Mystery Inn Ski

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Mystery Inn Ski

Mystery Inn Ski Lodge

You are on CB, minding your own business, until you spotted this Ski Lodge. Not unusual in the least. You click on it, of course, and begin to read it, the question lingering in your mind: Should I join?

Suddenly, you receive an email. How odd, you think. An email? So you go into your email and click into it, and spot a typed up message sent to you under the names Secret, Rune, and Enigma. Cautiously, you read it, scrolling down slowly and taking in each word, hopefully. It reads:

You have received an invitation to Mystery Inn, the most prestigious and arguably the most sophisticated place to stay. Everything here is new, just for you! We will take 15 guests maximum. AEs and CAPTCHAs are allowed. Each set of guests receive a certain code as well, in order for you to be eligible to enter. You must translate the following and tell it to one of us: XXXXX. Hopefully, you have an X Message Interpreter with you. For those of you unlucky ones who don’t have one, make your own interpretation of the message. And please fill out the form below if you are willing to attend this luxurious stay:



CBer, AE, or CAPTCHA?:


Brief Personality:


Interpret the message XXXXX:

A riddle:

Your aura/theme:

Your color:

Your message:

We hope to see you there! And since we all share a love of secret messages, which I hope you do too, here’s a message for you:

23 5 12 3 15 13 5

From: Secret, Rune, & Enigma

(P.S. This Ski Lodge being non-death or death will be up to the guests.) 

submitted by Secret, Rune, Enigma, age future, Mystery Inn
(January 5, 2024 - 7:12 pm)

Name: Hawkstar


Pronouns: she/her


CBer, AE, or CAPTCHA?: CBer


Appearance: Tall and skinny, 5'7, with short, almost shoulder length coco colored hair. Brown eyes, full lips and a normal sized nose. freckles across cheeks and nose bridge. Long, slender and quick fingers. Ears are small and have slight points. Usually dressed in brown gray tunic, forest green leggings and a brown, long, hooded cloak. bare foot in warm seasons, booted in cold weather. Has a braided leather belt with sheaved hunting knife. Either has a wooden staff, or a bow and quivver full of arrows. Never both. Is very handy with both weapons. I have hawk wings that appear on my back, 4 feet long on each side. I hardly ever use my wings, and they aren't even there until I want them. 


Brief Personality: Kind, firm, clever and fun. can be very open with laugh and smile, or closed off and mysteriously grumpy. Enjoys company of others usually, and hates to be left out or miss something. Loyal and helpful.


Luggage: Just an extra cloack, sharpening stone, a survival kit and extra arrows in a leather stachel. Oh, and a book for reading and a journal


Interpret the message XXXXX: Um... sending kisses to me...? ...Thanks...?


A riddle: what can be the size of a pea, or as large as a house, but the person who buys it is not the owner? (am I supposed to give the answer?)


Your aura/theme: Mm, rainbow, but greens


Your color: rainbow, or blues and purples


Your message: 20 8 1 14 11 19 - 6 15 18 - 20 8 5 - 23 1 18 13 - 23 5 12 3 15 13 5!

Other: Can we guess you? and love your name/s :D

submitted by Hawkstar, age Dynamite, My thoughts in Korea
(January 5, 2024 - 8:49 pm)

You can provide the answer to your riddle. And of course, feel free to guess me.

submitted by Secret, Rune, Enigma, age future, Mystery Inn
(January 5, 2024 - 11:36 pm)

Mk, the answer to the riddle is a gift! and are you Wildwolf, Sine, or GloomyBear?

submitted by Hawkstar, age Dynamite, My thoughts in Korea
(January 6, 2024 - 9:03 am)
submitted by top
(January 5, 2024 - 10:24 pm)
submitted by top
(January 7, 2024 - 3:17 pm)
submitted by top
(January 8, 2024 - 12:30 am)

Name: scuttles

Pronouns: I'm using he/him pronouns today... So yeah, use those. Too lazy to do the gender-and-pronouns spiel
CBer, AE, or CAPTCHA ? CBer
Appearance: I'm moderately tall, with tan skin and dark brown eyes. I have quite short dark brown hair which I often dye different bright colors. I have big, floofy moth antennae and gray moth wings. I'm wearing Vans high tops with a galaxy pattern on them, with one bright green shoelace and the other neon orange, cargo pants, and a sleeveless T-shirt. If it's cold, I'll wear my favorite dramatic trench-coat-esque overcoat, and sometimes a beanie.
Personality: I'm sort of a combination of your inner toddler and inner college student. I'm fiercely ridiculous and fiercely independent. I love both logic and illogic, and I love to say things that make no sense or talk in circles, but I'm also capable and can be depended on in a crisis.
Luggage: Computer (with stickers on it), drawing tablet (with stickers) and stylus, phone (you guessed it–stickers), multiple sketchbooks/sketch pads of varying sizes (stickers on the cover, again), art supplies (art pencils, colored pencils, art pens, paint, paintbrushes, markers, stickers) enamel pin collection, Nintendo switch, beanies, sharpies, hair dye, two long coils of nylon rope (approved for rock climbing), a belay device (which is something you use to safely rock climb), two rock climbing harnesses (one for me and one spare, in case anybody forgot theirs (because obviously a rock climbing harness is an essential piece of luggage on any trip)), black duct tape.
Interpret XXXXX: Beans.
A riddle: What time is in when an elephant sits on a fence?
Aura/theme:  Moths, snakes, grays and blacks as well as bright, contrasting colors 
Color: Black,  copper, the whole rainbow!
Your message: 25 15 21 18 - 3 15 15 16 5 18 1 20 9 15 14 - 9 19 - 1 16 16 18 5 3 9 1 20 5 4 
Other: I'll be bringing along my pet corn snake, Fluffles, and one of my pet pterodactyls, Ptheodore, Ptheo for short. Ptheo likes to wear psunglasses. 
submitted by Scuttles
(January 8, 2024 - 10:30 am)
submitted by top
(January 9, 2024 - 11:24 am)