~AE Costume Party~

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

~AE Costume Party~

~AE Costume Party~ + *Autumn Festival*?

Hello! Hi! Hey! and other welcomes~

I wanted *actually, I wanted to* to host this AE party/ festival! This IS NOT A HALLOWEEN PARTY, just in case there are CBers on here that don't celebrate, but would like to join in! this is a COSTUME PARTY AND AUTUMN FESTIVAL for AEs. Only. And of course, you can join at ANY time! AND GUESS WHAT!!! It your AE has a pet, he, she, or they are MORE THAN WELCOME to bring it! AS LONG AS THEY GET ALONG WITH OTHER ANIMALS. If they might endlessly bark, yowl, or try to eat living things, please don't bring.

Where?: At a park in CB City, the one with the pond and the cute little ducks, and the big white gazebo. It has open field all around the pond, speckled with turning trees dotted here and there

When?: Honestly, I don't know when, and like I said, join in whenever! but I'm thinking of starting on the 8th.

Who?: Tecincally, my two AEs are hosting, Daisy and V

Why?: Because....?









Are you bringing food/drink? (OPTIONAL):

What's your costume? (not required, but EXTREMELY encouraged):

Pet? If brought, costume?: 

Talks like: 



Thank you so much for joining!! Oh, does anyone want to be the DJ? IT no AE says they want to by the 8th, V and Daisy will take turns being one

Name: Daisy

CBer: Hawkstar

Age: 15


Appearance: On the shorter side with golden hair to shoulders. bright green eyes and a bright smile to match. a few scatered freakles on her face.

Personality: cheery and outgoing and kind. Can put a smile on anyone's face and she loves animals and they do like wise

Are you bringing food/drink? (OPTIONAL): *V is bringing it all*

What's your costume? (not required, but EXTREMELY encouraged): a peacock! Dark teal leggings, light teal longsleeved V necked shirt, with a small frilly dark blue skirt and a fan of feathers. Has a masquerade mask, and hair is in a bun atop her head.

Pet? If brought, costume?: A little Pomsky, named Ji, wearing a little crown and tutu

Talks like: *thisssss* 

Shipping?: open with boys her age or older

Other: n/a


Name: Victor (but goes by V, prefers it)

CBer: Hawkstar

Age: 16

Pronouns: he/him

Appearance: tall and muscular, with dark eyes and hair, with a few strand of hair that always curl on his forehead. A teasing smile, straight white teeth. Mouth shape curves down a bit and makes him looks like he's brooding. Wears jeans and t shirts when possible. And loafers. He is Korean, but speaks English fluently.

Personality: humorous, gentle teasing, kind, pleasant to be around. Enjoys to cook, loves to dance and has a wonderful singing voice

Are you bringing food/drink? (OPTIONAL): Apple turnovers, apple cider, carmal apples, apple pie, apple sauce ^hey, I had a TON of apples to get rid of before they went bad, don't judge ;)^

What's your costume? (not required, but EXTREMELY encouraged): Secret agent, with black business suit, red tie, white shirt beneath coat, and shined black shoes. Has sunglasses, and an earpiece, as well as a walkie talkie

Pet? If brought, costume?: ^Waffles is staying at HOME WOW she would make a MESS^

Talks like: ^this^ 

Shipping?: open with girls

Other: n/a

submitted by Hawkstar, V & Daisy, age Barefoot, Dandelion roar
(October 2, 2023 - 3:04 pm)


/I smile. "/I love making new friends at parties! And also the food. I wonder what kinds of activities there will be… what do you think?\"\


*"*I don't have a pet of my own at the moment,*" I say, "*but we all take care of our resident CAPTCHA, Wanderer, who's mostly hanging out with my sister Indigo tonight. They're wearing matching witch hats!*" I smile. "*This party is a lot of fun. It was really nice of you and V to host it and invite us all. I've helped host a few parties… including one at a support group center? I think that was a party… Man was that weird… Anyway, I've helped host a few parties and I know it's a lot of work. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help! Do you have any specific activities planned?*"*


submitted by Periwinkle, age Pi, Somewhere in the stars
(October 14, 2023 - 5:10 pm)
submitted by top
(October 20, 2023 - 6:45 pm)

Eek I'm so sorry, @Peri and Moon Wolf, I completely lost track of time... here I am finally, and I hope to be more prompt next time :/


|Lyra laughs at my question, confessing that she put something together out of whatever was in her closet. "-Though honestly... I think it suits my vibe pretty well,-" she says. She pauses, sizing me up. "-"Your costume's pretty cool as well. Why did you choose... it?-"|

|"Yeah, it suits your vibe perfectly," I tell her with a grin. "And as for mine.. idk, I love fantasy stuff and things like that, so it seemed to go well. It was pretty easy to get, too. Glad you like it." I flash another grin at her, because honestly I can't really help it. Then I turn to scan the crowds. "Looks like things are advancing," I remark. "Which AEs came with you again...? And omg, look at Vireo and Callum talking," I can't resist adding with an impish grin. "So much for Justin." It's nothing of the sort, I know - Vir and Justin are just the perfect couple, and I can't imagine they'll ever decide they aren't right for each other - but there's a considerable amount of trickster spirit in me.|



^Callum seems a bit awkward; I remember hearing that he's somewhat solitary. "Hello," he says. "Nice to meet you too. Yes, I'm Callum." He hesitates, and I'm about to say something - though I don't have much idea what - when he adds, "Your costume is pretty."^

^"Thanks," I reply. I am proud of my costume - I wanted it to give just the right air, and I worked a lot on it when I wasn't helping Eri with his (at his frantic demand). I take a proper look at Callum's. He seems to have gone as a ghost or a spirit - I'm not sure exactly what. "Yours is great too," I tell him, smiling. "Very themed to the season. So," I add, "what sorts of things do you enjoy? Like going to parties, being with people... or more like the opposite? If you'd like to share."^

submitted by Amethyst's AEs
(October 23, 2023 - 8:24 pm)


*Quinn tells me about their residant CAPTCHA, Wanderer, and a few other things. They asked if there was any activites planned.*

*"oh!" I jumped. "Yes. We have bobbing for apples (traditional fun, why not) and music- Music! OMG, I forgot to turn music on. I'll go do that- can you excuse me?" I asked apoligeticly. Quinn smiled and said with a wave, "see you around!" I smiled greatfully back and then dashed off to the speakers. I dug through the CDs before finding an autunm themed insermental one. I popped it in, and I turned it up as music came from the speakers. I backed up, and then almost tripped over a fluff ball. "There you are, Ji!" I exclaimed, scooping her up and straightening her tiara, walking over to a picnic table to grab a drink. "You need to stop being such a thing to trip over!" i sat down, and took a cup of apple juice. Ji yipped, then sprang from my arms to go find someone else to trip.*

submitted by Daisy
(October 29, 2023 - 3:01 pm)
submitted by top, an AE
(November 4, 2023 - 8:14 pm)