What are you

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

What are you

What are you listening to right now?  Ik, I've made like three of these threads, but hey, they make me happy.  Let's see, I'm listening to Wake Up, by Arcade Fire.  But it just finished, so I'm now going to listen to Noah And The Whale, starting with the song 2 Atoms In A Molecule. :)

submitted by Kenzie
(January 21, 2010 - 8:04 pm)

Random electronical noises, my brother brushing his teeth upstairs, me typing yet again, my crazy mixed up thoughts zooming around my cobbwebby brain, my ears ringing from exhaustion and stress.... long story.

Nothing, really.  I don't listen to music very often... except at night.  I now always listen to my ipod when I fall asleep.  Oh, now my brother is playing the guitar.

And I've generally got a few songs whirring in my mind, some symphonies that I've made up, some songs that I've heard.

One in particular, that I worked on for six months in preperation for a competition that was yesterday.  It won't stop haunting my thoughts.  *sob*  I can't stop thinking about it.

I got to go.  I need to go to bed, I'm just too tired. 

Floor creaking upstairs, mom's earbuds too loud.  Dad turing on water in upstairs bathroom....


submitted by Laura❀
(March 1, 2010 - 2:34 am)

Defying Gravity. That is an amaaazing song. The special effects in the musical are also amaaazing.

Kathy and I are gonna sing a Wicked song for the talent show! Probably Popular, Defying Gravity, or For Good.

Do you guys have a vote on which?

submitted by Mary W., age 12.22, NJ
(March 1, 2010 - 4:57 pm)

Ok, well, since I heard Popular once a week for a year*, I'm voting for Defying Gravity.  Plus, it's such a powerful song, that I think you'll really wow everyone with your amazing talents....  :)

Of course, it's really much more of a strain, you'll have to put a lot more into it, and Popular is a cute song, it's really fun to sing... I don't know, if you don't have a lot of time to practice, I'd go with Popular, because even though it's super wordy, it's light, and you don't have to push yourself, not to mention there aren't really any long notes to hold..... Anyway, I don't know.

I have only seen the play once, and I don't have the music, so I don't remember the last one.  Hmm....


*Several of my friends sang that for our last recital, and I therefor heard them sing it every Monday for a year.  WAIT!  No, it was half a year!!! Anyway....... 

submitted by Laura❀
(March 1, 2010 - 8:55 pm)

WHY am I so TIRED?  Ah.  It's awful!  I just feel so lack-of-sleep-ish, and yet, I've gotten more sleep lately than I usually do?  I don't understand....  I'm usually such an energetic person, but I just feel weak today.  My arms actually kind of tickle when I type from their refusal to wake up.  I suppose it's because it's been cloudy all day, and I get disoriented when it's cloudy... I have a hard time telling when it is.  But why do I feel so tired!  I was more awake this morning, but then it was like a ran into a wall... maybe I did.......   Perhaps it's because I've been getting more sleep.  Sometimes that does happen, because I'm not used to this much sleep, I have a hard time waking up.  I'm trying to perk myself up, but my attempts are only half hearted... so........

Not to mention I've been stuck home a lot lately, because of mom doing taxes.  Bleh.  I hate taxes.  I mean, sure they build roads, and fix school, or whatever, but still, I wish there was a way to make it pleasant, you know?

And, all of the books I've got from the library are ones I've already read, or am sort of avoiding because they seem a bit tense.  As much as I love Shannon Hale's book, it took a lot of persuading to pick it up finally.  Of course, as soon as I did I was very happy, goodness knows she can write a book.  Ahh.  Very good.  But still, it was stressful!  And what happens to Falada just disgusted me.  But I'm thinking I might reread it, because I was so tense the first time.  I want to read it again to get things straightened out in my mind, and to enjoy it more without all the suspense. 

Anyway, if anyone has any (that's a lot of 'any's) tips on WAKING UP!!!  I'd very much like to hear them.  Thanks! 

submitted by Laura❀
(March 1, 2010 - 5:06 pm)

Ok, so, as it turns out, it's totally to be expected to be that tired after singing your heart out in front of a pile of judges and girls and one boy in your age division, not to mention anyone who came with them, plus your aunt, two cousins, grandparents on your mom's side, parents, and teacher, who is also your accompanist.  *whew*  Anyway, I'm glad to report I'm much more awake now, and I also feel more much more cheerful.  This is funny, this is starting to feel almost like a diary....  With only me and the Admin reading... heh-heh.  Which I suppose would be good, if it was a diary, and not me running a commentary on my life to people who aren't reading it.  Sorry if I seem a little bitter, I had a lousy weekend, (though, parts of it were spectacular) and, though I'm feeling cheerful now, it's not easy to get rid of all the grumpy comments at once, so you still may read a few of them, but I need you to, because I need someone to hear them, besides my parents.  Anyway, I love you if you're reading this.  :)

Sorry for all the nonsense, I'm all mixed up inside, and am slowly sorting my self into little boxes.  It's hard, but I'm getting there!

"D  <--- that is a smiley leaning out the window 

We're happy to listen while you sort, Laura. It's a good idea to talk things out to a nonjudgmental listener rather than keep them inside. I think there are others reading, too, they may just not submit comments. What did you sing? Were you pleased with your performance?


submitted by Laura❀
(March 1, 2010 - 8:48 pm)

Aw, Admin you're always so nice!!  And you always make me feel better.  Whoever hired you for this did a really good job.

I sang Wouldn't it be Loverly, because I love love LOVE My Fair Lady, and Audrey Hepburn is my idol, and even though she didn't actually sing, she did a pretty good job lip-syncing.  :D 

And I've been studying classical singing for about six months, and so I sang an italian aria called Seben Crudele.

I wasn't nervous until they called my name.  I usually am nervous all day, so I thought I wouldn't get too jumpy, so when I was called up, my being scared took me completely by surprise, and I didn't have time to prepare myself.  It caught me off guard.  So, when I sang Wouldn't it be Loverly, the first half was really quite dreadful, and that made me more nervous... ah, it was awful.  Thankfully, my second song was much better.  See I had to wait 30 seconds in between songs while the judges wrote stuff down, so I had a moment to collect my thoughts, but it was very scary, because no one was allowed to clap, so I just had to stand there, shaking like crazy, waiting for them to tell me to continue.

Well, they finally did, and I sang well enough, not what I would have liked, but I'm still rather proud of myself.  I messed up in a few places, and I was not loud enough to be considered right, which made me sad, because I always work so hard on projecting.  But because I was so nervous and taken off guard, I completely forgot to really push my voice.  Also, it was a much different space to the ones I'm used to, and I had to sing with a nine foot grand piano, where as I usually sing with a synthesizer.  So, you can probably see how I would have been a little unprepared.  Well, at least I know what to look forward to next time.  :)

So, anyway, thank you for your input, Admin!

I need to go now, it's time for bed.  Goodnight! 


Wow, Laura, that's really impressive! I've always been terrified of singing in public. It's great that you even had the courage to get up there! And I'm sure next time will be much easier.


submitted by Laura❀
(March 2, 2010 - 2:53 am)

Ooh, I hope you're right.... I'm amazed that I can do it... when I was little, my mom called me 'Velcro Baby'.  Ha.  If that gives you any idea of how far I've come.  :)

submitted by Laura❀
(March 2, 2010 - 1:17 pm)

Aw, I'm listening, Laura! :) You are so brave to sing in front of a crowd like that. :)

And thank you very much for your input on the talent show song... We're also thinking maybe What Is This Feeling? because it's more of a duet...

Spamboy says ziet. :D

submitted by Mary W., age 12.22, NJ
(March 2, 2010 - 5:48 pm)

Aww!!!  Thank you Mary!!!!!!  :)

Oh, yes, that's a good one, I like that one. 

submitted by Laura❀
(March 4, 2010 - 12:03 am)

I'm posting this as an official reply to your last long post, but I'm replying to all three. First off, right now I'm super tired and I've been getting a lot of sleep - okay ten hours for two nights which is not normal for me - like you. The only difference is that I didn't just sing a huge performance thingy. Oh my gosh! That sounds crazy! Singing in front of judges. That's pretty much a novelty to me, since I'm just used to the same thing with violin and piano, and sort of ice skating, but singing.... Wow! I mean... With the instruments, people can sort of notice if you're nervous (bow shaking, fingers missing notes) and with ice skating I guess seeing your legs shake, but singing... Wow! (I think I'm repeating myself here.) :D :D I sing in a choir, but I've never sung a solo. Can't your voice just shake like crazy if your nervous?? It sounds so scary and nerve-racking. But really, I know how you feel. One time, I had a piano competition type thing that I wasn't really prepared for. (In this case, you perform at one venue, and if you do well enough, the judges move you up to the "Gold Medal" recital, where you play at the local theater and get a "gold medal.") I had played in the Gold Medal recital the year before, but I just hadn't practiced enough. When I got in the hall, I looked at the program, and alarms started going off in my head. I was first. FIRST! I knew I wouldn't make it. I think that made it worse. I was telling myself to calm down, while deep inside of me, I knew I would totally mess up. My heart rate doubled. When I got to the piano, my hands shook the whole time, I sped, and I made a ton of mistakes. (You can bet that I'm practicing a lot now!) :D So I see where you're coming from.

I'd also like to take this opportunity to tell the Admin that you guys are amazing at cheering people up.


(Anti-spam says, "totp." Sort of like top. Kind of. If you really think about it. And since I hit preview and came back, he says, "fwai." FWI??)


 Hey thanks!  We do what we can!  (And on another piano recital note, I've had the SAME experience.  Made a ton of mistakes too.)


submitted by Leaf♪☮♥, age 12 11/12, on a tree!
(March 7, 2010 - 6:06 pm)

Currently repeating the 30 second clip of American Boy on itunes. My parents are probably annoyed. One more time. :-P American Boy/Take me on a trip I'd like to go someday/Take me to New York I'd like to see LA/I'm want to/Come here with you/You'll be my American Boy/American Boy/La la la... Sorry! The fifth and sixth verses are probably wrong. Now to the 30 second clips of the American Idol songs. (go Crystal Bowersox, Didi Benami, and Siobhan Magnus! Many others but to lazy to type them.) Laterz!

submitted by Olive
(March 1, 2010 - 8:52 pm)

I'm listening to my sister attempt to play the piano (she's never taken lessons before). Yaaaaaaaaahoo. ;)

submitted by Julia, age 13, Oregon
(March 2, 2010 - 4:43 pm)

The sound of silence (the actual sound, not the song, although I LOVE THAT SONG!)-

Oh, no wait, the sound of my typing and my brother (known on here as NDT) *attempting* to sing. *coughandnotdoingaverygoodjobcough*.

Anyhoo, I think I'll go to youtube and find all my favorite songs. There's one I've been meaning to memorize. Bye!!

Andy Percy says vfvn. Sigh, gibberish again, and not a single vowel.

~Wolfgirl67 signing off.

submitted by Wolfgirl67, age 12, In the new hous
(March 4, 2010 - 6:26 pm)

Hey!!! You're one to talk about attempting to play the piano!!


But anyway, I'm listening to Begin Again by Colbie Caillat. Julia and I and some of our friends went a Colbie Caillat concert last night. It was really fun!  

submitted by Maddy, age 15, OR
(March 4, 2010 - 7:09 pm)

Hahaha.... Ah...  I'm not very good at piano either, I just started taking lessons a few months ago.

I haven't heard any of her songs except Bubbly, which I've now got on my ipod, so I bet you can guess how I feel about it... anyway, that does sound like fun.  It's nice you and your friends get to do that sort of stuff together............... 

submitted by Laura❀
(March 6, 2010 - 2:09 am)