You're Invited...

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

You're Invited...

You're Invited...

Cold, winter air blasts through the door as you step inside your house after a long day of sledding and hiking through the snow. You're freezing, and all you want is to go sit by the fire with a steaming cup of cocoa.

As you turn to slam the door after you, a particularly violent gust of wind throws you away, sending you stumbling back against the wall. You're prepared for a gust of cold air. But instead, warmth caresses your cheeks. A heavenly scent of flowers and vanilla fills the air. You draw a deep breath, and an image of the sea, its turqoise waves sparkling under the brilliant sun, rises before your eyes. The noise of the snowstorm fades away. All you can hear is the soft splash of waves against rocks. All you can see is the sunlit coast of a forested island. And it seems as if the gust of warm wind carries with it the sound of a guitar and ethereal voices.

A woman's voice, clear and strong, speaks. "You are invited..." it seems to say. Then the illusion fades. Once again you're in a cold house, the snow swirling in through the door.

But there's a sheet of paper lying at your feet. It's pure white, gleaming as if sunlight were still reflecting off it.  There are blue patterns across the top of it. It's addressed to you.

Dear CBer, 

You're invited to a vacation on the island of Lydarios, the most beautiful spot in the world, or maybe even the universe! Accomodation and travel expenses are all pre-paid. You will be staying at the luxurious Palacio, a one-of-its-kind ancient palace converted into a five-star hotel located on the coast of Lydarios. You'll be residing here for three weeks, experiencing everything our island has to offer - swimming in the warm turqoise waters, exploring, and reading books from our extensive library where characters come to life - and I don't mean that metaphorically! So maybe there's a little bit of risk involved - this is, after all, a ski lodge - but what's the fun in life if you don't live on the edge? Just fill out the form below to sign up for a marvelous once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.


The Queen

Your breath comes faster. This sounds like the vacation you've always wanted - too good to be true. Quickly, you grab a pen and start filling out the form.






What color embodies you?:

If you could enter a painting, which one would you choose?:

Favorite character(s):

Favorite style of bedroom:

What is your opinion on Oreos:

Are you romantic or practical?:


You're riding through London in the car. As you drive over Waterloo Bridge, you notice a man who has turned bright blue and gone dancing in his bathing trunks on the bridge. What do you do?:

Did that last question make you laugh?: 

Last question! Are you glad the form is finally over?:

This is, of course, a ski-lodge; whether non-death or not, we are at present unable to inform you. There are ten spots available, and AEs and CAPTCHAS are allowed. We hope to see you there!


The Queen


Her Attendants

submitted by The Queen, age ruling, Lydarios Island
(January 4, 2024 - 10:25 pm)

Name: endless_parodies, or just parody is fine, thanks.

Pronouns: they/faer (although she/they/faer are fine as well, i suppose).

Age: Oodles! no, i'm actually 13 and 8/9ths. i turn 14 at the end of this month.

Appearance: see image for appearance.

Personality: infp-t. 91% introverted, but i can be friendly and more social once you get to know me. i'm quite calm, although i get frustrated and angry easily if something bugs me. i believe that i have OCD or some other form of neurodivergence, so then there's that. i also have a large tendency to RAMBLE when i get nErvOUs (i also laugh when i get nervous). i like using words like perhaps, and quite, and i like to seem quite posh--although i mainly do it as a joke.

What color embodies you?: probably a dark/light grey blue/navy blue with rose gold flecks in it.

If you could enter a painting, which one would you choose?: probably one by claude monet.

Favorite character(s): newt from tmr, grover, wren (from WoF), glory, firestar, luz noceda, hunter, amity, willow, nico di angelo (<333 he's a little gay bean), coriolanus snow and lucy gray baird, dr gaul, um, brenda from tmr...i could go on...

Favorite style of bedroom: romantic, but dark and fairy-like.

What is your opinion on Oreos: oreos>>>>>

Are you romantic or practical?: ...i'm a hopeless romantic.

Luggage: iphone (muahaha), sketchpad, books (the maze runner trilogy, anne frank's diary, malala, wings of fire, etc), clothes, jewelry (i want multiple piercings SO BAD but my mom is very conservative and says nO), snake ear cuffs (because sNakeS and YeS), my diary, pencils, toothpaste, and, naturally, that one dust bunny from 2014 that follows me around.

You're riding through London in the car. As you drive over Waterloo Bridge, you notice a man who has turned bright blue and gone dancing in his bathing trunks on the bridge. What do you do?: stare, that's all. capture the image in my head and save it for later. or just go in my bathing suit and join him with my twin brother...we're silly.

Did that last question make you laugh?: it made me chuckle!

Last question! Are you glad the form is finally over?: no, i love filling out forms...although it seems that i always have to use the bathroom while i'm writing them, so i just hold it until i'm done writing...that was probably too much information.

Screenshot 2023-12-20 at 7.57.31 AM.png
submitted by endless_parodies, age oOdles!, they/faer
(January 4, 2024 - 11:49 pm)

Name: Moon Wolf

Pronouns: she/her

Age: 12-13ish

Appearance: sleek dark hair, dark eyes, wearing a moon pendant

Personality: thoughtful, smart, creative, bookworm, quiet until talked to

What color embodies you?: lavender

If you could enter a painting, which one would you choose?: so physically enter? if so, the starry night by van gogh, otherwise, I'll answer later

Favorite character(s): if you're saying book characters...(i really wish I could choose characters from stories I wrote myself lol)...hmm, Firestar from Warriors, uhh Linh from Kotlc, and Moon from WoF (ill change later if you meant something different)

Favorite style of bedroom: canopy bed, but rlly, anything works

What is your opinion on Oreos: great! but only occasionally

Are you romantic or practical?: practical

Luggage: necessities, book, notepad, pen

You're riding through London in the car. As you drive over Waterloo Bridge, you notice a man who has turned bright blue and gone dancing in his bathing trunks on the bridge. What do you do?: stare a bit then walk away quickly

Did that last question make you laugh?: yea kind of

Last question! Are you glad the form is finally over?: nah it was good. can I bring my CAPTCHA Twilight? she/her or it/it's, looks like a wolf pup with wings and purple-blue eyes, friendly and full of energy

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunaryears, A Celestial Sky
(January 4, 2024 - 11:58 pm)

Yes, you can bring your CAPTCHA, as the one spot per person rule does not apply to CAPTCHAS.

submitted by The Queen
(January 7, 2024 - 10:48 am)
submitted by top
(January 5, 2024 - 10:48 am)

Name: Bushy Tail/any nicknames you think of :)

Pronouns: They/her

Age: 14 turning 15 in february

Appearance: Pale skin, green eyes, tons of freckles, short-ish auburn hair usually in either a bun or down, small smile, button nose, slim figure, tall, mostly in a sweatshirt or old t-shirts with old logos, slim jeans, either my riding boots or my tennis shoes, and my satchel with a ton of odds and ends

Personality: chill, looks tired always, kind sweet, quiet, thoughtful in a way that seems like I'm not paying attention

What color embodies you?: Mostly a pale pink or a lavendar

If you could enter a painting, which one would you choose?: Vincent van Gogh's Wheatfield with Crows

Favorite character(s): Alex from Land of Stories series

Favorite style of bedroom: A very messy but clean looking bedroom, if that makes sense, no specifics 

What is your opinion on Oreos: DELICIOUS

Are you romantic or practical?: Romantic *blows air kiss*

Luggage: My satchel, (it seems to have everything I need inside), my leather suitcase with several t-shirts, sweatshirts, long jeans, and ball caps, maybe (if i remembered) a dress or two with some matching jewelry

You're riding through London in the car. As you drive over Waterloo Bridge, you notice a man who has turned bright blue and gone dancing in his bathing trunks on the bridge. What do you do?: pretend he's my uncle and hop out of my car to dance the congo with him

Did that last question make you laugh?: absolutly

Last question! Are you glad the form is finally over?: Sort-of, but I'm glad it went on for awhile! :DD

Other: Are you Celine? Or possibly Thunder? OR Tsuki the Skywolf?And anyways, I'm super excited!

submitted by Bushy Tail, age 14 moons, In The Palace
(January 5, 2024 - 12:06 pm)

Just a note: only one spot per person, please!

submitted by The Queen
(January 5, 2024 - 12:09 pm)

I can't get enough of these lol


Name: WildWolf

Pronouns: She/Her

Age: 12

Appearance: Shoulder length brown hair, brown eyes, larg-ish lips, and light skin.

Personality: Introverted, optimistic, easily annoyed, and 

What color embodies you?: Ig a deep, royal purple with gold and lavender flecks.

If you could enter a painting, which one would you choose?: What's it called? That one by Van Gogh of a bridge and lily pads? It just looks so serene and beautiful.

Favorite character(s): Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter, Keefe from KotLC, Peter from Peter Nimble and his Fantastic eyes, and lot's more that I can't think of right now.

Favorite style of bedroom: Anything cozy. The smaller, the better. As long as it has a bookshelf and a bed I'm happy.

What is your opinion on Oreos: Um...did you say Oreos!? GIMME!!!!

Are you romantic or practical?: Mostly practical with a touch of romantic

Luggage: Books (Unlocked by Shannon Messenger, Peter Nimble by Jonathan Auxier, Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone by J. K. Rowling, and Front Desk by Kelly Yang.), my journal and pen, a few changes of clothes but NO swimsuit (I will not swim in the ocean, thank you very much.), a toothbrush and toothpaste (I REFUSE to get cavities), and Hairbrush. (My hair is seriously out of control in the mornings.)

You're riding through London in the car. As you drive over Waterloo Bridge, you notice a man who has turned bright blue and gone dancing in his bathing trunks on the bridge. What do you do?: Stare for a couple seconds and then look away. Poor guy doesn't need more people looking at him.

Did that last question make you laugh?: Not out loud, but it was funny.

Last question! Are you glad this form is finally over?: No, I like doing forms. 


submitted by WildWolf
(January 5, 2024 - 1:16 pm)

Oops sorry I meant Claude Monet. (I realized that becuase @Parody said the same thing)

submitted by WildWolf
(January 5, 2024 - 1:17 pm)

ooooo YAY!! Another ski lodge :DDDDDDDDDDDD FINALLY

Name: Hawkstar

Pronouns: she/her

Age: 15

Appearance: Tall and skinny, 5'7, with short, almost shoulder length coco colored hair. Brown eyes, full lips and a normal sized nose. freckles across cheeks and nose bridge. Long, slender and quick fingers. Ears are small and have slight points. Usually dressed in brown gray tunic, forest green leggings and a brown, long, hooded cloak. bare foot in warm seasons, booted in cold weather. Has a braided leather belt with sheaved hunting knife. Either has a wooden staff, or a bow and quivver full of arrows. Never both. Is very handy with both weapons. I have hawk wings that appear on my back, 4 feet long on each side. I hardly ever use my wings, and they aren't even there until I want them. 

Personality: Kind, firm, clever and fun. can be very open with laugh and smile, or closed off and mysteriously grumpy. Enjoys company of others usually, and hates to be left out or miss something. Loyal and helpful.

What color embodies you?: hard to say. The rainbow? I can't choose a single color

If you could enter a painting, which one would you choose?: something of Vincent Van Gogh's

Favorite character(s): Leo Valdez, Keefe Sencen, Agatha and Sophie of the Woods Beyond, Glory, Qibli, Kinkajou, Cricket, Tam Song, Ro, aaaaand the list would continue BUT that's enough.

Favorite style of bedroom: Oooooh, okay. a large ish room, with a comfy window seat, and lots of windows. A balcony if possible, with a tree hanging over it. A queen bed, with lots of pillows and fluffy blankets. bookshelves with books if possible, a lamp by the bed, and a bean bag chair near the door. a desk with swivel stool by one of the windows.

What is your opinion on Oreos: eh... I don't really eat stuff like that. But they are good.

Are you romantic or practical?: Mm, both, but more practical on the outside, while giggling up a romantic storm in the "romance" section of my brain

Luggage: Just an extra cloack, sharpening stone, a survival kit and extra arrows in a leather stachel.

You're riding through London in the car. As you drive over Waterloo Bridge, you notice a man who has turned bright blue and gone dancing in his bathing trunks on the bridge. What do you do?: Laugh, then scream at the driver to stop and get out to see if the guy's alright

Did that last question make you laugh?: Yeah :)

Last question! Are you glad the form is finally over?:noooooo! I love forms <3

Other: Can we guess who you are? 

submitted by Hawkstar, age Dynamite, My thoughts in Korea
(January 5, 2024 - 1:48 pm)

You can try-

submitted by The Queen
(January 7, 2024 - 10:49 am)

Name: Silver Crystal (Silver for short)

Pronouns: She/her/hers

Age: 16

Appearance: Long dark brown hair, Asian-ish, white sweater, jeans, black high top converse. 

Personality: INFJ, introverted but very friendly and talkative when I'm comfortable 

What color embodies you?: Blue

If you could enter a painting, which one would you choose?: Right now? Uhh Poppy Field Near Argenteuil by Claude Monet

Favorite character(s): Uhh Ahsoka (Star Wars), Eponine (Les Mis), Alex Fierro (Magnus Chase), Maglor (Silmarillion), and a lot more that I'm forgetting right now

Favorite style of bedroom: Super cozy :)

What is your opinion on Oreos: Very good! Cookies are the best part

Are you romantic or practical?: Both? But probably practical

Luggage: Snacks, laptop, charger, camera, compass.

You're riding through London in the car. As you drive over Waterloo Bridge, you notice a man who has turned bright blue and gone dancing in his bathing trunks on the bridge. What do you do?: Clap and cheer

Did that last question make you laugh?: No, but it was good :)

Last question! Are you glad the form is finally over?: No, I love a long form!

submitted by Silver Crystal, age Infinity, Milky Way
(January 5, 2024 - 1:55 pm)

*hurries to fill one of the coveted spots*

Name: WiLdSoNg 

Pronouns: she/her

Age: teenage 

Appearance: 5' 2", long dark hair, one gold eye, one silver eye, athletic, slim, lots of henna like tattoos, barefoot

Personality: INTJ-T, witty, clever, introverted 

What color embodies you?: silver

If you could enter a painting, which one would you choose?: I don't know any specific famous ones like this, but something involving magical woods or ink on a page

Favorite character(s): Tam, Roman Kitt, that's all for now. How could you even make me choose?

Favorite style of bedroom: natural and magical, but simple

What is your opinion on Oreos: they're ok. Not my favorite, but I'll eat them sometimes 

Are you romantic or practical?: practical but loves fantasizing about being romantic 

Luggage: a satchel containing a journal, colored pencils, a feather, a beautiful dagger, gum, books, and henna pens

You're riding through London in the car. As you drive over Waterloo Bridge, you notice a man who has turned bright blue and gone dancing in his bathing trunks on the bridge. What do you do?: watch as this comical scene unfolds, chuckling

Did that last question make you laugh?: not out loud, but in my head

Last question! Are you glad the form is finally over?: eh :)

submitted by WiLdSoNg
(January 5, 2024 - 3:48 pm)

Is it okay if I reserve (not bringing an AE/Captcha btw)?

submitted by Lyric, age :), nowhere in particular
(January 5, 2024 - 6:31 pm)

*royal dismay* Dear me, I forgot to answer this. Yes, you can reserve. Thank you for signing up, we will be glad to have you.

submitted by The Queen
(January 7, 2024 - 11:45 am)

Name: Darkvine

Pronouns: she/her

Age: early teens

Appearance: shoulder length black hair, bright emerald green eyes, rather short. has horns, the horns are about five inches long, and shiny black. feet are scaly black with short claws. always wearing dark green or gray cloaks with a t-shirt and jeans.

Personality: extroverted, friendly, loyal, brave, cautious. I rarely know what I'm doing, but for some reason everyone assumes I have a plan. when in a life-or-death situation, would sacrifice myself to save someone else. and then haunt people by either yeeting stuff around their room or writing 'hi' on the walls.

What color embodies you?: if I had to choose one, it would be the deep, pure green of a night-stained forest. sometimes it's the silver-speckled black of a night sky, or the courage-inspiring gold of a sunrise after a war. and sometimes just a chaotic lime green

If you could enter a painting, which one would you choose?: idk, anything with dragons

Favorite character(s): I can't really choose... maybe Annabeth from Percy Jackson?

Favorite style of bedroom: glow-in-the-dark stars on the walls, fake vines draped everywhere, art supplies and paintings scattered around, a cat sleeping on the chair. black and gold decor.

What is your opinion on Oreos: a culinary masterpiece. the satisfaction of pulling the crackers apart and eating the fully intact filling is unrivaled.

Are you romantic or practical?: neither actually. I'm more of an "it's not stupid if it works" person.

Luggage: an ipad, a few changes of clothes, a sketchbook full of drawings of ball pythons, and an ornate sword, the blade is shiny black and about two and a half feet long. the hilt is gold and has an emerald on it.

You're riding through London in the car. As you drive over Waterloo Bridge, you notice a man who has turned bright blue and gone dancing in his bathing trunks on the bridge. What do you do?: start cheering him on

Did that last question make you laugh?: sorry but no. I've seen weirder things

Last question! Are you glad the form is finally over?: not sure

let me know if the horns and dragon feet are ok. 

submitted by Darkvine
(January 5, 2024 - 7:26 pm)