Avara out of the air and onto the floor. Instantly, roots from the tree Hawkstar had been in wrapped around Avara, none too gently. 

“Hey!” Avara struggled effortlessly. “Why-?”

“You are on my team’s territory,” Hawkstar heaved Avara to her feet, and she stood there like a pole, unable to fly away. “I have every right in the rules to use my element, and take you prisoner.”

Avara glared at her, but she didn’t speak again. Hawkstar had the roots go back into the ground, and with a firm grip on Avara’s arm, Hawkstar headed over in the direction of the prison, which was just a hollowed out dead oak. When they arrived, Hawkstar pushed Avara into the gap at the base and stood, watching her every move. At some point, Suki showed up.

“They’ve got Darkvine,” she said, glancing at Avara. “I’ll watch her, you go see if you can get her.”

Hawkstar nodded, and then melted into the woods. At the border, she paused, and wiggled her bare toes into the soil. She sent her senses far ahead, and found that Darkvine was by a very large birch. Hawkstar couldn’t sense anyone on the ground nearby, but that didn’t mean much. She glanced left, then right, and then dove into enemy territory.


Reuby Moonnight was trying to make sure that Hex was dealing with Poe, Scuttles, and she was trying to capture Echo, who was staying back for the most part. Poe had come out of nowhere and bomb dived her and Hex, and then Echo and Scuttles had appeared. Hex was trying to stop both fliers, but they both had wings, the bird and Scuttles, and they somehow moved better. Reuby was attempting to block Echo, but she kept yelling instructions to Poe, and it would throw Reuby off. Finally, Reuby shot a thin, but strong strand of smoke at Echo, and bound her legs. She fell forward, and hit the ground.

“Plan G!” Echo yelled as she rolled over. Reuby ran over to Echo, but she got a face full of water. Choking and spluttering, she backed up. 

“No!” Hex shouted. 

Steam was rising off of Reuby, and she looked up. Poe was flying away, the blue flag clutched in his talons. Reuby tried to send a snaking flame after him, but Echo shot her with water again. Then, Echo got herself free and pelted into the woods. Steam coming off in clouds of Reuby, she followed.


They peered through the trees, watching Avara and Suki. Avara was getting water balls splashed at her. Suki’s back was all that they could see. Eyes narrowing, they almost pounced on her back, but then a whistle made them startle back.

“Team Red won!” a faint cry reached their ears.

Cursing slightly, they leaped forward, stabbing Suki with a knife as she turned. She fell, dead before she hit the floor. Yanking out the knife, they ran at Avara. Of course, she screamed. As Avara screamed, a blast of wind hit the murderer. It pushed them back, but not one to give up, they threw the knife under the blast. It sailed through the air and Avara turned her head away, and the knife hit her temple. She collapsed, dead. The wind stopped. And the murderer slipped away, unscathed.

Dead:3 [Zealatom, Suki, Avara]

Alive:8 [Silver Crystal, Hawkstar, Scuttles [with Fluffles], Echo [with Poe], Darkvine, Hex, Reuby, Luna

submitted by Mistress
(March 20, 2023 - 4:43 pm)